Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2371: Xinghai


At a certain moment, Qin double fell into the epiphany. This epiphany came from the stars, the stars of the sky.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin double woke up from the epiphany, frowning and frowning for a moment, then came out of the boat, waved the boat, and flew toward the purple star in the void, while walking the void, while Looking up at the starry sky, I gradually immersed myself in comprehension.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

One month.

Two months.

Three months.

Half a year passed.

The piano is covered with dust and the face is full of vicissitudes, but the eyes are bright as stars. The shape of the piano double disappeared into the void and appeared in the town demon tower.

Raised his hand and took out a piece of metallic ore. After hardening it, he squeezed the ore into granules and sprinkled it in front of him. The particles circling in the air, and then the particles quickly enlarged. As big as a planet, it turns into a million stars. In the double sleeves of the piano, the stars were quickly shrunk, and the stars were turned into particles and sprinkled on the ground.

The old figure of the town appeared on the opposite side of the piano pair, and the color appeared in the eyes:

"If you have a soil root, it is a piece of dust, and you will be turned into a galaxies. This magical power is very powerful, what is the name?"

"Just called Xinghai." Qin double slightly snarled.

The old man nodded: "Although you don't have Tu Linggen now, you can try to integrate the four attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo. Once you can fuse and form a four-image planet, the power will be even more powerful."

Qin double indulged for a moment: "It should not be too difficult. After all, I have already integrated the four elephants. It is only close to the ten-year period, or return to the Purple City first."

Tian Zicheng.

The world’s immortals began to gather, and the monks of the string moons also returned to Zongmen. Zongmen disciples have died a lot, but the disciples who have returned have become more powerful.

Inside the hall of the council.

Liu Chuanwu and the top ten elders are covered with sorrows. Qin double has been away for nearly two years. Now it is less than two months away from the ten-year period, but the piano doubles still have no news.

Nowadays, the string moons are supported by the double strings of the piano. The piano is double, the string moon is still a third-rate sect, and there are people who have a double pair. If the string is not killed by himself, there will be nothing. If the piano doubles, it is not said that Tianziyuan will not take care of the string, but Zhang Daoji and twenty-eight Xianjun will leave immediately. At that time, the string moon is not as simple as the influx of power, I am afraid that it will be destroyed by Tianzicheng.

Moreover, today's chords have not been maintained. The monks who went out to experience have returned, and have handed in a lot of resources in exchange for a large number of points. However, Zongmen did not have the corresponding resources to exchange the Zongmen monks, which is troublesome.

This will not only delay the cultivation of the disciples, but also the centripetal force of the sect. Nowadays, Zongmen disciples have no complaints. On the one hand, they know that their cultivation environment and today’s cultivation are all given by Zongmen. They have the feeling of repaying their feelings. On the other hand, because these monks have the same source, they are all from the mainland. Monks and descendants. The third is because of the double pair, these monks have an inexplicable trust in the double, so they are waiting for the return of the sovereign.


If the lord can't come back...

As soon as he thought of it, Liu Chuanwu and the top ten elders were shocked.

"What are the changes in Zhang’s predecessors?" Liu Chuanwu asked with anxiety.

“No!” the nine elders replied: “They are all closed in Dongfu.”

Liu Chuanwu was silent. Suddenly, he looked up and looked at the entrance of the main hall. He was surprised. Huo Ran stood up:


"The Sovereign!" The top ten elders also stunned.

Qin double stepped into the hall, sat on the main seat, and laughed and swept the crowd:

"It’s been hard for everyone in the past two years."

"Not hard!"

The piano nodded and raised his hand. A pile of storage rings appeared on the ground and piled up into a hill. Pointing at this pile of storage rings:

"These storage rings are filled with cultivation resources. They should be able to practice for three hundred years. You can count them and then go into the warehouse. I will go to the Tianziyuan."

When the words fall, the piano will disappear into the hall.

Liu Chuanwu and the ten elders, who explored the gods into a single storage ring, involuntarily issued an exclamation.

The resources in the storage ring are too rich, and there are many resources for cultivation in various realms. It is the monk of the nine-day Xuanxian and Xianjun period, and there are also resources for cultivation. This is why the piano double came back late. She can't give those resources to Liu Chuanwu, and then let Zongmen go out and redeem the resources suitable for the nine-day Xuanxian and Xianjun cultivation. Such a large amount of resources will be exchanged, and the news will spread in a short message. The Mozu and the Yaozu also have latent monks in Tianzicheng. It is easy for them to think of them. The people who destroy the small forces of the Mozu and the Yaozu are Qinqin.

Therefore, Qin double constantly changed his appearance, exchanged resources in the city of Tianzixing, and then returned to the string moon.


Haikuotian and Ding Yu looked at the piano pair sitting opposite, and could not help but win the game:

"Good, good, good, you finally broke through Xianjun! Entering the crack space, there is finally some protection. You have thought that you can't break through the silence of these years."

"Lucky!" Qin double warmth.

"Only your current cultivation is still very low. Do not say those three saints, seven monarchs and ninety-eight, twenty-eight days of arrogance, that is, other immortals. In these years, they have all broken through to the second floor of Xianjun. You enter Be careful in the crack space."

Qin nodded, her heart is also very clear, although he broke through to Xianjun, and out of his own path, the strength is stronger than other monks. In the entire spiritual world, there should be only a handful of people who are stronger than her. However, like Xu Xuanxue, Ren Pingsheng and others, it happens to belong to those who are within a handful of them. At the beginning, she was in the Tianzicheng Dabu, although she defeated Xu Luoxue and Ren Pingsheng, but now these two people are better than their own breakthroughs in Xianjun, and now certainly more than the second layer of Xianjun, Qin double feels right The two of them, they may not have the grasp of winning. Moreover, these two people are still three holy and six gods, seven kings and nine heroes, and the six gods in the twenty-eight days of arrogance, which means that they are similar to their two strengths, and there are four others.

Above them, there are three holy.

This can not help but let the piano double have a moment of disappointment, think about the past with Xu Kaiyun, ten years of no see, then force the first day of the arrogant snow, become the first person of the contemporary generation of the human race.

There is one more!


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