Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2327: Supreme

These eighteen immortals could not help but sigh, knowing that they and the fruit are not, but they are also courageous people, turning around and turning away.

At this time, the Qinshuangjiu people have been fighting side by side, and the peaks are only less than 100 meters away. The Thunder here is even stronger, and the Thunderstorm is even more violent.

Two quarters of an hour later, in the field of Qinshuang, four monks appeared again. It was the late four sages, and only the four sages were barely here, and the rest of the princes had already Leave. Zhu Qi also saw the four Xianjun late, could not help but say:

"Fast, attack together, the piano can't last long."

The eyes of the four immortals were bright, and they approached the piano and approached them, then released the magical powers.


Qin double's face is pale as paper, and her mysterious power and fairy power are consumed quickly. This battle lasted for too long, and even the Qinshuang, a richly-preserved monk, was about to dry up.

If there is no old town to throw a drop of demon monkey wine from the stomach of the piano, the piano can't support it.

Of course, the other nine Xianjun peaks are not much better. Although they are nine to one, they are still sticking their teeth. They believe that the piano is stronger and it is impossible to stop them. Maybe in the next moment, the piano will collapse.


The addition of the four Xianjun late, the Emperor Tower finally began to shake sharply. This is not the law of the old town is not strong, but the mysterious power of the piano and the signs of the immortality of Xianyuan.


Time flies into the lower half, and the piano pair is still waiting patiently, bravely supporting, and the mouth continues to flow out of blood.

Suddenly, the piano moved.

In the eyes of the nine celestial peaks, it seems that I only saw the double movement of the piano, and no one responded. I felt that the swords of the piano pair had already cut their bodies. Only the Zhu Ji has been careful with the nine Xianjun peaks. She did not expect that the piano pair would still have time magic. He was wary of the swordsmanship of the piano pair.

Therefore, even if he did not see the movement of the piano double, he felt that his defensive shield was cut at the first time.


At this moment, he did not want to block the sword in the direction in which the defensive shield was cut.


Eight Xianjun peaks did not know how they died.


A sword, Zhu Qi with his care and instinct, actually blocked the sword of the double. The look on his face changed dramatically and even revealed fear.

"Time magic!"

He couldn't help but scream, time magic is the most mysterious supernatural power. Once there was a great monk in history, whoever touched the time, who touched the origin of the avenue.

He had no time to turn around, and his figure flew frantically and fled toward the mountain. His eyes were staring at the strings, as if to imprint the image of the piano pair in his mind.


Zhu Qi's heart violently contracted, and he felt that he had a sharp cut to open his defensive shield and cut his skin.

"hidden weapon!"

These two words pulsed in his heart. He knew that it was the sword silk of the double string. In the path of his escape, the reason why he was cut was that he rushed into the speed.

The blood shot from the cut skin, and his instinct of flying retreat showed a desperation in his eyes.

Just as he paused, the sword of Qin double has already reached the front.

This is time magic!

The jump of time, no trace can be found!


From the piano double release the first time magical power, to this sword today, everything is done in an instant. Everything was too unexpected. Zhu Qi was able to stop the first sword. It is already lucky. How can he still block the second sword?

That is the sword of time!

It seems to burn and cut through the sky!

Zhu Qi became two halves, and died.

At this time, the four Xianjuns only reacted later, and they turned their heads and fled frantically.


The huge Taiji figure behind the piano double flew around the body, hovering and smashing toward the late stage of the four Xianjun. At the same time, the piano took a step.

The four monks seemed to feel the time to jump, and the shape of the piano pair was already in front of them.


The shape of the piano pair is awkward.


The nose and mouth are not spurted, and her consumption has reached the edge of the collapse.


The two Xianjun were killed by the Taiji figure in the late period, but the other two Xianjun were ecstasy in their hearts. They saw the end of the Qinshuang, which is the best time to kill the piano.


At the same time, the two men came to the piano, and the Taiji figure was falling towards the ground. The piano pair had some powerless control. In front of the four elephants, they greeted the two queens.


The exquisite sword flew away, leaving two deep visible bone scars on the front chest, crisscrossed. The figure fell back.


The two Xianjun plucked the piano pair in the late stage, but the heart was a glimpse. The two of them saw the cold eyes of the piano.


Qin Zhongshuang’s one hundred and eight-pointed squats were madly poured out, and they built a large Zhoujian sword array and strangled them.

The two monks were smashed into powder in an instant, and they were bombarded by the Thunder.


Qin double fell to the ground, a few want to stun.

However, she did not dare to stun, and even dared not enter the town demon tower. That would make the fusion of the magic and Gorefiend control her body. Here, Thunder naturally has a suppressive effect on the Devil and Gorefiend, and she stays awake, and can take the initiative to defend, and even suppress the Devil and Gorefiend.

Without the piano, the old man crushed the Vientiane in the stomach of Qinshuang and threw the medicinal herbs. The piano double is slowly recovering.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

When the piano double feels that he can suppress the magic, he will return to the exquisite sword, and his mind will move into the town demon tower.

When Qinqin once again came out of the town demon tower, the time has passed for more than three days, and Qinshuang has been in the town demon tower for nearly ten years.

After nearly ten years, Qin’s injury did not take much time to recover. The key is that her mysterious power took nearly a decade to regain its original level.

In the past ten years, Qinshuang is still suppressing the devil and the Gorefiend, but lost the Thunder's restraint. Even if the Devil and the Gorefiend are weak now, it is difficult to retreat, but it remains a stalemate. And after nearly a decade, the Devil and Gorefiend are recovering, and gradually there is a tendency to suppress the double.


As soon as they came out of the town demon tower, there was a bucket of thunder falling from the sky, bombarded on the head of the piano double, bursting open, pouring like a waterfall, drowning the piano double.


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