Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2434: unstoppable


The two imperial emperors could hold it tightly, not only could their hands and feet no longer fall down, but they felt that their wrists and ankles were tightened by iron hoop, which made them painful.


Both of them felt that their bodies were out of control at the same time, although the two of them struggled hard, the chaotic element of human respect burst out, squeezing a tiny crack in the surrounding space. But still couldn't stop Qin Shuang and Xiang Jiao from smashing them both.

Qin double stomped his hands and stomped to Jiao!

"Boom boom boom ..."

Holding the Wrist of Chaos Human with both hands, he furiously hit the ground. Holding the ankle of Chaos Human with both hands, he furiously hit the ground.

The actions of the two people were surprisingly consistent, and they repeatedly beat them repeatedly and quickly.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The ground is cracking and the space is shaking.

At this time, there were already a lot of monks who followed Qin Shuang and Xiangjiao. At this moment, the monks shook their hearts, and involuntarily emerged from the hidden space. They looked at the man and the woman, and the two youths.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The beating lasted for a quarter of an hour. Although the two were not dead, they had been disturbed by the chaotic forces in their bodies.


The two Chaos Deities were dropped on the ground at the same time, and then Qin Shuang and Xiang Jiao each lifted one foot and stepped down on their heads.


The heads of the two Chaos deities burst like ripe watermelons, so that the monks who were watching all felt head pain instantly.

Qin Shuang and Xiang Jiao glanced at each other and both saw the skyward warfare in the eyes of the other side. At the same time, the momentum of the two of them jumped again, making the surrounding space more distorted.

"Sister Qin, please!" Xiang Jiao smiled warmly.

"Xiaxiang, please!" Qin Shuang smiled with grace.

The two walked again, just a stone's throw away.

With each step, the momentum increases by one point.

Behind them, more and more monks followed.

After half a quarter of an hour, a chaotic human statue appeared in the sky. Qin Shuang looked up, but it was the peak of a human statue. That man's zenith stands in the air, if he is the master of one world. Just blinking, the space in front of me was rippling. The man respected the monks in the air behind Xiang Qin's body, and saw that there were several people, and he did not care about it, and set his eyes on the Qin pair on the ground.

"I heard that you killed my tribe's landlord when you crossed the street?"

Qin both hands spread out, "It's fair for me to cross the robbery with him, isn't it?"

"Oh ... I'd like to see, how strong is your body? How strong can you handle it? How dare you follow me?"

After that, he turned his back to Qin Shuang, step by step, as if he was going up the stairs, and walked towards the sky. However, his chaos consciousness is watching Qin Shuang, beware of Qin Shuang attacking him. Later, a joy was in his heart, and he saw that Qin Shuang really followed him towards the sky.

The reason why he took Qin Shuang to thunder is because he heard that Qin Shuang was able to survive the thief because he had a tower. Robbing the tower of Qin Shuang here will definitely be attacked by the monks who follow Qin Shuang. There are several people there. Although it is not as good as him, it will prevent him from snatching the tower.

However, as long as Qin Shuang followed him and reached a certain height, Qin Shuang was bound to sacrifice the tower to resist sky mines. In this way, they will go higher, so high that those of hundreds of people can't go up. So there are only two of them left, Qin Shuang's life and that tower, aren't they both?

Xiang Jiao, standing next to Qin Shuang, also smiled warmly, flung his sleeves, and stepped in the air, he also stepped in the void, step by step, and Qin Shuang went up side by side.

How could he not go?

He is the one who is going to fight with Qin Shuang for life and death. If he was beaten by Qin Shuang before then, what kind of war is he fighting?

The top of the Chaos tribe is in front, Qin Shuang and Xiangjiao are behind, one step at a time, walking towards the sky, followed by a group of monks.

Step by step, the figure penetrated into the high-altitude wind layer, continued to deepen, entered the thunder layer, and continued to deepen. The power of the Thunder began to change color from red to orange, yellow, green, and cyan. At this time, the monk who had been immortal has already They stopped and looked up helplessly into the sky, they couldn't carry it anymore.

There were still dozens of silhouettes going on to the high altitude, and the chaos man peaked at the piano double unexpectedly. He didn't have any accidental Qin Shuang to be able to enter the Qinglei layer. He was surprised that up to now, Qin Shuang has not sacrificed any immortals, relying entirely on the bearing capacity of the body.

"Oh ... it's the Blue Mine Zone in front of me, how do you think I insist?"

The peak of Chaos Human Respect stepped into the Blue Thunder layer, but this layer is equivalent to human respect. He is the pinnacle of human respect, and can naturally bear Qing Lei. He did not believe that Qin Shuang could still not sacrifice that tower?


Not only did Qin Shuang not sacrifice the tower, and stepped into the blue thunder layer, it was also Xiangjiao. Behind them both came in with the three others.

Chaos Respect peaked his gaze: "How long can you persist?"

The more you go up, the more intense Lan Lei is. Qin Shuang has seen a layer of purple, not far from them. She knew that layer was the purple thunder layer, which was the equivalent of homage to earth.

Chaos Ren Zunfeng snorted coldly and strode upwards. The six monks went higher and higher, and Lan Lei became stronger and stronger. Ren Zun peak frowned, because he had reached the bottom of the purple thunder , One more step, you will step into the purple thunder layer. That is the purple thunder that will hurt the deity. Although he is the pinnacle of the deity, he is not the deity after all.

"Why don't you go!"

Qin Shuang's voice came from his side, and then Qin Shuang was seen passing by her left and stepped into the purple thunder layer. Xiang Jiao smiled. Step into the purple thunder layer from his right.

Tossing the ground, Chaos Respect peaked flushed with anger, stepped into the void, and walked into the purple thunder layer.

Behind them, the three respected Lei Xingtan and stopped.

In this way, only the peak of Chaos Respect, Qin Shuang and Xiangjiao remain.

"Boom boom boom ..."

Each of the three thunders bombarded the three of them towards Qin Shuang, one after another, shaking the world.

Qin Shuang's body began to collapse. Although her body was far beyond Yuanli Xiu, this purple thunder was really not something she could afford. She glanced at Chaos, and found that his skin was beginning to collapse, but only slightly more than herself. Turning your head to look at Xiangjiao, it also started to collapse, and the degree of collapse was similar to yourself. However, none of the three monks stepped back, looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and continued to bear purple thunder.


Thank you very much for the gust of james (400), reading and studying carefully (, 200), Acura (100), Yu Ye Pansnow (100), and Bai Zibing (100) for the reward!



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