Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2398: Speculate

There are four items of the Danfu device, the elixir and Fuyu are gone, and the number of this item is scarce compared to the Danfu device, and it cannot be moved.

not to mention……

In the catastrophe more than 100,000 years ago, the large arrays of various sects have been destroyed. Only the instrument, even if the owner is killed, the instrument will remain.

Regardless of whether it is an immortal, or a demon or magic weapon, in the process of refining, it contains the Heaven and Earth Avenue. Even if it is not Xianbao, it also contains Daoyun. And Xianbao is the law of concealment.

And this chaos brings together hundreds of millions of fairy wares, monsters and magic wares here. Even the gathering of Daoyun will lead to the law, not to mention that he still has sixteen fairy treasures?

When chaos opens, yin and yang will be born, and yin and yang will come together, and various avenues will be born.

Is it because he has realized the avenue and broken the Holy Level because of this method?


If this method is used to break through the Holy Level, his body will also be chaotic, no longer possessing chaos, but will become like a monk in the immortal world, and it will be impossible to continue to practice here.

And now?

He is still practicing comprehension here, which shows that the flow of chaos in his body is still the law of chaos.


Qin's eyes were fixed, and although 60% of the fairyland is a law of chaos, they are all foreign, as if they were rootless trees, otherwise they would not be transformed a little by the altar. Therefore, today's chaos law in the immortal world is not pure, or it has lost its origin. If you want to understand the chaos law in this immortal world, and then break through the chaos holy level, I am afraid it is no longer possible.

Therefore, this chaos brings together hundreds of millions of fairy, demon and magical artifacts. From these avenues of fairy, demon and magical artifacts, push back the avenue and return to the origin ...

"Back to the origin ..."

Qin Shuang jumped in the distance, turned over, turned to the sky, and looked towards the endless sky.

There is a word in the fairyland, chaos is open, and heaven and earth appear. Does that mean that chaos is the root cause, and the system we cultivate now is not the true truth of the road?

In the beginning, numerous huge cracks appeared between heaven and earth, and the Chaos Beasts came from the cracks. There is no doubt that the world outside the crack should be full of chaos and chaos laws, and it is a chaotic world.

Is that when the holy level practice reaches its peak, it will fly out of the fairy realm like flying into the fairy realm, and that world is the chaotic world?

Where is the real source world?

So, isn't that the direction of cultivation in the immortal world is wrong?

Qin Shuang's cold sweat shed!

This is why in the legends from ancient times to the present, I have never heard of it, and there is still another ascension in the fairyland?

Qin Shuang's mind was mixed, his face was gradually pale, and there was a slight pain in the sea.

"Can't think any more!"

Qin Shuang abruptly stopped her thinking. She knew that her realm was still too low. Barely want to go down, maybe he will be crazy!

"Let's think about the situation now!"

Qin Shuang's mind returned to the plain in the crater.

"If my guess is correct, all I have to do now is to destroy it. How to destroy it? Take away the fairy, demon and magic tools here ...

Fairy, demon and magic ... "

Her mind rang, half of the fairy, magic and magical instruments in the crater had been chaotic!

Her heart could not help but move, kill two birds with one stone!

Utilizing the magical tools, magical tools and magical tools to push the avenue back, and using the strong chaos rules here to attack the magical tools, magical tools and fairywares, finally transform those magical tools, magical tools and fairywares into chaos.

Today's chaotic beasts basically have no weapons, and some of them are the most primitive weapons such as bone spears and bone sticks. As long as Qin Shuang imagines, waiting for hundreds of millions of fairy wares, monsters and magical wares will be transformed into chaos, hundreds of millions of chaotic beasts, holding the chaos period.

That scene ...

Let Qin Shuang shiver a shiver!

I am afraid that is another catastrophe, a catastrophe that extinct hundreds of people!

"Must stop!"

At this time, Qin Shuang does not care whether he guessed it right or not, whether he guessed it right or not, these immortals, monsters and magical instruments must be very important to that level of chaos. Steal these fairy, magical and magical instruments. Just right.

"But ... how to steal?"

Qin Shuang lay there bitterly, there was nothing she could do.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


Qin Shuang has been lying here for more than twenty days, but there is no way to do it. In the face of absolute power, there is no room for any conspiracy.

At this time, the seven holy master monks are dividing the chaos of the Shangyuan continent into seven areas. Each holy master monk is in charge of an area. They are slowly searching for the chaotic old nest.

These seven monks were not as careful as Qin Shuang, but flew openly in the air, glanced down. It's just that the area covered by chaos is too large, and they have searched for several years, but they still haven't found the chaotic nest.

The holy monk in charge of the area where Qin Shuang is located is Cheng Buming. His body flew slowly in the air, a pair of eyes glanced down.

Central crater.

Chaos opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Cheng Buming. His chaos sense swept out and saw Cheng Buming. Then the chaos consciousness spread rapidly to the distance. He paid no attention to all chaotic beasts and chaotic plants in the area covered by the law of chaos. Soon his chaos knowledge was captured in the area covered by the law of chaos, as remarkable as the six suns Of the other six holy monks. There was a smirk on his face, a stroke of his big sleeve, and the sixteen fairy treasures around him turned into sixteen streamers and entered his body. His body disappeared silently in the crater, and Cheng Buming in the distance could not feel the slightest wave of chaotic space.

In another area, Minghao was slowly flying in the air, looking down. Suddenly, the hairs were upside down and turned back and punched out.


A fist collided with Ming Hao's fist, Ming Hao's figure flew back in the air, and a chaotic figure appeared, launching a fierce attack on Ming Hao.

In the other six directions, the six holy monks' faces changed abruptly, and they felt intense spatial fluctuations and faint roar.

"not good!"

Six holy monks flew towards the center of space fluctuations.

Qin Shuang's eyes blinked quickly, and she also heard the roar faintly, and kept hearing, she could not help looking at the sound. He blinked again.

"Did Xu Masters fight with that chaos?"


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