Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2341: Golden mine

Come back, restore three more today, plus one more!


"Yeah!" the town nodded.

The piano double stood up, the water thunder beads on the wrist fell off, turned into a armor, and the whole body of the piano was covered. Qin double stepped on the ninth mountain.

She only tried to use the Thunderbolt to resist the Thunder here, and she never used the Thunderbolt. It was because she suddenly realized that it is the best place to quench the body and the best place to comprehend the Thunder.

However, now she has to use water thunder beads to resist the thunder.

Because she wants that hammer!

Because she knows that if she continues to use the Thunder to quench her body here, maybe one day her body strength will increase to that extent.

But how many years will it be?



Or a million years?

Even longer?

However, she did not want to, she did not want to waste so much time here.

Not bad!

It is waste.

She has a vague feeling that it is impossible for her to break through to Xianjun, and she needs to go out and find the opportunity to break through Xianjun. And she also has a faint feeling that all of her nine-day Xuan Xian Dao method is integrated, but it does not reach the power of that, she needs to go out and find directions.

not to mention……

She has been here for ten years, and she has her concerns outside, she has to go out and see.


The Thunder continually bombarded it, bombarded it on the water mine, and ran on the armor, and was resisted by the water mine.


Thunder storms with the power of destruction hit the body of the piano double, so that the piano double is almost impossible. But one inch is not enough, she moved forward half an inch and a half inch.

However, it really won't work!

The Thunderstorm here is far more powerful than the Qinshuang, and this is definitely not motivated by the willpower. Therefore, Qinqin was flying by the thunderstorm and fell heavily at the foot of the mountain. Qin double climbed up from the ground, gasped a few mouthfuls, checked his body, but did not suffer too much damage, slightly adjusted to recover, and then climbed to the mountain again.


She was flung down again. Then climb again.



three times.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


The piano double was once again smashed to the foot of the mountain, turned over and sat up from the ground, his brow slightly shrunk, and then sighed. From her heart, there is a hint of magic that has spread.

There is no help from Xiaoru. Although she used the chain of destruction and the seal, she could not completely seal the magic. Every three years or so, the magic will break a seal, and the time to break the seal is shortened a little. This shows that the magic is recovering a little.


The piano doubled and swayed, and once again sacrificed countless destructive chains and seals, and sealed the magic again. Then guide the power of the Thunder into the body, refining the magical gas that leaks into your body.

The ninth mountain peak.


The Thunder continued to bombard and converge toward the handle of the hammer. Under the hammer, there was a man who was excited around the giant hammer and danced from time to time.

The giant hammer is the size of a hill. Compared with the giant hammer, that person is like a cock. He grabbed the hammer at the handle.


The giant hammer broke out of endless power and bounced off his figure. But at the moment of the rebound, the figure disappeared and disappeared into a thunder, and then appeared in the thunder of the sky, and fell on the foothills.

He turned his head and glanced at the foot of the mountain. The thunder and lightning flashed, and he was able to penetrate the layer of thunder and see the piano double that was climbing at the foot of the mountain. He looked at the giant hammer and looked at the piano double at the foot of the mountain. He licked his mouth and bent to point at the mountain. A slender lightning flashed toward the mountain.


Qinqin was once again flying out by the Thunder storm. In fact, she has been working hard for ten days here, and she has not climbed to the height of half a foot, but every time she was flying high by the Thunder storm.


The slender lightning shot into the eyebrows of the piano.


Qin double fell to the ground, but she immediately turned over and sat up, closed her eyes, she felt a mysterious and mysterious message into her own knowledge of the sea. In an instant, she was immersed in the epiphany.

Gold seal.

This is the name of this heritage!

I don't know how long it took, the piano double began to print with both hands, and a trace of thunder was gathered to weave the pattern.


Just just weaving a small corner can not be in the small corner, the group pattern exploded. The body of the piano double was blown out. The flesh and blood collapsed, and there was a crack in the sternum. At the same time, he also woke up from the epiphany.

When Qinqin moved this year, he entered the town demon tower and took the Vientiane. After the injury healed, she came out from the town demon tower and ate a December fruit. The comprehension quickly increased by 12 times. Qinqin once again began to comprehend Jin Leiyin.

"No!" Qin double is rapidly deducing: "I can't control so many rules, I need to simplify the gold seal."

one day later.

"It still doesn't work, it needs to be simplified."

Three days later.

"It still needs to be simplified."

one year later.

Qinqin ate another December fruit and continued to push it. So after half a month, the piano double-handedly moved the ball and weaved the pattern, forming a square between her hands. The pattern is like a seal with a large print.

In this seal pattern, only this silk rule, this silk rule constructs a pattern in the center of the seal, which is also the center of the entire seal. It is the pattern constructed by this silk rule that can maintain the existence of the entire seal pattern.


Qin double vomited a breath, this is the limit she can make. Simplify the gold seal to the extent that it can no longer be simplified. Power is naturally reduced to a minimum.

However, she is not a fairy king, but the control of the power of this silk rule has reached her limit. This is still the credit of the spirit. If it is the four major gods and the sun god, even this degree can not be done.

Looking at the thin square Thunder pattern floating in front of the eyes, the eyes of the piano are blurred.

"It's so beautiful! Since it is like a seal, I will call you a post."

Qinqin stood up and looked up at the ninth mountain peak, whispering:

"I hope you don't let me down!"

Qin double stepped up the mountain.


The thunder in the sky slammed into the head of the piano pair, and there was a thunderstorm that could not be resisted. However, whether it was the thunder that fell in the sky or the thunderstorm that rushed in the face, they changed their direction and swarmed toward the Thunder. The mine is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was only an instant, it was more than a few meters, and then began to bend, like an eggshell, and the piano was covered in it.


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