Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2427: One year

One year.

The piano in the Scorpio is still sitting on the altar, sitting like a statue. The altar is very large, the strings are very small, and they look from the sky, and the doubles in the center of the altar are like a grain of sand.

A bright starship flew over the sky, and many monks stood on the side of the ship and looked down. Some monks, while looking at the bottom, talked about it.

"You said, who built the altar below?"

"Who knows this?"

"According to legend, Baoxing, Tianzicheng, Tianxuexing and Tianmuxing, as well as the scorpio that surrounds these four formations, are all appearing in the ancient times, falling from the fairy world. If the legend is true Then these altars were built by the immortals of the immortals."

“What are they doing with these altars?”

"You ask me, who am I to ask?"

"Every altar is almost the same, with all the patterns on it, especially the one in the middle. I don't know if anyone ever entered there and studied those altars?"

"Going there? Looking for death? Say, what can be studied? It is estimated that it has long been abandoned, and nothing can be studied."

"Hey, look at it, the biggest streak in the center of the altar, how is it different from other stylks, like what is missing in the center?"

Each monk brought together the power of the gods and brought them closer to the altar on the ground.

"It seems like someone is sitting there!"

"What a joke? How can anyone enter Scorpio? And still sit on the altar?"

"Then what do you say that?"

"Maybe a statue?"

"Nonsense, who will build a statue there?"

"The ancient immortals!"

"How come the other altars have no statues?"

"how could I know?"


At this time, two monks stood side by side on the side of the ship, and one of the young monks had an unbelievable color on his face.

"What's wrong?" asked the older monk on the side.

"To brother, I see that statue... How is it like my seven sisters?"

"Qin double?"

Looking at the king's face, looking toward the altar, but the speed of the interstellar boat is extremely fast, and the altar has disappeared into their field of vision. Regained the power of the gods in the eyes of the king, looking at the piano:

"Stunning, can you see it clearly?"

"No... too clear..." Qin Jingyun looked hesitant.

"Call..." He sighed with a sigh of relief: "That must have been wrong."

Qin Qinyun looked hesitant for a while, and felt that he was wrong. How could Qinqin run inside Tianzhu? And still sitting on an altar?

Think about it, he can't help but laugh at himself. It seems that he misses the seven sisters too much!

On the altar.

The piano sits on the knees and seems to stop breathing. In her heart, the spirit finally moved. Her hands began to move, getting faster and faster, pulling out a blurry afterimage in the space. The space around the altar suddenly swayed, and a trace of metallic law was pulled away by the piano, pulled into the heart, and began to weave between the hands of the spirit.


Gradually formed, not the shape of the lock, but the shape of a bead, emitting a golden glow. The hand of the spirit pulls the road and stops, the left hand gently swings, the metal ball floats from between the hands, hovering around the body of the spirit, and the spirit is silent again.

Crack space.

Ding Wei sighed, he had been stagnant for a long time at Xianjun Peak, but it seems that his understanding has been exhausted since cultivation to the peak of Xianjun. Even if he got a fruit, he did not break through to the half step. .

When he learned that there was a space full of rules and debris, he was ecstatic, so he was the first monk to enter the space of this law.

At the beginning, he couldn't look at the fragments of the fine rules, and went deep into the depths of the law. He was in danger during his life, and he was passed by his powerful strength and luck, but eventually he went deep after three thousand miles. I was almost strangled by the law. After being seriously injured, he dared not go any further. Although I have a bigger rule of law in it, it is just a blind eye.

He decided not to go further, and at this distance, he was looking for a piece of law that satisfied himself. He is the root of water, and he needs to find a level of water attribute law. When he wanders for three days and finally selects a rule fragment, he collects the rule fragment and begins refining.

When he started refining, he discovered that he did not know what the reason was. The law fragments here could not be refining. After he originally wanted to refine and refine this law, this law belongs to himself. In fact, this is not the case. He finds that in the process of refining, the rule of the law is gradually decomposed. He needs to understand the law in the process of decomposing the law fragments.

In fact, this process is very similar to the inheritance of the Qinshen comprehension. In the process of law fragmentation decomposition, it is the reverse process of demonstrating the rule weaving.

Just like a person who can't weave a sweater, you can reverse the way to find a knit sweater by removing the sweater. As long as Ding Hao understands this process, he can weave the rules.

However, in the end he still failed. He has refining the seven rule fragments, but still has no way of understanding the reverse weaving, and still can not weave a successful law lock.

There was a lot of irritability in his heart. In fact, he knew what he was doing. He was able to break through to the peak of Xianjun. It was a kind of luck. It was not his normal step-by-step practice. He encountered a big chance. It was a bit like the time when God gave it to the vastness, and it was topped by the fine elements left by the great monk. He also got such a chance at the beginning, not only was the top of the elite, but also the understanding of the fallen monk. Therefore, it broke through Xianjun all the way, and finally reached the peak of Xianjun.

However, it is now stunned, and his understanding is not enough.

In the early days, Qin double knew that the qualification of the monk was very important when the low stage of cultivation. For example, whether the body is transparent, the amount of impurities, and the roots. However, once the monk is cultivated to a high stage, qualifications become unimportant and savvy becomes very important.

However, Ding’s understanding seems to be worse. What is more, his cultivation is not a self-cultivation, but it is acquired by the empowerment. It lacks a process of smashing and thorns. Said that his foundation is not solid.

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