Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2574: turbid

The personal monk's face is a dark road: "Are you telling the truth? If there is danger, why don't you have anything at all?"

Qin double's face was gloomy, and coldly said: "I saw you are a human being, I told you the truth. You don't believe it doesn't matter, you can't come in. I don't have to explain it to you."

When the words fall, Qin double no longer cares about the Terran monks, and continues to pick up the storage rings on the fingers of a monk.

"She's fine, we should have nothing to do?"

Some monks opened their mouths, and as they watched the strings, they walked away from the storage ring, and their faces became urgent. Today's fairyland, lack of resources, seeing the piano doubles walked a storage ring, these monks can no longer resist the greed in their hearts.


A Mozu monk took the lead in rushing toward the still-moving monks. This movement led to all the monks, and the black-hearted emperor also rushed over.

Today's fairyland, Xiandi's resources are not much!


When they rushed into the circle covered by the great sword, they heard the sound of the screaming sword, and the sword directly broke into the soul space of a monk and annihilated the soul.


The black heart of the emperor's body appeared a layer of black light, the ear heard a bang, the piano eyes condensed, do not know what the treasure of the black heart Xiandi with, actually blocked the sword, it seems that the treasure also received damage . The black-hearted emperor spurted his nose and nose, and his breath became very wilting. He turned his body and swung away without heading back. He said in his mouth:

"Human, the next time I see you, the Emperor will kill you!"

Qin double shouted at his back: "Don't be next time, you are coming now!"


The black heart fairy squirted a blood, but the body shape did not stop to fly away. He is really scared, and his current state is very low. He was afraid that the piano would sacrifice the fairy and kill him.

Qin double is a sigh of light, she wants to sacrifice the fairy to kill the black heart Xiandi, but with her current cultivation, the speed is not enough, simply can not catch a fairy emperor.

The binocular eyes swept over the monks, shook his head, sighed and whispered:

"I have said it to you, there is danger here, why don't you believe it!"

Qin double looked at the soul of the soul and the soul of the earth in his soul space. For a while, the sword of the sword has already smashed more than 5,000 swords into the soul space of Qinshuang.

"I have to speed up!"

The strings doubled up quickly, smashing the storage rings one by one, and collecting them with a handle.


A sword light broke into the soul space of the Qin double, and has already smashed more than 10,000 swords. The soul fragments in the body of the heavens and the earth are less than one in ten thousand. There is hesitation in the eyes of the piano. She really wants to stand here and test it. If the soul fragments in the souls of the heavens and the earth in their soul space are all dull, can they resist this sword?

However, she did not dare to take risks. She looked up again and glanced at the sword of the soul. The piano flew back and forth, until it was out of the scope of the sorrowful sword, and the soul sword no longer attacked her.

The piano looked around in both directions and saw that there was no monk around. Then the mind sinks into the soul space. At this time, the two souls of the heavens and the earth are separated, and each sits on the left and right shoulders of the soul.

When the piano looks at the heavens and the earth, the two souls are seen. Only the dozens of soul fragments in the body of the heavens and the earth are seen. Under the great grinding of the spirit, they are being ground into the power of the soul. It is estimated that there are no two hours. It is possible to grind the last pieces of these souls into the power of the soul.

Only the power of these souls is very turbid, and it is also infiltrated into the soul of life. Although the soul of life has no sense of guilt, but it has a turbid meaning, it has become incomprehensible.

In the heart of the piano, he sinks his head and looks up at the soul sword. He has the idea of ​​re-entering the heart and see if the soul sword can make the power of the muddy soul pure and transparent.

However, in the end, she still suppressed the thoughts in her heart, because this thought is too dangerous. Once I judge my mistakes, I will pay for my life.

Once again, I glanced at the sword of the sword. The piano turned around and strode away.

It was quiet and there was no sound. Except for the black-hearted emperor who fled, all the monks who were here were dead.

Qin double released the mystery, while walking, while looking around. Her eyes lit up and finally saw a palace that had not collapsed, and her body shape swept away toward the palace.

The door of the main hall was open. There was a layer of dust on the ground. There was a messy footprint on the dust. The heart of the piano was disappointing. It seems that a monk had come here first.

Sure enough, Qin double went in and searched for a circle, did not see a little resources, it was obvious that it was searched out.

Shaking his head, the piano double left the palace and continued on.

In her soul space, the body of the two souls of the heavens and the earth, each with a large mill, continues to grind and grind the last pieces of soul.

After she left for more than two hours, there was another monk on the opposite side of Jianhe.

At this time, the piano pair is sitting on a chair in a large hall. It seems to be a hall of deliberation. The top of the hall has been smashed. The inside is messy. Only the big chair in the center of the upper part has not been Damaged, the piano double sitting on the knees at this time.

She is in the inner space of the soul. At this time, the soul fragments in the body of the heavens and the earth have been ground, but the grinding is still spinning, grinding the power of a filthy soul. Grind the power of the soul into the power of a pure soul. Those impurities were discharged from the heavens and the earth outside the soul, and were sent out of the soul space, which was discharged from the tens of thousands of pores of the piano pair.


Qin double excitedly spit out a breath, although the grinding speed of the large grinding is very slow, but this makes the piano double see hope.

After recovering my heart, I began to look at the storage rings I got. She wanted to see if there was any suitable material. If so, she wanted to refine some flags and battles in this dangerous world. There is no flag on the body, and there is no one in the market. She always feels that she is a weak chicken, and anyone who can take her life is a weak chicken.

As for the fairy, she does not need it, because she has more than 9,000. Of course, if you have a technical material, it would be better.

Suddenly, Qin Shuang’s heart has some regrets. She should have collected the bodies of the demon and the Mozu around the Sword of Soul, which are all good materials!


Thank you very much for a gust of james (200), Ye Feng Jinqiu (100), seaphay (100), Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (100) reward!



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