Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2454: End

"I'm not as good as her!"

Qin Shuang's mind flashed a thought. What she said was not as good as Xu Nianzu, not because she couldn't beat Xu Nianzu now, but that her ability to step up was not as good as Xu Nianzu.

"Why is this so?"

Zhen Lao has thrown a Yuandan into Qin Shuang's stomach, crushed a Vientiane fruit, and poured half a jug of monkey wine into his stomach. Qin Shuang was fighting against the Chaos while full of vigor, while thinking:

"Is it Gongfa?"

"There should be this reason! Xu Nianzu's practice must be the practice given by Xu Ziyan, but it can be practiced to the holy level. And I ..."

Qin Shuang couldn't help feeling bitter: "The exercises I practice are too messy. Even if I have found the Five Elements, now I am not practicing top-level exercises. Only combining the five elements is the top-level exercise ..."

Qin Shuang suddenly stunned!


"Xu Nianzu should cultivate only one elementary god, that is, her elementary **** possesses the five elements and is a element of the five elements. But I have cultivated five element gods. The attributes are not fused. If I can combine the five elements, Maybe she can catch up with her on the ability of higher order.

And the five elements in one, is also the key to breakthrough human respect. Without understanding the five elements in one, we cannot break through to human respect. "

"It seems that after this decisive battle, back to the Five Elements Sect, I should retreat and realize that the Five Elements are one."

"Boom boom boom ..."

The battle still continued fiercely. Qin Shuang did not know the situation of Xianzun above the level of the wind, but she could see that the situation of the law monks fighting in the air gradually began to benefit the hundreds. Because there are more monks in the rule of the Chaos than in the Chaos.

"Ten days!" Zuo Yan whispered softly.

Tiangong Palace's gaze swept across the ground: "The casualties of hundreds of monks have exceeded 30 billion."

"The monk of the law has died more than ten million." Mu Suifeng said.

"Xian Zun is dead more than 300,000." Cheng Buming said.

"Ready to fight!" Xu Ziyan said: "It is estimated that Chaos will be shot."

Chaos at this time also had some headaches, and the seven monks Xu Ziyan opposite him had been staring at him. As Xu Ziyan analyzed, this time he launched a beast tide, the purpose of which was to collect fairy, demon and magical instruments. He believes that more magical instruments, magical instruments and fairy wares will improve his understanding faster.

Moreover, before he launched the beast tide, he felt that his understanding was getting slower and slower, and he seemed to have encountered a bottleneck. After thinking about it for a long time, he found a way to gather more fairy, magic and magical tools, and maybe he could get himself out of the bottleneck.

However, now that they are collecting weapons by themselves, the seven monks Xu Ziyan will definitely stop themselves, no matter whether they know why they are collecting fairy, demon and magical weapons.

Moreover, maybe because of this action, Xu Ziyan will be speculated about their purpose of collecting fairy, magic and demon artifacts.


"I decided that I couldn't do it myself!"

"Let the Chaos Beast!"

"Ang ..." Chaos shouted.


The chaotic beasts on the ground began to retreat, but when the chaotic beasts retreated, they either grasped with their hands or bit their mouths, all on the ground with one or more immortal, magic, and demon weapons.

"It really is for the fairy!" Yan Shanhun's eyes flashed coldly.

"The plan should change!"

Xu Ziyan sighed. At first, she thought it was enough to stop the chaos. Therefore, after defeating the beast tide, I was not in a hurry to counterattack immediately, the army trimmed, and then slowly pulled out. But now ...

"Chun and kill immediately, don't let Chaos Beast take away weapons!"

Although the battlefield was large, Xu Ziyan's voice could not be blocked, and each monk clearly heard Xu Ziyan's order.


The monk on the ground began to chase chaotic beasts, killing a chaotic beast, and immediately collected the fallen weapons. Chaos narrowed his eyes, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Not bad!

This can prevent some chaotic beasts from grabbing weapons, but how many weapons are scattered on the ground?

Tens of billions!

"Booming ..."

After the earth shook, the Chaos Beast rushed to the rear after receiving the weapon.

The monks in the air are still fighting fiercely. The monks in the chaos race have not retreated. If they now retreat, the monks in the air will attack the chaotic beast on the ground. The rule is against chaotic beasts, which are blockbuster kills. So they are still facing the law monks of the hundreds.

After an hour.

The chaos monks began to retreat, and the monks of the hundreds began to pursue.

Six rings, seven rings, eight rings ...

Hunting round and round, hunting endlessly, losing territory and taking it back in continuous hunting. The entire immortal realm is counterattacking, and led by Tai Xuzong and the Nine Great Sects, they start chasing and killing Chaos Beasts.

After three months.

Hundreds of monks chased to the edge of the chaotic area and watched the chaotic beast enter the chaotic area.

Judging from the superficial results of this war, the hundreds of people have achieved absolute victory. Hundreds of monks were killed and wounded, but the Chaos were wounded and killed nearly 70%.

This kind of beast tide will not happen for a long time, because the chaotic beast needs to recover and needs to breed.


In fact, the hundreds have lost.

As a result of this battle, I am afraid that Chaos will get more than one billion weapons. God knows what Chaos will do with these weapons?

"Quickly launch the altar!" Xu Ziyan's eyes were sharp.

The army repaired for seven days outside the Chaos Zone. During these seven days, the Alliance distributed a large amount of resources to the monks who came to aid.

Under a tree, Qin Shuang sat under the tree, and the five elders sat opposite her. Around them, there were patches of monks. Some of these monks were from the Continent and some were from other continents.

Qin Shuang looked at the five elders of the Five Elements: "How many people do we have now?"

"A little more than 700,000!" Li Tianxing sighed. "We killed nearly half a million monks in this battle. However, for the remaining 700,000 monks, the lowest cultivation is also the beginning of Da Luo Jinxian.

Qin Shuang was not happy. She knew that it was not the monk who had been promoted, but that Luo Tianxian, who was lower, had died.

"How many of these 700,000 monks are our disciples?"

"About half a million!"

Qin Shuang silently said, "Go and get everyone ready, and return to the barbarous continent tomorrow."


The five elders left and began to arrange preparations to return to the barbarous continent. In the distance, Lei Ding came over with an old man.

"Master Qin!" The old man came to Qin Shuang and arched, "I'm Lei Ding's father, Lei Ming."

Qin Shuang stood up and responded, "I've seen Lei Daoyou."


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