Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2527: dispute

"Oh..." Qin double sighed: "This is a confused account!"

"How can you be confused?" The fire broke a table and was dissatisfied: "If the Terran did not transfer resources and do something despicable, how is it?"

Qin doubled his mouth, she could refute the other party, but found that the hypothesis was very weak, as long as the other party did not recognize the hypothesis, only the human race first abandoned the alliance, you can not refute.

"Call..." Qin doubled a long breath and his face was filled with depression: "Since all of you think that this disaster is brought by the Terran, now I am going to take you out by this human race, is it right? Have you gotten this hatred? Are you even?"

The fire was silent for a moment: "I don't know what other tribes think, but as long as you can take us out, this grudge...even!"

Then I looked forward to the piano with a look of hope: "Will you... will take us out?"

"Yes!" Qin doubled and said: "Actually, if you had a big master in the beginning, you can completely evolve the big changes and then take you out."

"No!" The fire shook his head and said: "They all died outside, and none of the people who stayed were big masters."

The piano nodded twice, and the heart has long speculated that.

"What are you going to do?"

"Zong Da Ge has already communicated to Yu Jian's contact family and the Mozu, and we are waiting for the result."

"Is the Qindao friend there?" The voice of the Zong war came from outside the door.

Qinqin got up and came to the door. When he opened the door, he saw Zongzhe standing alone, and the piano was on one side:


At the same time, I saw Zheng Jia and others all came out of the room and looked at themselves, and they waved to them:

"You come too!"

Zong Zhan did not mind, the monks re-entered into the room, the face of the Zong battle with anger, looking at the piano double condensate:

"Qindaoyou, are you really a master?"

"Not a big master, but I can't get in at all." Qin said faintly.

Zong war thought, not help, nodded, the look on his face slowed down: "Want to go out, really need to understand the whole big array?"

"This is a prerequisite!" Qin said seriously: "I hope that Zongdaoyou can believe me, otherwise if it causes a big change, maybe we will all die in the big array."

Zong Zhan silently watched the Qin double, and said halfway: "But you are too awkward!"

The piano double is not reddish by the face, and the madness of the eyes is unpleasant, slowly straightening up, condensing the voice:

"Zongdaoyou, you can't talk nonsense."

When I saw the Zong battle, I wanted to open my mouth. The piano doubled and waved, stopped the Zong war, and then said the sound of the fire, and said it briefly. The face of the maddened cheeks is red and sullen. Zheng Jia is an open channel:

"Even if there is no human race to transfer resources, how long will the remaining resources last? When the resources are exhausted, do you think the alliance can be maintained? It is ridiculous to put all these responsibilities on the Terran."

"How is it ridiculous?" The fire burned a table and said: "If the people were not the first to abandon the alliance, everyone would work together to study the break, perhaps when the resources were exhausted, they would have broken away and left."

"Oh..." Zheng Jialu said ironically: "Now more than 100,000 years have passed, have you cracked it?"

"Isn't this your family caused a split? You haven't been able to work together?"

"Do you demon people will break up?" Yan Yuan said: "Maybe the original people transferred resources, just to use these resources to cultivate a big master, otherwise resources are used by you, what to use to train the great master?"

"Speaking well, has it been cultivated?" The burning face is full of sarcasm: "Again, if the Terran bluntly tells us, we will not support it, will we grab resources?"

"Who is this accurate?" Zhu Zixin said.

The piano double swings, the quarrel stops, and they all look to the piano pair. The look of Qin double became sincere:

"No matter what the purpose, for what reason, this is a bad head for the Terran. Maybe the original Terran really wants to use these resources to cultivate a big master, but the result is not successful, then say These are unintentional.

It’s simple now, my great master is standing in front of you, what else do you need to consider? ”

"We have concerns!" Zong war said: "You also know that the enmity between us and the Terran is like the sea. We don't believe in the human race. Now our three tribes occupy the three parts of the big battle. On our side, okay, Once you need to push the big line of the Terran, when you are taken away by the Terran, what should you do if you don't come back? Wait until you break the big battle, just take the Terran and take us here, what should we do? ”

The piano opened his mouth and I didn't know what to say. This is also the sequelae left by the Terran, and does not blame the Yaozu do not believe in the Terran. Finally, helpless:

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's very simple, you let me be banned on you..."

"Don't think about it!" After waiting for the battle, the piano double refused. Then I put up a finger and said: "First, I just want to study the big array without interference. It is not for your help. Second, I saw that in the original alliance against the catastrophe, I wanted to bring it. If you go out, you are not asking for you to go out. You are not grateful, there is no problem. I will give you a apology when I replace the people here."

Speaking of this, I looked at the opposite warlord coldly: "Do you think you can leave me?"

Zong Zhan’s look was stagnation, and his heart was really unsure of leaving the piano. Before he tried the power of the piano pair, he did not test the depth of the piano. After that, the riots caused by the double practice of the piano made him unable to understand the strength of the piano.

You know, the piano double does not have to be higher than him, as long as he is similar to his cultivation. If the piano double wants to escape, it is difficult for him to leave the piano double. Maybe the double-click will be seriously injured, but once the piano double escapes Then, it really turned over. I thought about it:

"Qindaoyou, maybe we can do this, you and me sign a symbiotic contract!"


Qin double vetoed veto, she naturally knows what is a symbiotic contract, once the symbiotic contract is signed, the fate of the two people is connected together, the piano is dead, the battle is dead. Zong war died, Qin double also died.

When he heard the veto of the piano double, the face of Zong Zhan also gloomy. Qin Double’s heart was raised at this time, but his face was not timid, and his face said indifferently:

"Zongdaoyou, I can promise at most, when the three tribes can jointly send the strongest monk, follow me, the rest of the thoughts don't think about it."


I am very grateful to seaphay (100), a gust of james (100), Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (100) reward!



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