Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2353: Strong aid

Qingcheng flew in the eye and locked the piano double.


The piano double was smashed by a knife.

"not good!"

In the heart of Qingcheng, the police were in a row, and the figure of Qin double was crushed, but there was no trace of flesh and blood.



The figure of Qin double did not know when it appeared in his field. The exquisite sword in his hand burst into a ray of light, and a sword smashed into the field of Qingchengfei.

This is not the magic of the Tao, but the real power of the piano. The real power is really squatting in the field of Qingchengfei through the Xianbao Lingjian sword.


The field of Qingchengfei was thrown out of a huge crack.

"How can this be?"

Qingcheng flew in the heart, he has been able to lock the piano double, no matter how to avoid the piano double, can not hide his awkwardness. However, just at that moment, Qin double actually cracked his lock, and suddenly ignored the distance and appeared on the edge of his field.

How can this be?

It is the same level of Xianjun Peak, and he can't crack his lock. Everyone can only rely on magical powers. What is the piano double?

"Give me death!"

Qingcheng flew in a hurry, he was very clear at this time, the body strength of Qin double is definitely more than Xianjun, at least half-step Xian Wang, may have reached the power of Xian Wang. Never be able to fight with the piano.

Do not!

Neither can the piano be close to its own field, and only when it is opened, will it dominate.

At the same time of retreating, he once again locked the piano pair, and the gods were thrown out.


The smashing of the sky is still the afterimage of the piano pair, and the piano double once again got rid of his lock in a magical way. And before he suddenly appeared in his field, the exquisite sword once again stood on his field.


There is another big crack in his field.

The face of Qingchengfei changed. He realized that he had become a passive defense from active attack, and he doubled from the doubles of the piano and turned into a double. Although his field was cracked by the piano, his mouth bleeds out blood. However, he did not dare to close the field. Because once the field is closed, with the secret of the piano, I am afraid that the next sword will stand on his body.

The power of the piano double, the power of the exquisite sword, a sword to kneel on his body, it is his celestial peak can not afford.


The figure of Qin double circling around the field of Qingchengfei, the exquisite sword in his hand kept coming out, but in less than three times, the field of Qingchengfei was smashed. Although Qingchengfei is constantly repairing, it still gives people a feeling of ruin.

Qingcheng Fei was so depressed that he could not lock the piano. Since it is impossible to lock the doubles, it is naturally impossible to attack the doubles and only passively beat them. Moreover, the power of the double piano and the exquisite sword can completely pose a fatal threat to him.

At this moment, his heart was anxious for the first time, and even gave birth to a trace of fear. I couldn’t help but sneer:

"Qin double, look at your ancestral elders, look at your friends, do you want your ancestral elders and friends to die here?"


Qin Shuangyi sword squatted in the field of Qingchengfei, his eyes swept away, his look could not be changed. At this time, Liu Chuanwu and the top ten elders have been arrested, and the five people in Yu Guanting have become very embarrassed. Xu Kaiyun was forced to the periphery by Xu Xuan, completely suppressed.

"Little sister, old brothers are coming!"

A scream of laughter sounded, and twenty-eight voices crossed the distance, appearing around the city of Qingcheng, but it was the twenty-eight princes such as Ji Wei and Li Xian. These twenty-eight Xianjun did not live in Tianzicheng. Although they were left here to monitor, but after Qinqin killed Ren Ren sleeve, it took a while to find out that Qin double was back. When he informed Li Xian and others, time fell to the end.


Twenty-eight celestial kings became a circle, surrounded by Qingcheng flying, and a punch was made. It was just this punch that completely smashed the field of Qingchengfei. The body of Qingchengfei was bombarded like a broken sack. The body was still in the air and it was already fainted.

"Older brother..." Qin doubled in the heart.


An angry drink shook the earth, letting twenty-eight celestial princes change color, and one Tianwei plunged, so that twenty-eight celestial princes were somewhat unstable in the air. As for the other monks, it is like falling dumplings from the air. The battle ends in an instant, and under such pressure, it is impossible to end.

The five people in Yu Guanting stood together quickly and looked at the air with fear. The Qing family monks also grabbed Liu Chuanwu and others and retreated to the front of the mountain gate. They looked up and looked up into the air with adoration and excitement!

"Half-step fairy king!"

The face of the piano doubled slightly discolored. In the heart of the road, the four chains of the law were chained on the head of the spirit, which resolved the pressure brought by the law. The body stood on the top of the cloud and stared at the family.

When Qingcheng took a step, he came to the air outside the mountain gate. His eyes fell on the body of the piano, and his eyes flickered.


Stretched out a hand and grabbed the piano. Only in an instant, Qin double felt that he was imprisoned, and even wanted to move his fingers.

This is the power of the law!

The next moment, the piano double will be caught by this big hand, crushed.


The law chain in the heart of the piano doubled up and quickly circulated, and the force of a trace of law was radiated from the heart of the piano. The piano returned to freedom in two instants. At this moment, Li Xian and other twenty-eight sages have already rushed toward Qingcheng.


Qingcheng cried a big sleeve, and the big sleeves burst into length, like a city wall, sweeping toward twenty-eight sensaries.


Twenty-eight celestial monarchs show their magical powers, although they are all old-fashioned Xianjun, and most of them are Xianjun peaks, and the weak ones are also late Xianjun. But in the face of the law, it can only be forced to repel. However, it is precisely because of their profound skill, and they are still besieged by twenty-eight, but they only retire several tens of meters, but they are not injured, and they are not even wolf.

Qingcheng’s crying is also uncomfortable. He is just a time when he has just broken through to the half-step fairy king for a few years. He just condensed a law lock, and bombarded twenty-eight powerful old Xianjun. The blood is rushing.


The shape of the piano double was crushed, and Li Xian and other twenty-eight celestial eyes were red.

"Qingcheng cry, I want to destroy your family!"

Twenty-eight Xianjun madly rushed toward Qingcheng, and the supernatural powers at the bottom of the box rushed toward Qingcheng. I was shocked by the cry of Qingcheng.

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