Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2458: Barbarous continent

"Boom boom boom ..."

The dirt turned into a sea of ​​stars, and big stars smashed towards the Chaos, breaking up the bodies of the Chaos. At this time, Qin Shuang has already rushed to another group of chaos.

Hua Taixiang's figure flickered in space, and the space magic was elusive. Every time he appeared, a huge dog's claw would slap a Chaos clan. No chaos clan could escape him.

Although Bi Chongtian's practice was not the White Tiger Sword, but he was fascinated by the sword and was a metallic monk. Today's practice has reached the tenth level of the Emperor. The war of the year has tempered him like a sword.

It can be said that in the realization of Kendo, he is not weaker than Qin Shuang, and every sword cut will cut the Chaos into several fast. Hunting the sky also makes the sword, but not as sharp and aggressive as Bi Chaotian, but the atmosphere is magnificent, with the potential of heaven and earth.

There are also the new Five Elements, and the immortal Emperor who did not join the Five Elements, each showing its abilities, each with its own characteristics, some sharp, some majestic, some stiff, some delicate, some feminine.

It can be said that in the past few years of fighting in the Shangyuan continent, the fighting power of the monks from the barbarous continent has been increased by one level, with qualitative changes.

At the same time, more than 700,000 monks launched a killing ring and the decisive battle was fought. Would they still be afraid of this small war?


In the eyes of Qin Shuang and others, this is a small war. Not at all comparable to the grandeur of the decisive battle.

At this time, they also knew in their hearts that it is estimated that all monks returning to the Hundreds of Continents will be ambushed on the way back, which is the final blow to the Hundreds by the Chaos.

Qin Shuang does not know how the other races encountered on the way home, but he knows that the Chaos ambush on the barbarous continent has stunned the monks on the barbaric continent.

Not bad!

It's Xiaoyan!

There is no one in the barbarous continent. All the immortals know this. How can the chaos not know?

In the decisive battle, Qin Shuang's performance was quite satisfactory, and he did not show the strength to kill human respect. Therefore, this time the ambush of the chaotic tribe of the barbaric mainland monks, the highest cultivation is the peak of the early human respect, and three human respects also came. In their opinion, with these three people in the presence, the immortal emperor of the human race can be killed. At that time, the Chaos tribe swarms up. There will not be much left of the 700,000 monks.

In fact, they were just ambushing the barbarian who was ahead of them. However, the Wuman River and others were also wary, knowing that they could not be defeated, and at the instant when the Chaos tribe appeared, they took the lead in fleeing.

The barbarians are born with wings and are good for flying. Even those people who respected the Chaos did not expect that the Barbarians would escape so decisively. They had not seen clearly that they were immortals, and more than 400,000 Barbarians suddenly fled and fled.

Escape too suddenly, too fast!

Moreover, even if Renzun has locked the peak of the Emperor like Wuman River, it is simply not faster than Renzun's early peak.

This is the advantage of the race. They are born with wings and are born with amazing speed.

Therefore, those few respects vented their anger on the other monks. Pursuing all the way, in the end, more than 400,000 barbarian monks escaped, only about 150,000.

This is still the chaos did not hunt, because they know that there are human races behind. So they only killed half of them, and then they returned to ambush the Qin double monks.

However, no one expected that Qin Shuang would be so fierce.

The three Chaos people honored them, and they were chopped to death by the Qin Shuang. The first peak of the people's respect was struck, and the first one was killed by the violent bell sound. At this time, the last one was hunted down.

The muscles of that Chaos tribe are beating!

This Terran is too fierce!

And too fast ...

The idea was not over yet. Qin Shuang spread his thunder wings and flew over his head. Linglong sword cut his body in half.


The Chaos fled and fled. The three people were beheaded and killed by Qin Shuang in an instant, and they had broken the courage of the Chaos. More than seven hundred thousand monks chased and killed the Chaos. Qin Shuang stood up in the air and whispered:

"Run after the Chaos and clear the channel."

In this way, the monks hunted even harder. Qin Shuang's plan is to use this time to return to the barbarian continent and plow this passage thoroughly. In the future, he can travel between barbarian and Shangyuan continents and be safer for lower-rank monks.

It is very important to open the channel between the two continents. Only when the channel is opened can the resources of the two continents be able to circulate and the monks can go to the Shangyuan continent to communicate.

Two hours later, the surrounding Chaos had fled, and those who escaped slowly were beheaded by human monks. The monk of the tribe killed three deities in an instant, causing the Chaos tribe to collapse, but the casualties were very small. The army rectified and moved on. And this time, more than 700,000 monks were divided into ten teams, two teams each time, starting from the left and right of the channel to clean up the Chaos.

Clean up, move forward!

"Master, how did you find the Chaos ambush?" Li Tianxing asked curiously.

Qin Shuang sat on the back of Hua Taixiang and said with a smile: "I saw the traces of fierce fighting and thought that the barbarians were estimated to be ambushed by the chaos. Since the barbarians were ambushed, the chaos would not let go we."

Li Tianxing's face could not help showing shame, he also saw the traces of fierce fighting. But he did not expect the Chaos ambush, and thought it was left before the decisive battle.

Qin Shuang, sitting on the back of Hua Taixiang, said quietly, "I don't know how the barbarians are now!"

The faces of Li Tianxing and Bi Chongtian are a joy, in fact everyone knows very well. The decisive battle is over, and the Alliance requires the Hundreds to speed up the encirclement of the Chaos, launch an altar, and reduce the area covered by the Chaos Law at the fastest speed, which indicates that the time to destroy the Chaos is advanced. In this way, contradictions and competition among the hundreds of ethnic groups will also erupt in advance.

They returned to the barbarous continent this time, and from the beginning of the Qing Chao Chaos, the friction between the two races will continue to erupt. This kind of competition, friction, and even the outbreak of war will continue until one of the two races has the upper hand, so the greater the casualties of the barbarians, the better it is for them.

"Sovereign, we need to plan our strategy for returning to the barbarous continent."

Qin Shuang thought about it: "When our human race and barbarians returned to the barbarous continent more than 100,000 years ago, should there be an agreement?"

"Yes!" Hunting Road: "There are four rivers across the barbaric continent, which run across the barbaric continent, from east to west, followed by the Huntian River, Langyue River, Barbara River, and Yuexi River. These four rivers run across the mainland The barbaric continent was divided into five parts. At first, our human race was not as strong as the barbarians, so with Lang Yuehe as the boundary, three-fifths of the territory to the west belonged to the barbarians, and east of Lang Yuehe was our people. "

Qin Shuangyi: "Co-authored four rivers, only one belongs to us?"


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