Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2350: Beheaded

There was a roar on the right, and a scream mixed with it. Qin Shuang looked away and saw that one immortal king had been killed by the chaotic beast on the mountain on the right. Five immortal emperors and seventeen immortal kings. , The humanoid chaos cannot be blocked at all.

"Master, these two chaotic beasts are very strong!" Has been guarding on the left side of Qin Shuang, Zhong Yu who has not joined the battle, looking at the two humanoid chaotic beasts.

"Have you seen the humanoid chaos?" Qin Shuang asked.

"No!" Zhong Yu shook her head.

"So have you seen the Chaos Beast that can spray poison before?"

"No!" Zhong Yu continued to shake her head.

"How about you?" Qin Shuang turned his head and looked at the young man standing on his right side, who had not joined the battle: "You are from the Continent, and you have seen humanoid chaos, or poisonous chaos. ?"

"No!" Thinking of being poisoned by the Chaos Beast, the look on the young boy's face was ashamed.

Qin Shuang's heart could not help sinking to the bottom of the valley. It seems that for more than 100,000 years, hundreds of people have been recovering, and chaotic beasts have also evolved. I don't know why this time, it caused the beast tide of the whole fairyland.

Before the rain, Zhong Yu also heard what Yu Shiwei and Qin Shuang said. Old rivers and lakes like him naturally knew Yu Shiwei's psychology long ago, afraid that Qin Shuang would steal his credit, steal his leadership, and compile his strength. At this time, seeing Yu Shiwei's downwind, a hint of irony appeared in the corner of his mouth. However, there was no thought of trying to help.

His current situation is dangerous, although he has the methods and means of suppressing the demon that Qin Shuang taught him. However, once the shot is taken, it will increase the killing of the heart, so if you can't take the shot, you won't take the shot. As long as he does not endanger Qin Shuang, or Qin Shuang gives an order, he will not shoot. And the young man, at this moment, is a life without love, is not interested in anything, he is poisoned and dying, and care about other people?

As long as no one endangers Qin Shuang, he will be like Zhong Yu and will not shoot.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, but she didn't do anything. Since Yu Shiwei is very repulsive, there is no need for him to warm his face and cold ass.

Good intentions offend people instead, and this is a common occurrence.

Yu Shiwei didn't ask for help, which shows that he should still have the means, just watch it.

"Master Qin, help!"

As soon as Qin Shuang's thoughts surfaced, he heard Yu Shiwei shouting while taking his neck, making Qin Shuang unable to help himself.

"No, no ... no hole cards?" Qin Shuang looked at Yu Shiwei incredulously: "Without hole cards, where's the self-confidence, you can kill an immortal emperor who has cultivated himself?"

"Did you lose your head?"


On the right peak, an immortal emperor was killed by the humanoid chaotic beast. There was a hint of angry blue air on Qin Shuang's face, which was annoyed at Yu Shiwei.

"Well ..."

Qin pressed the flower too sweetly with one hand, and his body flew away while yelling, "Yu Shiwei, hold on for a while."

Her figure rushed towards the chaotic beast on the right side. Yu Shiwei saw Qin Shuang rushed to the right side, but did not rescue herself for the first time, a look of despair appeared on her face.

In his opinion, if Qin Shuang took her two immortal peaks and joined forces with herself, she might still stand up to the humanoid chaotic beast she was facing.

Not bad!

Just stand up!

At this time, he had really seen the power of the humanoid chaos, and he was not an opponent at all. I was able to survive the last time because I didn't have any chaos with human form at all. After being attacked by the Chaos Beast, he immediately fleeed and fled. Therefore, the strength of the humanoid chaotic beast is seriously underestimated.

Run away now?

Impossible, already chaotic hands with human form, the other party will not let themselves escape.

How to do?

What do you do?


Just within three breaths, various thoughts flashed in his heart, but a landslide-like roar and a screaming roar were heard in his ears. The huge momentum made Yu Shiwei and the humanoid chaotic beastly shape opposite him. After a meal, looking for popularity in the past.

Then he saw that the giant chaotic beast was falling down, and a huge skull was cut off from the neck.

"how can that be?"


In his vision, Qin Shuang saw the sword in one hand, took a step forward, and then fell on the mountain fiercely. The mountain peak burst into pieces, and Qin Shuang's body was like a shooting star on one side, radiating towards the mountain on this side.

The look of the chaotic beast on the mountain on the left was changed, holding a large gray bone rod in both hands, and drawing towards the piano.

However, Qin Shuang did not have the slightest tendency to dodge, holding the basalt sword in both hands, and immediately hit the big bone stick together. The big bone rod that had just smashed Yu Shiwei around and avoiding it at the moment of the impact, flew away, and did not stop the speed of a single piano double forward.


The heart of the chaotic beast was pierced by a basalt sword, and Qin Shuang passed by as the basalt sword passed.


The giant chaotic beast slowly fell, fell off the mountain peak, and fell to the ground fiercely.

Yu Shiwei stared blankly at Qin Shuang, the master of Qin ... so strong?

In the distance, Zhong Yu and the young boy squirmed a knotted throat dryly.

Master Qin ... so strong!

"Booming ..."

The Chaos Beast began to flee, and the monks under the mountain cheered.

Qin Shuang glanced at Yu Shiwei, still in a daze, and walked down the mountain, too lazy to say a word to him.

"Thank you, Lord Qin!"

"Thank you, Lord Qin!"

Qin Shuang went all the way to his team, and the monks on both sides bowed to you. Qin Shuang just nodded slightly and returned to his team, ignoring the shocked eyes of Zhong Yu and the young man, and took a leap, sitting on the back of Hua Taixiang, sighing in his heart, the pressure is not enough , Does not help to understand the Xuanwu Sword Code.

On the right side of the mountain, the remaining four immortal emperors and sixteen immortal kings negotiated and walked towards the direction of Qin Shuang. At this time, Yu Shiwei also awakened from the shock, seeing the directions of the four immortal emperors and sixteen immortal kings walking, his heart was a jump, his face was dark. But then there was a sigh, and he strode towards the piano. Before grabbing four immortal and sixteen immortal kings, they stood in front of Qin Shuang and bowed to Qin Shuang:

"Thank you, Lord Qin, for your life."

Qin Shuang opened her eyes and said lazily, "It's reasonable to help each other. It's not necessary for Yu Daoyou."

"Thank you for your help!" At this time, four immortal emperors and sixteen immortal kings also stood opposite Qin Shuang and bowed to Qin Shuang.


Thank you so much to the grandma (500), the wind james (200), seaphay (100), Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100), and white leaves qaq (100) for the reward!



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