Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2555: Find

Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "I haven't fully integrated the five elements ... How do I say that I practice differently from others. I have cultivated a total of five primitive gods, and are now in the process of merging into one. Therefore, I cannot let you know the Lord for the time being. "

"Maybe, I can help the host!"

The Five Elements Sword transformed into a streamer that entered Qin Shuang's sea of ​​knowledge, and saw Qin Shuang's Yuan Shen at this time.

"Om ..."

Knowing the sea, the blue dragon helmet, the fire phoenix armor, the unicorn arm, the basalt army and the white tiger boots return to the Yuanshen, and they are dressed above the Yuanshen. The five-edged sword fell, lying sideways on Qin's knees.

The five-element armor of Yuanshen flows with the five-element uprights, and the five-element ring on the wrist is also colorful and flowing. The five-element sword above both knees also emitted a stream of five-element uprights at this time, penetrating into Qin Shuangyuan's body.

Qin's eyebrows were a pick. She felt that her five elements were one, and her speed increased by 30%.

"It's time to go back!"

Qin Shuang went on the wind and flew towards Lang Yuehe.

A few months later.

Qin Shuang flew past the east of Lang Yuehe, and frowned.

Here Qin Shuang remembers the ancestral gate of Qing Yunzong. Qing Yunzong is also a noble ancestor in the barbarous continent, and the lord is an immortal peak. According to the monarch's cultivation as the realm, it should be juxtaposed with the heavenly sect. However, the true fighting power of the Qingyun Sovereign was not only eight streets away from Qin Shuang, but Qingyun Zong and the Sovereign had only three immortals. However, this is also considered a first-rate sect in the barbarous continent.

But at this time, it has become a ruin. The building collapsed and was miserable.

There was no corpse on the ground, and Qin Shuang's body fell into the ruins, and he sniffed, leaving a strong chaos atmosphere.

"Has the Chaos tribe not only attacked Heavenly Sect? Has it begun to ravage the entire territory east of Langyuehe?"

If this is the case, it is easy to understand why there are no corpses here. It is estimated that all corpses, whether human or chaotic, are eaten by the living chaos.

Qin Shuang slowly walked over the ruins, once the Qingyunzong fluttering with fairy charms, was messy at this time.

Qin Shuang passed a half-collapsed wall and stretched out his hand to push gently. With a bang, the remaining half of the wall collapsed.

Qin Shuang paused, his sleeves fluttered in front of him, a piece of Guqin floated in front of him, his hands flicked on the strings, and the chapter of Time Ballad began to spread around Qin Shuang as the center.

After half an hour, Time Ballad played to the next eighth chapter.

Back in time!

The surrounding scene began to change, and she saw countless chaotic beasts attacking Qing Yunzong.

Under the ground of Qingyunzong, countless gray vines broke through the large array of seals underground, and drilled out from the ground inside Qingyunzong. As soon as those vines got out of the ground, they were like a spear, toward each of Yunqing's The monk blasted away, penetrating the monks one by one, absorbing the blood of the monks.

Soon, the monks' bodies were turned into powder and drifted with the wind.


Qing Yunzong's Huzong array was broken by the Chaos tribe, and the tide-like Chaos tribe drowned Qing Yunzong.


Qin double held the strings, swung his sleeves, put away the guqin, his face became ugly.

"It's over!"

As soon as Qin Shuang stepped in the void, her figure rose up into the sky and flew towards the direction of Heavenly Sect.

A few days later.

Qin Shuang saw Tianxing Sect from a distance and was still besieged by the Chaos. At this point, Qin Shuang's eyes were full of murder. Along the way, she has seen three ruins, once once the habitat of human races. It seems that the monk monk saw that he could not attack Tianxingzong for a long time, and began to separate out some Chaos clan, attack other habitats of the clan, and **** resources owned by the clan.

She was full of murderous eyes, and landed on the monk who sat half-step on the head of the chaos tribal monk in the distance.

The monk monk was horrified and felt like he was being followed by a huge crisis. When the figure turned around the monk of the Chaos, he saw the Qin pair in the air in the distance.

At this time, Qin's lips were slightly stretched, and a deep voice trembled from between her lips.


A large clock with a diameter of three miles appeared on the head of the monk monk, and instantly detained the monk monk, along with the half-step man.


A bell rang, and after the big bell rang, it collapsed and dispersed. Those half-step monks of Chaos and Demon have become headless bodies and fell to the ground. Death died.

There was a moment of silence between heaven and earth, and the Chaos clan who attacked Heavenly Sect stopped their attacks in an instant. They felt that the shackles entangled in their hearts suddenly disappeared, and then they felt the environment and the uncomfortable here, because it was not the law of chaos.

They were a little at a loss, and the death of the monk monk freed them from control. Bewildered for a while, instinctively west of Langyue River, the law shrouded the area away.

At this point, east of Langyuehe, the three chaotic clans that were separated were also at a loss, and rushed to the west of Langyuehe.

Qin Shuang, standing in the air, grabbed a volley towards the Demon Monk, and the storage ring on the demon's finger was caught by Qin Shuang volley, and flew towards her.

"Booming ..."

Subsequently, the monk monk's body was trampled by countless chaotic beasts, and instantly became flesh.

Qin Shuang stood up in the air, and did not care about those chaos. The power of the soul penetrated into the storage ring in his hand. Eyebrows are just a pick.

There are a lot of resources in the storage ring, and they are all resources suitable for human cultivation.

Since this monk monk is so rich, why bother attacking Heavenly Sect?

Why not look for a place to retreat?

Qin Shuang saw that there were a lot of jade slips in the storage ring, of which six jade slips had content, and the rest were blank jade slips, so they looked at them one by one, one of which is the practice method of the Mozu. Three are magical powers of the demons. But two of them made Qin's eyes sharp.

One of the jade slips is the method for the Chaos to modify the chaos law. Qin Shuang took a glance and put this jade slip together, and put it with the jade slip left by Ding Lingzhen at the beginning, without going in detail. Watch, afraid of being unbearable, and go about that exercise. Therefore, she does not know whether the method used by the demons to modify the chaos law is the same as that of Ding Lingdi's practice of the chaos law.

The last jade bamboo slip, however, was the content of some conversations. From the content of the jade bamboo slips, Qin Shuang scrutinized it. It should be the agreement reached between this monk monk and the barbarous patriarch Wumanhe.


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