Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2277: Refinery

I heard a double jingle in the ear.


Three thousand six hundred and six handles of the sword exploded, this is not the explosion of the sword alone, but the explosion of a sword array, the swords in the big Zhoutian sword array, staggered into a network.


Wu Manjiang's body began to appear a crack, blood smashed out, the piano double hands to move the road, hundreds of cents around the body condensed in her hands, condensed a giant sword. Above the giant sword, the brilliance shines and rushes into the sky.


The Da Zhoutian sword array is still raging, and there is a scream of Wu Manjiang’s screaming. He is constantly releasing the Dafa, and the big gun in his hand is also waving. However, the self-destruction of the Great Zhoujianjian array shattered his Taoist method, piercing his big gun like a shield, cutting his body, waiting for the burst of Yuwei to dissipate, the muscles of Wumanjiang went 80%, the bones Sensen bare, the vitality and mysterious power of the body are consumed by seven or eighty-eight, but the fierceness and enthusiasm are waiting for the eyes to lock the piano double, but it is discolored, and a huge sword is vacant.

"Do not……"

Wu Manjiang only had a scream, and the sword was on his body and broke into his body.


The two hands of the piano were pushed on the sword of the giant sword, and the giant sword went deep into the body of Wu Manjiang.


The shape of the piano pair is under the magic of time and flies backwards.


Drink lightly.


The sword that was inserted into the body of Wumanjiang was blasted, and the body of Wumanjiang was connected to the gods for fragmentation.

Qin double quickly grabbed the storage ring of Wu Manjiang, and then threw a fireball, the body shape disappeared in place.

After more than a minute, the piano fell on a mountain peak, and the time was over. Qin did not know where he was now. His face was pale and his forehead was sweating. More than 3,000 swords and swords have been built to build a large Zhoutian sword array, and hundreds of fairy charms have been released.

Sitting cross-legged in the foothills, threw out a dozen or so battles, and sacrificed 3,600-handed swords, and set up a large Zhoujian sword array. After taking an remedy, Qin double began to recover his own cultivation. Her heart is very helpless. Killing a Uman River, costing her 3,600-handed sword, hundreds of great masters. It is too expensive.

We must know that the current resources of the fairyland are extremely lacking, not to mention the relatively barren and ruthless continent. It is not easy to refine the best of the fairy and the great master. Last time she almost wiped out the materials of the three fairy cities, and it was almost impossible to collect so much material.

"It's still too low! I hope that I can improve the cultivation of the soil properties as soon as possible, and the five elements are one. The fairy tales and the fairy tales are after all, they are not their own strengths!"

After three days, the piano double resumed repairs.

During the three days, there were monks passing by here, and the piano did not have a hidden array. Because on this big star, even if the Thunder does not break out, it is also full of Thunder factor, they will continue to hit the array, even if there is a hidden array, it will be hit by a layer of ripples, the passing monks Find. Once discovered by the passing monks, and can not see the situation within the law, those monks are bound to bombard the array and find out. This is why she can't enter the town demon tower.

Therefore, the piano pair simply set up the defensive array method with the array, and set up a large Zhoujian sword array with the sword. Let the monk see her. On these three days, there were monks from all walks of life passing by, and even a fairy emperor flew through the air, but when I saw that it was just a big Luo Jinxian, I simply ignored it.

But there are people who recognize the piano, because they are the ones who compete for the dragon. They naturally know that Qin double has taken away two dragon horns. However, Qin double used the immortal to kill a few Xian Wang, so that most of the monks were jealous and did not dare to provoke the piano. However, there are also a few emperors who can't suppress the greed in their hearts and attack the Qinshuang. However, the piano was strangled by the big Zhou Tianjian. This allows those monks who are still cheap and free to stay away.

However, the reputation of Qin double has also been passed out, along with the Qin double won the news of two dragons.

The piano opened his eyes and felt that he had recovered to the peak. Exploring the mystery into the storage ring, touching the two dragon horns, a bitter smile appeared in the corner of the mouth.

When she touched two dragon horns, she knew that she wanted to refine the two dragon horns. On this big star, it was the best refining place. It is in the town demon tower, using the time flow rate, are not here fast. Because the power of the thunder above this big star will help the piano to refine these two dragon horns. Qin double does not know how long it takes to refine this dragon horn here, but knows that refining these two dragon horns in the town demon tower will be 10,000 times of refining time here, or tens of thousands of times.

That is to say, if the two dragon horns are refining, it takes a day here, and it takes 10,000 days or even tens of thousands of days in the town demon tower. The most important thing is that the piano is not sure, whether it can be refining and refining in the town demon tower, maybe it will not be refining.

In other words, it is very likely that these two dragons are refining, only here. If you leave here, you may not be able to refine it, or it will be difficult.


Refining and refining here is too conspicuous. Isn’t this being robbed?

After thinking for a moment, the piano double stood up and took all the flags out. In addition to the big Zhoutianjian array, a 10,000-ray array was set up. This Wanlei array is laid here. With the power of the Thunder here, the power is multiplied. Although there are only a few thousand flags, the most powerful power of this Wanlei array cannot be exerted, but it is not the Emperor. Into.

The piano doubled in the middle of the big array and took out a pair of dragon horns.


On the ground around the ground, a thunder was picked up from the ground, and the piano was gathered from all directions. It was like a large net covering the piano doubles and gathered on the two dragons in the hands of the piano.

Qin Shuang just wanted to drive Xuanwu Yuanshen to refine two dragon horns, but he felt the vibration inside Dantian and sank his mind into Dantian. He saw the original Wuyang, and had four arms. A large hand held a thunder vortex, a large hand holding a gold seal, a large hand holding a gold ram hammer, a large hand holding a wooden thunder stick.

But at this time...


Two arms were raised from the ribs of the military, and two large hands were printed in front of them. Two thunder chains emerged from the hands, and they came out from Dantian and followed the two arms of the piano. Extend, smashed out from the hands of the piano, wrapped around the two dragon horns.


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