Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2469: Python-necked dragon

Qin Shuang patted the flowers too fragrant. Hua Taixiang dived down into the thick clouds. Through the thick clouds, Qin Shuang felt that the field of vision in front of him suddenly became broad.

The green trees and sea on the ground came out, and Qin's eyes glanced down. The greenness made her feel refreshed. Eyes suddenly gaze, and a huge black cosmos was inlaid straight into the weight of the earth. As if the earth was broken by a great sword. On both sides of Tianyu are high mountains with several waterfalls, like Tianhe upside down. The sound of the rumbling water rushed down the mountain with a white waterfall and flowed into the weight of the heavens.

In the deep forests of the mountains, all kinds of monsters play leisurely, some drink water by the waterfall, some eat the fruit on the tree, and some kill each other, and they are blood food to each other. The morning sun fell on them, a lively natural scenery.

Qin sat cross-legged on Huataixiang's back, her eyes calmly overlooking the mountain forest below. She saw the altar dotted.

"Although the Chaos Beast has been driven away, it is not a monk's area, but rather a paradise for monsters. The catastrophe has caused heavy casualties to the hundreds."

Qin Shuang was not surprised by the situation below. Take the barbaric continent as an example, don't look at the human race and barbarians who have taken nearly 40% of the territory. However, not all of these 40% of the territory are suitable for living with humans and barbarians. In fact, there are not more than 20% of the places where humans and barbarians settle. The vast area became a no-man's land, and gradually it became the domain of monsters. Moreover, the territories chosen by the human race and the barbarians are relatively safe, and the abandoned places are dangerous places. It was full of danger and mystery, and the Terrans and Barbarians did not explore much at all.

The same is true of the Chaoyuan continent. This is true of the hundred ethnic groups. The Shangyuan continent is no exception. Such areas are called forbidden areas, and only those adventurers will hunt or find opportunities in the periphery of these areas.

At this point, Qin Shuang riding Hua Taixiang has already penetrated this area. Wherever he enters, there are few people and the ancients are coming.


A low long Xiaoxiao attracted Qin Shuang's gaze.

On the ground, a small beast like a hill stands with its head screaming, a huge body, strong limbs, and a relatively slender neck. This is a variant of a dragon, or Yalong, called a python-necked dragon. Mild personality, herbivorous. But the huge body also dreaded the monsters.

Beside that python-necked dragon, there is also a female dragon and a group of small python-necked dragons that are only tens of meters long. When Qin Shuang thought about it, he patted the flower too fragrant, then he took it into the town demon tower, converged, and fell towards the back of the hill-like Python-necked dragon. As soon as it landed on the back of the python-necked dragon, it started with countless various birds, flew to the sky, and circled over the python-necked dragon.

The python-necked dragon glanced back at Qin Shuang on the back. Without feeling hostility, he flung his tail and continued to walk forward. The huge body, every step forward, the ground trembled, leaving a clear and deep footprint.

Qin Shuang sat on his knees on the back of the python-necked dragon. Compared with the huge python-necked dragon, Qin Shuang's figure seemed very small.

When the various birds hovering above, seeing Qin Shuang sitting on the back of the python-necked dragon, they stopped moving. Jixin slowly disappeared, and then tried to land on the back of the python-necked dragon, just as an example, the piano double is far away.

Slowly, the birds lost their vigilance for a species that Qin Shuang had never seen before, but became curious. Jumping on the back of the python-necked dragon, he jumped in front of Qin Shuang, then tilted his head and looked at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang still didn't move, just looking at the scenery ahead. In the forest that the python-necked dragon passed through, the huge body knocked the trees upside down.

"Pump ..."

Some birds saw Qin Shuang not moving, and there was no terrible breath, some jumped on Qin Shuang's knees, some flew on Qin Shuang's shoulders, and some even fell on Qin Shuang's head.

Qin Shuang still did not move, but gradually merged his own breath into the world. The python-necked dragon turned his head and looked at Qin Shuang with a doubt, just before it, and felt that Qin Shuang on the back disappeared. But looking back, the Qin Shuang clearly sat on his back.

The color of confusion appeared in his eyes, then he shook his head, ignored the piano double, and continued to move forward. Every step he took, it moved like a hill, and the ground rumbling.

The various birds jumped on Qin Shuang's body, and he sat quietly on the back of the Python-necked dragon. The vastness and primitiveness of the forest let Qin Shuang's mind gradually relax. He raised his hand and touched the back of the python-necked dragon.

"Pump ..."

The birds were frightened and flew into the air instantly, landing on the back of the python-necked dragon, which was farther away from the piano. Qin Shuang's hand was pressed lightly on the back of the python-necked dragon, and a tenacity came from the palm of his hand.

"Good strong body!"

With just one press of Qin Shuang, the strength of this python-necked dragon body was speculated to be about the peak of Xianhuang. He was a little confused. How can this monster that eats grass and leaves eat so much?

My heart could not help but move, is there any difference between those grass and leaves?

She carefully watched the difference between the grass and leaves eaten by the python-necked dragon. Not to mention, this python-necked dragon really doesn't eat all the grass, and eats all the leaves, it is also picky. Qin Shuang dug some of the grass eaten by the python-necked dragon, put it into the town demon tower, and allowed the town veteran to plant and cultivate, and studied the grass. The leaves that had been eaten by the python-necked dragon were also dug up and put into the town demon tower, so that the town could study it.

The time gradually came to noon, the temperature began to rise, and the sun fell on Qin Shuang's body, making Qin Shuang feel warm. The gentle breeze brings the fragrance of grass and trees, and the humidity in the forest is very high. Take a deep breath and feel refreshed.

"There is no fighting, no cultivation, this life is also good!"

Qin Shuang sat lazily on the back of the Python-necked dragon. At this moment, she forgot about cultivation, forgotten chaos, and forgotten the gate, and she felt free.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The python-necked dragon came to a big river without stopping, and walked towards the big river.

"Wowa ..."

The river was splashing and gradually rising, and after a while, it would drown the back of the python-necked dragon, but at this moment, the python-necked dragon floated and thought about swimming across the shore.

Qin Shuang poked his head from the edge of the back of the python-necked dragon and looked towards the river.

There are many fish in the river. They attacked the python-necked dragon and bit the python-necked dragon's body.

"Ka-K-K-K ..."


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