Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2600: fist

Nuxiu Dizun's face appeared tangled, but in the end she sighed softly and stopped speaking.

The man who lost one of his arms had eight floors, and he had dealt with his injuries, but he was missing an arm. In this space of the forbidden method, the decline in strength would be obvious. So that person's eight-faced complexion was also very bleak.

"Let's have a rest," Jin actually said.

The crowd nodded and sat on the floor. In fact, everyone didn't consume much along the way, just to calm down. About half an hour later, the six immortals once again hit the road.

Because Qin Shuang took the initiative to help the female repairing the deity, the alertness of both sides was reduced a lot, and the atmosphere was harmonious a lot. Everyone has deliberately forgotten the previous attack on the Heavenly Dominion outside the space, but just talked about the things encountered in this space.

Soon after walking, the crowd stopped, in front of them was a Gobi, bare, gray stones everywhere ...

"No!" Because the eighth floor of the man was injured, he was more careful than anyone, and his face was slightly disturbed at this time:

"Look, why do those stones seem to look the same?"

Qin Shuang and others could not help but look seriously, and his face was a little serious. The stones on the entire Gobi are really exactly the same size and feel the same.

"You said ..." the one-armed man replied eighth, "Do they want to raise their fists one by one?"

Zhongxianzun's face changed again. She said that Qin Shuang and other talents were shocked to discover that what is like is basically a fist that only holds up, exactly the same, as if it was a carving master, a fist carved out all over the place, holding it up. fist.


Qin Shuang and others wouldn't think that all the stones here are stones. After experiencing the big head monster, how could they still naively think that those are stones?

Qin Shuang stood in the crowd and never spoke. She ascended from the spiritual realm, and she really lacks knowledge in this area. Then someone asked:

"Golden friend, do you know these fists?"

"Let me think about it!"

Jin frowned, thinking for a long time, but finally shook his head and said, "I have not seen any records in this regard."

While talking, he went forward, walked to the edge of Gobi, and then squatted carefully, looking at a fist-like stone closest to him, no more than half a meter away. Seeing that there was no response from the stone, he carefully reached out his hand and grabbed at the stone, and everyone was tense at this moment, holding his breath.

Jin actually caught the stone, and the stone did not respond. Jin actually raised an eyebrow, grabbed the stone in his hand, picked it up from the ground, took it to the front, and carefully measured it.

Seeing that the stone did not respond, Qin Shuang and others surrounded them, looked at the stone that Jin actually had, and measured it at a close distance, which made people feel surprised.

If this stone is really carved, it would be a miracle.

Jin actually held the hand of the stone and began to slowly increase his strength. The fist suddenly struggled and issued a sharp scream.


Jin actually crushed that fist, and the screaming stopped abruptly, but the face of each Xianzun became ugly, and he looked at the countless fist stones on Gobi, and he was a little disturbed.

Jin actually took a deep breath and looked at the one-armed man, eight levels, saying, "Otherwise you stay here."

The eighth man shook his head and said, "Stay here, who knows what will happen, I'll stay with you."

He held Kendo in his left hand: "These fists may not be able to treat me like that."


Jin did not persuade him, nor were he good friends. Then he walked towards Gobi, saying in his mouth:

"Be careful!"

Qin held the five-element sword with both hands and stepped into the Gobi. The feet carefully avoided the stones, and every fairy respect was a joy in their hearts. They found that as long as they didn't touch the fists, those fists were really like stones, and they were motionless there.

They exchanged their eyes, and they warned each other not to move those fists. Then carefully walk away from those stones.

After half a day, the six immortals have reached the center of Gobi. At this time, although everyone is still alert, their nervousness is somewhat relaxed.

After all this time, the stones on Gobi have not moved.

"Click ..."

At the moment of the clicking sound, the steps of the six immortals were all meals, and their eyes looked sternly at each other. I found that no one touched the fists on Gobi, and then his face changed because those fists moved.

The fists all over the place stretched out and turned into palms, with big eyes in the palms, grunts turning, and a small mouth on each of the five fingertips.

At this moment, Qin Shuang and others felt that the sky had become gloomy and dark.

"Hmm ..."

All palms faced the Qin Shuangxian Zunzhuang, the palm eyes no longer murmured, staring at the Qin Shuangxian Zunzhuang sternly, strangely making the Qin Shuangxianzun sweat and horror.


The earth shook suddenly, just like the earth dragon turned over, because one of the palms jumped off the ground and grabbed the six immortals of Qin Shuang.

Not bad!

It's a catch, not a shoot! Not even a fan!

The palms of one hand were slightly curved with five fingers, and they were grasped towards Qin Shuang and Six Immortals, and the five small mouths on the five fingers of each palm were also wide open, a bite-like appearance.


Jin actually sang loudly, and took the lead in waving the fairy and rushed forward.

"Dangdangdang ..."

Qin Shuang smashed the five-element sword into a ball, the water could not splash, the sword light was a little, the sword curtain was clustered, the meteor swordsmanship was performed to the extreme, and one palm was cut into pieces, like a starlight, rushing forward. .


There was a scream behind them. Qin Shuang waited for Xianzun to look back, and saw that the eighth floor of that man had one arm missing, and now he still holds the sword with his unaccustomed left hand, which is inevitable. The palm of his hand has been scratched on his back, the sound of biting came from his ears, and his back was soon stained with blood.

"Bang bang ..."

More palms caught him, but for a moment, he could not see the eighth layer of that person. His body had been covered with dense palms. Within eighty days, that eighth layer of that person disappeared. No dregs were left, and they were eaten clean by the palms.

Qin Shuang's five hearts could not help raising a hint of panic, moving the fairy dance faster, denser and more urgently, and the speed of running under his feet was faster. After half a day, they rushed out of the Gobi and looked back and saw their palms falling from the air. Falling and turning into a fist stone, one by one sitting on the ground, panting heavily. Sweat is like a stream.


Thank you so much for your serious study (200), seaphay (100), and Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100) for the reward!



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