Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2348: Yu Shiwei's Pride

The monk arched his hand at the young man, but saw that the young man looked up at the sky, and he was too lazy to look after him. Before he could get angry, he saw the murderous Zhong Yu and squinted at him:


The monk was even more angry!

What happened to casual repair?

Sanshou will accept your disdainful eyes?

Did the casual repair eat your rice?

When his mouth was put aside, his face showed a disdainful expression: "A small door that doesn't flow into the house, do you feel that you are not a Buddhist?"

He was right, a small sect of incompetence, and the number of sects was just three guams and twos, so it ’s really better than casual repair. Therefore, the monks in the immortal world also regarded this kind of inaccessible small ancestral gate as casual cultivation. In fact, this monk did not consider Qin Shuang to be the lord of Xiaozongmen, otherwise the immortal emperor would not be so polite just now. It's just that Zhong Yu's expression and tone are really irritating. And he also wanted to use this tone to put out the identity of Qin Shuang.

"Ha ha……"

However, all he waited for was two, ignoring him.

Inside the wooden door, there was a lazy voice of Qin Shuang: "Yu Daoyou, have we met?"

Yu Shiwei's face still maintained a respectful color and said, "When resisting the tide of the beast, I saw the Lord Qin far away."

Qin Shuang nodded. When resisting the tide of beasts, all the immortal emperors were around him. The worst was also the middle emperor. Those like Yu Shiwei who had just broken through the immortal emperor had no qualification to approach.

"By the way, congratulations to Lord Qin for becoming the Lord of the Five Elements!"


The monk standing outside the door buzzed!

Master Qin ... Qin Shuang ...

Today, there is nothing more sensational than the merger of the Five Elements Sect, and the fact that Qin Shuang became the Five Elements Sect, on the barbarous monk side. Almost all monks know that this is a major event throughout the barbarian continent.

I just let the Lord of the Five Elements Sect stand outside and wait!

No wonder the murderous man despised himself, and the young man who looked up at the sky ignored him.

I'm really stupid!

This is also grateful to Qin Shuang for his good temper. If he encounters a bad temper, he slaps himself to death, as if ... that is, he is dead for nothing.

The voices of two people continued to come from the wooden door.

"Yu Daoyou, why are you camping here?"

Yu Shiwei smiled bitterly: "Master Qin, the Five Elements Sect led the monk monks, and the Barbarian monks led by Wuman River went early. All of these casual repairs were delayed, and we gathered some friends and relatives to form a group. Teams, large or small, went to Shangyuan continent, thinking of catching up with the large troops in front. However, no one expected that a group of chaotic beasts suddenly appeared after the Five Elements and the Barbarians passed, and sealed this one. We do n’t know. We thought that there was a large army in front of us. This road should be unobstructed and inadequately prepared. We were suddenly attacked by Chaos Beasts and suffered heavy casualties. We had to retreat here.

Fortunately, among the chaotic beasts blocking the way, two chaotic beasts of the immortal level did not chase them, but some lower-level chaotic beasts came here to attack a few times, otherwise, you can't see us now. "

"How many people do you have?"

"In the beginning, more than 3,000 people were assembled, and now there are only a little over a thousand. One third has fallen."

"What strength are they?" Qin Shuang frowned.

"The Emperor is only one of me, five immortal emperors, eighteen immortal kings, and the rest are from Tianxian to Xianjun."

"How many monks are still unhealed?"

"There are more than three hundred, there is no elixir." At this point, Yu Shiwei stared at Qin Shuang with an eye to eye: "Is the emperor Qin the elixir?"

"Huh!" Qin Shuang nodded. "You ask them to come together first, let me see."

"Good!" Yu Shiwei rejoiced, got up and walked towards the door.

"Xu Hao." Yu Shiwei pushed open the door and said to the immortal standing next to the door.

"Boss!" Xu Hao took a guilty glance at the harp, hurriedly looked away and looked at Yu Shiwei.

"You go and gather all the injured Taoist friends and tell them that the Lord Qin will heal them."


Xu Hao hurried away. Less than two quarters of an hour, more than 300 monks concentrated in front of Qin Shuang, saluting Qin Shuang, with hope in his eyes.

Qin Shuang's mysticism was swept away, and everyone's injuries were well known. When he waved his hands, different elixir suspended in front of everyone.

"Serve, heal!" Qin Shuang said lightly.

"Mr. Xie Qin!" After more than 300 people saluted, they took the elixir, took it, and sat down on the floor.

Qin Shuang and Yu Shiwei returned to the cabin. Yu Shiwei asked, "Master Qin, how long will it take for them to heal?"

"Several are heavier. It takes three days."

"Thank you, Lord Qin." Yu Shiwei arched.

"They are all friends!" Qin Shuang waved his hands, then looked earnestly: "Are you ready to break through the blockade of Chaos Beast?"

"The Qin lord reassured that although there are two immortal emperors in the Chaos Beast. But last time it was just that we were attacked suddenly without any preparation. When the Taoist friends were healed, we would surely kill the two immortal beasts. "

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, one immortal emperor, five immortal emperors, and eighteen immortal kings. Will they kill two immortal beasts?

Who gave him the confidence?

"The two Chaos Beasts are just like the first floor of the Emperor." Seeing Qin Shuang frown, Yu Shiwei hurriedly explained.

Qin Shuang thought about it and looked at Yu Shiwei: "It seems you are confident."

Yu Shiwei smiled and said, "It's not self-confidence, but it's impossible to fail. You also know that Master Qin is also the first layer of the Emperor, and the human race can defeat the Chaos beast. I am confident to kill the Chaos beast. The others just dragged me in. "

"Really don't need my help?"

"No need to!"

Yu Shiwei quickly waved his hand, this team was hand in hand, he is the boss of this team. Once he pulled this team out of the channel, entered the Shangyuan continent, and merged with the human race team, he had the right to speak. By that time, the benefits were naturally huge. Naturally, Qin Shuang could not take away his right to speak.

In fact, Qin Shuang really doesn't look down on his team. Qin Shuang's good five element ancestors are improper, but they are robbing you like this? So he nodded and said:

"Now that you feel confident, I'll fight for you. If you don't mind, can I listen to your plan?"

"of course can!"

Yu Shiwei was relieved, as long as he did not rob his leadership.

"My plan is that other monks resist ordinary chaos beasts. Monks above the immortal king entangled an immortal chaos beast. As long as you give me half a quarter of an hour, I will be able to chop another immortal chaos beast. Kill, then go and kill another immortal Chaos beast. "


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