Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2365: Eight thousand miles forward

Nine Palace Sawtooth can kill the immortal king, then kill it. If you can't kill it, you will stalemate and move forward. If you can only stalemate with a chaos beast of a fairy king level and move on to the Mucheng, then it is a great luck.

Along the way, they also saw several battlefields from a distance, compared with the army of monks who came to aid. They didn't want to go to the rescue, and took care of themselves with their own strength.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The team moved forward firmly, the fairy king was cut by the rotating serrations and began to be injured. But it has inspired its ferociousness. In the collision between the two sides, the fairy king chaos beast is constantly aggravating the injuries, but the monks are increasing the number of falling.

"It really kills this chaotic beast!"

Bu Feidu said in surprise that he didn't really believe that he could kill the chaotic beast of the law with a group of monks who did not understand the law. In his opinion, all ants were under the law. Quantity cannot fill the gap in grade. However, it now seems that a group of monks who do not understand the rules can really kill a fairy king.

"This Jiugong Zigzag array is terrific!" Takahashi couldn't help but slap his tongue out, "I feel as high as possible, in the face of such a large array, some can not help!"

"I used to have an old friend!" Mi Yue said: "He used to be a general in the realm and practiced all the way to the fairy realm. He once told me that if a master in the realm meets ordinary people and forms an army, Not an opponent at all. Personal cultivation is fragile like a piece of paper in front of the military formation. "

"Yeah!" Ling Yu nodded. "A drop of water has no power, but when the whole sea growls, I will have to wait."

Four thousand miles forward, the Nine Palace Sawtooth Formation finally crushed the chaos beast of the fairy king level, and the monk army also paid more than 300 monks' lives.

Qin Shuang is still sitting on the back of Hua Taixiang, deducing the kind of resonance-induced sound work. Gradually deduced to be close to perfection.

Takahashi and others did not know what Qin Shuang was doing there, but did not bother him. Even if there was a Chaos beast of the Emperor Emperor level, monks began to increase the number of casualties, their hearts were sinking, the Emperor Emperor had already come out, could the Emperor Emperor be far away?

Sure enough, when they inserted six thousand miles in advance and the number of monks was less than ten thousand, an immortal emperor appeared in their vision. Just the beginning of an immortal emperor. The more than one hundred immortal kings did not wait for the immortal to rush into the battle, and rushed towards the immortal.

The immortal emperor could not be allowed to impact the large array. With the power of the immortal beast of the immortal, the large array was immediately overwhelmed. They must block the immortal.

In the process of more than one hundred immortal kings rushing forward, they built a jigong zigzag array, and then collided with the chaotic beast of that immortal level. They are full of confidence, because they have already seen that those monks who did not understand the rules can kill a fairy king or even a fairy king. Their more than one hundred monks can also rely on the Jiugong Sawtooth to grind an immortal emperor.

If they can really kill an immortal emperor, it will be enough for them to play forever!


The two sides collided together. Before the collision, the chaotic beast of the immortal level looked at the more than one hundred immortal kings, with eyes full of contempt, like an elephant watching a group of ants. In its view, with just one collision, more than one hundred fairy kings would die.

However, after the collision, it was found that this was not more than a hundred fairy kings at all. They were a whole, hovering in a large array, and unloaded most of his power. The gears rotated, and the fairy soldier cut his body .


It was furious and launched a frantic attack on more than a hundred fairy kings.

Nearly seven thousand miles, Chaos Beast began to pay attention to the team of Qin Shuang. Not only the Chaos Beasts began to pay attention, but also those around the hundreds of monks began to pay attention. At this point in this direction, there are several teams attacking the Chaos Beast. They are all aid teams from all sides. In the other three directions of Mucheng, there are also monk teams rushing, and the monk teams who come to help come every day.

Some of these teams came to the aid of their own initiative, or some of them lived in a place where they had been attacked by Chaos Beasts and fled all the way to Mucheng.

The rules of chaotic beasts, those chaotic beasts have not yet opened their minds, and do not know the strangeness of this team of Qin Shuang. However, the monks in the several hundred ethnic groups could hardly hide the shock in their hearts. They hardly believed in their eyes. With more than a hundred immortal kings, they could fight with one immortal emperor, and with dozens of immortal emperors, they could fight with one immortal emperor.

This is too fantasy!

But what happened in front of them, their first reaction was to move closer to the team of Qin Shuang.

The three immortal emperors of Gaoqiao also soared into the sky and flew to the three chaotic beasts of immortal class. At this time, there were dozens of battles in the sky, all of which were emperor-level battles. Not only is this team of Qin Shuang, but also the Emperor of Qi and several other teams. Only the other teams can only go to the Chaos-level Chaos Beast. Other monks can only be on the ground and lead the team toward the team of Qin Shuang while approaching Mucheng.

Eight thousand miles forward.

At this time in Mucheng, the Chaos Beast was attacking the city. A man with a period of respect for Chaos Beast, standing thousands of feet tall, looked at Mucheng and roared. Chaos beast, like Wang Yang, drowned towards Mucheng. The city walls were flashing with runes, and the moat trembled. Outside the city walls, countless monks are fighting with the Chaos Beast. They are blocking the Chaos Beast from rushing to the moat, and the price paid is that the monks are constantly falling.

Above the city wall, Mu Zun Mu Yong's gaze stared directly at the Chaos Beast of the Zun period, full of firmness. Even provocative. It was just that the human chaos beast did not mean to single out with Mu Yong, but just roared constantly, drove the endless chaos beasts, and launched an attack on Mucheng.

Above the city wall stood a series of monks, who were waiting for Mu Yong's order. Li Tianxing and others stood in a team. Mu Yong waved his hand.


At the sound of a bell, these monks who hunted the sky rushed out of the moat and rushed into the chaotic beasts. Time, various methods, and various immortals flew like fireworks. The monks who had fought outside the city started to retreat, returned to the city to adjust their breath and healed, waiting for the next turn.

"Old way, you are still alive!" Li Tianxing shouted towards a retreat monk.

The monk boldly said, "Old hunter, you are dead, I can't die. I'll go back first, and wait for you to come back for a drink."

"Okay! Get your good wine ready, I'm gonna drink you bankrupt! Hahaha ..."

Tianhunxing was cut out with a sword, and the layers of Chaos Beast were lifted up.


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