Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2365: Own road

The sixth day.

The spirit of heaven and earth gradually dissipated, and the rhyme was hidden in the air. Qin double opened his eyes, the momentum of the Regal gradually converge, the temperament gradually became ordinary, the piano double stood up, and as she stood up, the whole person returned to the truth, like a mortal.


Liu Chuanwu, the ten elders, Yuan Tong and Yuan Hianqing once again flew to the peak of the moon, the look is a glimpse, because they can no longer feel a little pressure from the body of the piano. Yuan Tong decided to set the Shinto:

"Master, have you broken through Xianjun?"

Qin nodded and said: "Yeah!"

Then he bowed to Zhang Daoji and 28 Xianjun: "Thank you old brother."

Zhang Daoji looked up and down the piano, and his face showed a color of approval: "Just breaking through Xianjun, you can return to the truth, good! Very good! How did you break through?"

The piano doubles hands and stands, the wind blows the clothes and flies, looking at the white clouds under the peak of the moon, the look on the face is somewhat sighed:

"In these years, I traveled all over the corners of the Purple Star, God, into the earth, into the sea, attached to the spirits, and finally have a clearer understanding of my cultivation direction. It is only a clearer cognition, let I broke through Xianjun. But what I saw was even more difficult."

Zhang Daoji is silent, twenty-eight cents are silent. Yuan Hianqing looked curiously at Qin Double Road:

"Master, when you break through, why do I see you, they are even more shocked than Li Shibo, so that I can't help but retreat. And when you break through, I think you are even more ordinary than Li Shibo?"

Qinqin couldn’t help but glance at Yuan Hsien’s eyes. Where is the other fairy face, so praise his master?

Yuan Hic-Ching also reacted and couldn't help but spit his tongue. I hugged Li Xian’s arm and swayed:

"Li Shibo, I am not saying that you are not amazing!"

Li Xian cried and said: "So what do you mean that we are very powerful?"

"Yeah!" Yuan Hianqing nodded quickly.

"But, is your Master more powerful than us?"


"Don't hate it!" Zhang Daoji said: "Hate, your master is better than them."

"Really?" Yuan Hianqing’s eyes widened.

"Yeah!" Zhang Daoji said: "Do not believe you ask them."

Yuan Hsiao-qing looked at Li Xian and others, and twenty-eight Xianjun nodded, Li Xiandao:

"This is a powerful thing, it is only the foundation of your master. She is not as good as we are now, but when your master and us are repaired, we must be better than us."

Zhang Daoji turned a blank eye, and he said in his heart that you don’t have to do it with you. When the younger sister breaks through the middle of Xianjun, I am afraid that you will be defeated.

"You said that cultivation is different from ours!" Zhang Daoji said: "We, people, including the ninety-nine people in the entire spiritual world, will give people a powerful feeling after becoming Xianjun, but they are not like your master. Majestic.

This is caused by the different roads of cultivation. The other monks are practicing step by step. They have the experience of predecessors and practice step by step according to the footsteps of their predecessors. Even if it is a dissertation, it can be cultivated to Xianjun. It is also passed down by the practice. Although no one has pointed it out, it is also groping for the practice of cultivation, and stepping up the footprints of others step by step.

That is to say, those people are walking the path that the predecessors have walked through, and the insights they have gained are actually not their own comprehension, but the insights of their predecessors. There are not many comprehensions of their own. Therefore, they are stronger and stronger than their predecessors.

However, your Master is different.

Although your master also got the ancestors' exercises, at the beginning, he followed the inheritance of the exercises and practiced step by step. However, she cultivated too much, and in the initial stage, she was able to follow the path of her predecessors. However, as her cultivation is improved, because of the complexity of her studies, the path of her predecessors has become impossible. This requires her to deduct the path of comprehending her own.

Comprehend, it will be as strong as others, just like your master is now. If you can't comprehend, you will be stuck in this realm for a lifetime, and you may even go into flames and die. ”

Yuan Tong and Yuan Hianqing looked at the Qin double, Qin double nodded lightly, although the Qin double is now practicing the Feng Feng Bao Dian, Qing Long Bao Dian, Xuan Wu Bao Dian, Bai Hu Bao Dian, as well as martial arts, refining and Confucianism, there is Soul cultivation. However, in fact, it is no longer a pure heritage. She has been trying to integrate these things. Although she has not succeeded so far, she has begun to change her practice and has come out of her own. road.

This road is more difficult, thorny, difficult and hurried, and even the possibility of death. However, as long as you walk through every realm, it will be powerful in that realm, much deeper than other monks, and many mysterious.

One is to take the road of the predecessors and comprehend what the predecessors have realized. One is to take his own path, and to comprehend is the resonance of himself and the Heaven and Earth Avenue, and naturally judges.

It can be said that among the three tribes of the spiritual world. The monks in the same realm of Qin and Qin may have surpassed her, but there are absolutely few and few.

The piano double looked up at the sky, and the sky had begun to gather clouds. Qin double road:

"I am going to robbery."

"I will accompany you!" Zhang Daoji said.

Qin nodded twice, and Zhang Daoji was alone, enough. The figure of two people disappeared instantly, and no one in the whole purple city knew that Qin double had broken through to Xianjun, and went outside to rob.

There is an endless desert, and there is almost no humanity here. At least within a radius of the piano, there is no monk.

Zhang Daoji stood in the distance and looked at the piano pair who was looking up at the sky.

In the sky, the black clouds are in the air, and the golden snakes dance in the dark clouds, making a squeaking voice. The face of the piano is bitter, although the thunder has not yet brewed, but she has already felt the power of the thunder.

It stands to reason that her current body strength has reached the immortal king, just crossing a fairy robbing, it is nothing at all, it is not sitting or waiting for the thunder.


Her thunder can't be a prince! When I last broke into the nine-day Xuanxian, I dropped the emperor and robbed it. Now that the thunder has not been completely brewed, I have already felt that it is beyond the emperor’s robbery. Needless to ask, it is the emperor's robbery, she is a fairy king body, dare to directly bear the emperor's robbery, isn't it looking for death?

With a bang, the piano doubled into a slag!

The piano doubled up the water thunder beads, and fifteen water mines became an umbrella cover, which was blocked on the head of the piano.

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