Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2441: Confrontation between two big men

Qin Shuang is no less timid than Xiang, and Linglong sword keeps hitting on the drumstick, and the tight net is hit back again.

The drumsticks and the exquisite swords were of the same grade, the strength and speed of the two men were the same, and they froze together for a while.

Most of Qin Shuang's inheritances are from the blood piano inheritance. They are very mixed, and the grades are also high or low. Although she continues to merge, she has not merged smoothly and perfectly. The inheritance in the main blood, he also has not completed the integration with himself.

However, at this time, the two people were elevating the fusion in a slight way.

In Qin Shuang's past, the opponent she met was either inferior to her and was waved away by her. Otherwise, she can surpass her too much, she can only fight the hole cards and even sneak attack. Therefore, Qin Shuang has not had a long battle.

But this time is different.

This time she and Xiangjiao can be described as chess opponents, will meet Liangcai. At the same time the two were fighting stalemate, they were also fighting heartily. This allowed their battle to continue for a long time, and in this long and close battle, both of them were rare and highly integrated, and the body and the Yuanshen were highly unified. In this state, it is already equivalent to epiphany. status.

Xiang Jiao's situation is the same. He used to be very good, but since he got the flesh and blood of the demon master, the situation is almost the same as Qin Shuang. Now immersed in it.

However, with his understanding, the Lord's flesh and blood gradually eroded his body and gradually took control of his body. At this time, Xiangjiao was totally ignorant and completely immersed in the epiphany.

Xiang Jiao's eyebrows gradually opened a gap, and the gap was shining with blood, which was the eye of the demon's blood. There was a flash of glory in those eyes. If Xiang Jiao was not immersed at this time, he could feel a flash of consciousness in his heart.

"You can't kill Qin Shuang this way! Since you want to kill Qin Shuang, you will let me help you."

"Boom boom boom ..."

Xiang Jiao's attack suddenly became fierce and mysterious.


Qin Shuang didn't stop a drumstick and let the drumstick hit her. He smashed Qin Shuang directly into the ground. The Wuling armor spirits let out a wailing sound to wake up the immersed Qin Shuang.


Qin Shuang jumped out of the pit, but ushered in a more violent and more mysterious attack. After only three breaths, Qin Shuang was smashed into the ground again. Bleeding from the nose and nose, she felt the crisis, the crisis of death.

"How could he be so fierce?"

Qin Shuang jumped out at once, fighting with Xiang Jiao. She found that Xiangjiao on the opposite side changed, and her attack became smoother and more mysterious, and she became ignorant of Xiangjiao.



"I'm not an opponent!"

"You will be killed." At this time, Yang Linglong's voice came from her knowledge of the sea.

"How can he be so strong?" Qin Shuang was puzzled.


Qin Shuang was smashed into the ground again, and the five elements of armor were scattered, and the five elements of armor transformed into five streams of light, hidden into the body.

"Because that's not Xiangjiao!" Yang Linglong said, "I don't know who it is, but definitely not Xiangjiao. Leave it to me. Look at it with confidence and realize it. After this battle, I will fall asleep. If you The chance to see Xu Ziyan again and let her help me. "


With a mighty sword chanting, Qin Shuang found that he could not control the Linglong sword. The Linglong sword was completely fighting by himself. It used to be a human sword, but now it is a sword sword.

"Well ..."

Qin Shuang is now completely in the perspective of a third party. Fighting is Linglong Sword and Xiangjiao. In her eyes, Linglong Sword is extremely mysterious and extremely powerful. Not only did she knock back the drumsticks that came over every time, but she also cut off the trajectory of the two drumsticks, making the net no longer coherent, and a slight crack began to appear.


Linglong sword slammed the drumsticks, stabbed at Xiangjiao's eyebrows, and a **** of knowledge rushed into that blood.

"Although I don't know who you are, you are very strong, but it is clear that you have not fully controlled this body. You are ten layers of skill, and I am afraid that I cannot show 50%. But I am different, my host gives the body completely I control. So you will die today. "

"Well ..."

The mysterious and sharp Feng Lingjian became more and more, the net trapped by Qin Shuang began to relax.

Yang Linglong was right. Your demon's flesh and blood did not fully control Xiangjiao's body, he just seized Xiangjiao's body while taking advantage of Xiangjiao. But even when he realized his arrogance, he had an instinct to protect himself, which prevented him from doing his best.

However, the piano is different.

The current Qin Double is completely letting go, just as a bystander third party. Therefore, Yang Linglong showed her sternness perfectly.

Originally she practiced metal to the extreme, and once was a celestial deity. At this point, the trajectory of that net has been cut off, and that net has become a broken net.

Gradually, Qin Shuang was completely immersed in it.

This is Kendo!

Pure Kendo!

I used to fuse all the Taoist methods, and the five elements after the fusion were suitable for unarmed and various weapons. This is exactly what Qin Shuang has been proud of before.


Today I saw Yang Linglong's kendo, pure kendo. The power of the five elements that can surpass Qin Shuang does not know how many levels.

"Am I wrong?"

"The Taoism I created is suitable for any weapon. It is used for punches, that is, boxing, for palms, for palms, for fingers, for fingerings. For swords, for swords, for swords, and swords. The method, used for sticks, is the stick method.

Tolerant, but mighty power is balanced.

And Yang Linglong is just obsessed with swords, cultivates swords, and excels at swords!

Follow Wan Dao at his source and practice Kendo alone! "

At this time, the battle between Qin Shuang and Xiangjiao became more and more exquisite, and the power was more and more terrifying. The monks watching the battle were stunned.

"Puff puff……"

Monks sprayed blood from their noses and noses, and closed their eyes. Some monks closed their eyes later, and their eyes were bleeding. The Taoism to this extent is not something they can see. Even the Emperor Xian also spurted blood.

"Buzz ..."

The fierce shaking of the Taixianxian Emperor's List seems to be unable to calculate the fighting power of two people, or the power shown by the two people has exceeded the scope of the Taixianxian Emperor's List.

The names of Qin Shuang and Xiang Jiao kept leaping on the Taixianxian Emperor's list, as if they were about to break out of the Taixianxian Emperor's list.


The poly net woven by drumsticks finally collapsed, and Yang Linglong was cut out with a sword, sheer sharpness, as if cutting everything, even the world of thousands will be broken by her.

This is no longer the confrontation between Qin Shuang and Xiangjiao, but the confrontation between Yang Linglong and the Lord.


Many thanks to Bai Ye QAQ (100), seaphay (100), and Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100) for their rewards!



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