Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2547: One year

The earth shook violently, and the Chaos on the ground arrived, but the monk monk stopped far away and stood on the head of that half-step man. It seemed that he didn't want to take the shot himself.

Think about it too!

The chaos that can drive the boundless, why do you have to do it yourself?

In this way, Qin Shuang also lost interest and slowly landed, looking into the eyes of the monk monk, without concealing his contempt. She believes that the other person can see very clearly, but the monk monk is like a piece of wood without any reaction.

"I see how long you can do this?"

Qin Shuang's voice passed into the ear of the Demon Monk clearly, and at this time her body had fallen back into the Huzong array.

"Hmm ..."

The Celestial monks rushed into the nest and rushed out.

They were notified before the Chaos arrived. You don't need to think about rotation operations. If you want to go out to fight, go out to fight. Tired and hurt, come back to repair. With comprehension, go to retreat. There is no need to consider the Chaos invading the Heavenly Sect, because they cannot break through the patriarchal line set by the lord.

What hesitation is there?

Therefore, all monks rushed out, and even the monks who were inferior, they also found chaotic beasts with their own strength in the large array, and then rushed out to fight purposefully.

The battle became hot in an instant.

At this time, Qin Shuang had returned to the mid-mountain Xiaozhu of Qinyuefeng, swallowed a Tianxuan Dan that he had refined, and stared at the battle outside the large array.

The war continued for a day, and the monk monk had been watching from a distance and did not come forward. Gradually, the monks of Xingxing Zong began to withdraw from the Zongmen.


Without the blockage of the Heavenly Sect monks, the Chaos began to attack the guardian formation.

"Hmm ..."

The Lord of the Eighth Hall and the Seven Elders fell on the side of Qin Shuang. One by one, he was in love.

"Sect, this array is really amazing!"

In their field of view, the chaotic clans who are raging on the ground are attacking the array frantically, but the array does not even shake.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, her hands pulled in front of her, and then she saw the large array start to shake slightly.

"Master, are you this?" Li Tian asked puzzledly.

"It's a rare opportunity to sharpen. If the Chaos people feel that they can't break through our patriarchal formation, it is not beautiful to withdraw to the west of Langyue River. Let us feel hope and continue to besiege the heavenly sects, such a gate Disciples can go out and sharpen themselves at any time. "

Beyond the Heavens.

The monk monk slightly frowned and couldn't help soothing. He saw a smile in his eyes when he saw the large group start to shake. Reached out and patted the head of the Chaos monk under the buttocks, and the Chaos retreated to the rear, hiding in the center of countless Chaos monks. The monk monk took out the resources given to him by the Wuman River and began to cultivate.

In his opinion, although the big guardian formation in Tianxingzong shook, it could not be broken in a short time.

not to mention……

When it breaks, he doesn't care much! Anyway, it consumes the Chaos tribe, and where is he not practicing?

The Chaos tribe attacked Heavenly Sect, and he practiced here without delay.

"You go, too." Qin Shuangfeng said on the moon, "If you have comprehension, go to retreat. If you have no comprehension, go out and fight. Actually ..."

Qin Shuang glanced at the temple masters and elders: "Your realm is also a bit vain."

The Master of the Eighth Hall and the Seven Elders couldn't help looking red, arched their hands toward the piano, and flew away one by one.

Qin Shuang returned to Mid-mountain Xiaozhu and asked Hua Taixiang and Xiao Shu to help pay attention to the monk monk, but she came to the peak of Xingyue Peak and inserted the exquisite sword into the mountain to let the two-handed sword absorb the world Avenue and restore itself. Then she began to deduce the bells of fury.

Realizing that the big bell fragments obtained by chance coincided, she had reduced the diameter of the violent bell to four miles.

Outside the sky line, the sound of rumble was dense and loud. Chaos Beast is attacking frantically.

There was silence in the sky formations. The monks are healing the wounds of the wound, the realization of the understanding, the retreat of the retreat. In this fight, the Celestial Sect has lost nearly 20,000 monks, but it has also made all monks much more stable, and some monks have learned.

From then on, the monks of the Celestial Sect go out and hunt the Chaos from time to time, and then come back to adjust. Hunt again. Adjust again ...

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

A month.

Half a year.

One year.

Qin opened his eyes, stood up, and glanced over the chaos outside the array, shaking his head slightly. The chaos here is still too weak. The power of the violent bells she had come to realize could not be tested.

But let's see how much we can reduce the bells of fury!

Qin opened her lips slightly, and a sound pulsated from her lips.

A large bell appeared outside the Huzong array and fell towards the ground.


With a ringing bell, the monk in the distance who practiced in the distance opened his eyes. He saw a big clock dissipating and the chaos covered by the big bell. At this time, his head had collapsed and fell to the ground. However, he didn't care, closed his eyes again, and started practicing.

"Three miles!"

Qin Shuang nodded slightly, and now has reduced the violent bell to three miles. It's just because there is no corresponding Chaos clan, just listening to Zhong Ming, can't judge the power of the violent bell sound.

Sitting cross-legged on the peak of Xingyue, after thinking about it, he looked inward at his own god. Today's Yuan Shen has become an egg.

"I don't know when it will be possible to combine the five elements into one!"

Qin Shuang suddenly thought that if he was fully integrated in the five elements, wouldn't he break through human respect?

That calamity ... or heaven punishment ...

Qin Shuang suddenly felt cold all over!

"It's got to be prepared for the robbery!"

Qin Shuang thought about it, he really didn't have the assurance of crossing the robbery. It was the town demon tower, she was not sure.

"If there are more congenital immortals ..."

Qin Shuang couldn't help laughing, how could that be?

"How to do?"

"It seems that you can only win by volume!"

The strings got up, and as soon as they stepped out of the void, their shape came out. Countless chaos raced at her.

"Hmm ..."

From the inside of Qin Shuang's acupoints, a blast of starlight sword gas was radiated, and all the Chaos around him were strangled. However, her purpose was not to kill the Chaos, but to collect the bodies of the Chaos.

After a year of slaughter, the Celestial Sect had nearly one million monks and did not know how many Chaos had been killed. Outside the large array, the corpses of the Chaos clan piled up like a mountain, and Qin Shuang began to collect the bodies of these Chaos clan. She flew around the Heavenly Sect, wherever she passed, the corpses of the Chaos who were piled up like a mountain were emptied by Qin Shuang and put into the town demon tower.


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