Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2404: Did you dig for treasure?

When Qin Shuang came to Haotianzong, Chaos Beast Tide was attacking Haotianzong. The Five Elements Sect was residing here. When Qin Shuang stole the flower too fragrant and killed him in the volley, other monks did not recognize Qin Shuang because they did not see the big dog flower. The water flow immediately recognized the double piano.

When this round of beast tide receded, Luo Shuiliu immediately came to Qin Shuang and looked at Qin Shuang with some shock:

"Master, how do I think you're great again?"

The original Water Sect was destroyed by the Chaos Beast Tide, and only dozens of people who practiced the Xuanwu Treasury remained in Xuanwu Mountain. Luo Shuiliu had only Luo Tianxianxian's cultivation at the beginning, but now it is already a big Luojinxian. This is because Qin Shuang gave her the basalt book. She felt that her progress had been fast enough, but did not expect that after a while, when she saw Qin Shuang, it seemed that Qin Shuang had become more powerful.

Regardless of Bi Chongtian, Li Tianxing and Haizhen are all Xiandi, and they have recently made breakthroughs, all entering the nineth floor of Xiandi. However, what they cultivate is not a tome. Luo Shui Liu firmly believes that as long as he enters the Emperor Emperor, he will be able to compete with those three emperors. Once he enters the Emperor, even in the early days of the Emperor, there is a possibility of defeating the three hunters. So she felt that her only opponent was Yang Yuzhu, who was originally a sect of fire. Because he cultivates the Fire Phoenix Book.

Qin Shuang smiled: "I have made a breakthrough recently, and now I am tenth floor of the Emperor."

"Isn't this going to be ready to break through the Emperor?" Luo Shuiliu was surprised.

"How can it be so fast?" Qin Shuang shook his head and said, "It always takes time to cultivate to the peak. By the way, I have fully understood the Xuanwu Sword."

"Xuanwu sword code! The master completely understood the Xuanwu sword code?" Luo Shuiliu's eyebrows continued to shake with surprise.

"Huh!" Qin Shuang nodded. "And I have a feeling that these five sword codes should be able to be merged into one sword. When I return to the gate, I am going to retreat and take the five sword codes to a good conclusion. . "

"Yes!" Luo Shuiliu nodded. "According to legend, the five sword codes were originally separated from the Five Elements sword code."

"Five Elements Sword?"

"Huh!" Luoshui Liudao said, "I don't know the specifics, I just know the name of the Five Elements Sword. It is said that the inheritance disappeared with the Five Elements Sword. When the Five Elements Sword was found, the Five Elements Sword was found."

"Five Elements Sword! Five Elements Swords!" Qin Shuang murmured.

On the other hand, Luo Shuiliu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Sect master, don't go back first. The two of us will find a place first. You will pass the Xuanwu sword code to me. When I learn it, go to Yang Yuzhu first." "

Qin Shuang couldn't help laughing, Yang Yuzhu, like Luo Shuiliu, was destroyed by the Chaos and Beast Tide at the beginning, but only dozens of people who practiced the Fire Phoenix Collection hid in the Fire Phoenix Mountain. In the end, only Yang Yuzhu of Luo Tianshangxian served as the lord of the fire sect. Now he is also a big Luojinxian, similar to Luoshui Liuxiu. However, Yang Yuzhu has learned the Fire Phoenix Sword Code from Qin Shuang here! It is estimated that during the discussion between the two people, Yang Yuzhu was holding Luo Shui Liu because he had the Fire Phoenix Sword. This made Luo Shuiliu very depressed. At this time, I learned that Qin Shuang had realized the Xuanwu Sword Code, so why not hurry to learn?

Qin Shuang laughed: "Jian Dian can give you, but even with your qualifications and talents, it may take some time to successfully practice the Xuan Wu Jian Dian. Do you want to stop me from seeing me? Elder them? "

While talking, he took out a jade slip and handed it to Luo Shui Liu Dao: "This is the Xuanwu Sword, and some of my comprehension."

"Thank you, Lord!"

"In fact, if there are December fruits, you can also understand the Xuanwu Sword Code in a short time."

Qin Shuanghan said with a smile, she was going to come up with several December fruits to enhance the elders of Zongmen. After all, in this huge beast tide, it takes strength to survive. Qin Shuang needs them to survive and run the gate for herself so that she can devote time and energy to cultivation.

Luoshui Liu heard it, and couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. Don't talk about him, there are none of the five elements ...

Do not!

No half a December fruit!

That's just what they heard in the rumors, never expecting a December fruit.

Qin Shuang said that she would use the December fruit to comprehend the Xuanwu Sword, and where would she get it?

"I have a few December fruits," Qin Shuang yelled.

Luo Shuiliu widened his eyes instantly, looking at Qin and losing his voice: "Master, you ... do you have December fruit?"

"Huh!" Qin Shuang smiled and nodded.

Luo Shuiliu's throat knot squirmed and said, "You disappeared for more than half a year, wouldn't you be searching for the gates and cities that were chased by Chaos Beast, to dig treasure?"

"Ahem ..." Qin Shuangke choked for two channels: "Just an adventure!"

"Go, let's hurry back to Haotianzong. Hurry up!"

Qin Shuang and Luo Shuiliu walked towards Haotianzong's gate, and asked, "Why didn't you see the other elders?"

"Our five elders flew into battle and divided the monks we led into five brigades."

"How about the casualties?"

"Hmm ..." Luo Shuiliu sighed and sighed, "Less than 1.6 million left. We didn't break the fight along the way, it was too fierce. My fairy swords were all damaged, now I can only Make up with a middle-class fairy sword. "

Qin Shuang thought about it. The five elders used high-quality fairy wares at first, but they could equip five elders with high-quality fairy wares. With only five handles, it does not cause chaos.

"What's wrong?" Luo Shuiliu couldn't help asking when Qin Shuang was suddenly silent.

"Nothing, I'm thinking, it's time for you five elders to change the fairy."

Luo Shuiliu's eyes brightened: "You went out to dig for treasure this time, and you've found the best fairyware?"

"That's right!"

Qin Shuang's heart secretly said that stealing chaotic things by himself could be considered a treasure hunt?

The two entered Haotianzong's gate and flew towards the place where the Five Elements were camped. When they arrived at the camp, they saw Xun Tianxing, Bi Chongtian, Hai Zhen and Yang Yuzhu already waiting outside the camp.

"Have met the Sovereign!" Four hunting men stepped forward to salute.

Luo Shuiliu could not wait to say, "Go, go to the house of the suzerain."

"What?" Tianhunxing looked startled, and then looked around vigilantly: "Master, have you set up the formation? Oh, yes, you put a disk, the effect is OK?"

"No problem!" Qin Shuanghan laughed. "No one will hear us."

The five people in Li Tianxing breathed a long sigh of relief, and then became tense again. Li Tianxing wriggled his throat and felt his mouth dry:

"Sovereign, did you say that the Chaos Beast has a holy level?"


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