Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2320: Confrontation


Beyond the first Thunder Mountain Peak, Zhu Qi’s face showed ecstasy. After the murder of more than 5,000 monks, the sword left by Xu Mo finally dissipated the last trace of sword and disappeared into the air.

Zhu Qi quietly grabbed another monk, and in the loud voice of the monk, threw the monk to the Thunder Mountain Range.


The monk was bombarded by the Thunder and made a scream. Zhu Qi waved his fist.


Zhu Qi's body shape is like a strong wind, and it is thrown into the peak of Thunder Mountain. The thunder of the first Thunder Mountain Peak is not a big deal for his old Xianjun Peak.

The sixth Thunder Mountain Peak, Qin Double climbed hard. At this time, the threat of the magic heart and the blood of the blood of the blood is no longer there. Under the increasingly fierce Thunder suppression, it constantly retreats. At this time, the piano is not in a hurry. Since it is impossible to seal the magic and the Gorefiend immediately, it is better to slowly grind a little bit. The most important thing is that Qin Double has already firmly believed that he can successfully seal the magic again. And Gorefiend.

Now Qin Qin only leaves Xuanwu Yuanshen and Qinglong Yuanshen to guide the power of the Thunder to oppress the Devil and the Gorefiend. At this time, the magic heart and the Gorefiend once again merged together, completely shrinking the blood magic blood in the double body of the piano, and integrating the magic heart, forming a very strong rebound force. He is not willing to be sealed again, even if there is only one line. Hope, but also against the Qin double against the end.

The White Tiger God is constantly running the Golden Thunder, guiding the Thunder into the Dantian, pouring into the Thunder vortex of the right hand of the Wuxiang, and condensing the source of the Golden Thunder through continuous compression.

The Yangshen is guided by the power of the Thunder, constantly tempering the body of the piano pair, and enhancing the body strength of the piano pair. The Fire Phoenix God is the body that controls the Qinshuang, facing the Thunder storm and climbing hard to the mountain. The spirit within the Taoist heart enters the state of comprehension at this time. Since the birth of the first drop of Jin Lei, the Qin double has suddenly become much clearer about the Thunder's understanding of the righteousness, as if there is a Thundering root. The spirit of the Tao can be used to derive various spiritual roots. At this time, in the Thunder Mountain Range, there are thunders full of thunder and ambiguity, which gradually immersed herself in the thunderstorm.

Qinqin, who walked halfway up the mountainside of the sixth Thunder Mountain Peak, suddenly stopped and her fire and phoenix felt the changes around her. She has been walking in the Thunder Mountain for more than a year and is very familiar with the changes in the surrounding Thunder, when she perceives a slight difference behind her.

She stopped and turned to look down the hill, a figure appeared in her field of vision. At this time, the figure also saw the piano double, not laughing at ecstasy:

"Ha ha ha ... Qin double, finally found you. Sure enough, it is the Qin double, even able to go to the sixth mountain."

The piano double looked at the figure and stopped at her distance of ten meters, slightly frowning.

Xianjun Peak!

"The Thunder here is here, even for the ordinary nine-day Xuanxian peak, can you resist it?" Qin said faintly.

"But you are only the eighth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, not the peak." Zhu Qi smiled.

"I am Tianjiao!"

"Yes, you are Tianjiao!" The smile on Zhu Qi's face converges: "Qin double, I am not embarrassed to you, give me the fruit, I will turn and leave."

"You come for the fruit?"

"Yes, otherwise I really don't want to offend you this arrogance."


"Just because you are only nine days of mysterious fairy, I am Xianjun, you can master your life and death."

"Mastering my life and death? I am Tianjiao!"

"I know that you have the strength of Xianjun, but I am not an ordinary Xianjun, but a fairy king! The old Xianjun peak."

"Always try it! It’s not easy to find a fairy to try."

"Do you want to use me as a sharpening stone?" Zhu Qi doubled his eyes and his eyes became sharp.

"Yeah!" Qin double smiled.

"Isn't you afraid of cutting your knife?" Zhu Qi felt his teeth humiliated.

"Do not try to know?" Qin double smiled.

"It's your own death!"

A circle of ripples is centered on Zhu Qi and spreads in all directions. The shocks of the Thunder are distorted and fluctuate with the fluctuations, such as the blue ripples of the same circle, the thunder's ocean, spreading in all directions.


Qin doubled up the exquisite sword behind him, condescending, and headed to the opposite side of Zhu Qi, the blade smashed the thunder, and the dense snoring sounded. The sword was surrounded by four elephant totems. I turned to Zhu Qi.

Four elephants!


Zhu Qi also took out the sword, two people slammed together, a circle of transparent ripples suddenly shook open, smashed the surrounding thunder, let the surrounding large thunder into small lightning, spread around, under the feet The mountains were shattered and there was a gap between the two of them.


The Qin double was only a step back, and the Thunderstorm from top to bottom withstood the retreating figure, but there is no doubt that it is like having two sides on both sides.


Before and after the shock, the piano was rushing, and a blood was not sprayed from the mouth. However, Zhu Qi was because the oncoming thunder storm superimposed the four elephants of the piano pair, and the body shape continued to backward seven steps. The face is flushed. Qinqin followed by the thunderstorm, rushing toward Zhu Qi underneath, and it was a four-character, eager to go down. At the same time, the Tao began to project, and the imaginary and yang fish were constructed with the magic heart. The metaphysical spurt came out, forming an s shape between the heart and the magic heart.

Divided into yin and yang, separated by the fairy!


A huge roar sounded in the thunder rumble, and Qin and Zhu Qi once again collided. Zhu Qi slammed back and his eyes flickered. He knows that the position of the piano is very favorable. He was double-clicked by the piano, not because the piano is stronger than him, but by the power of the Thunder storm. The four elephants and the Thunder storm superimposed, so that he could not resist.

Suddenly, his face changed. After seeing this collision, he did not retreat and did not vomit blood. At the same time, I saw a huge Tai Chi behind the piano double, which is slowly turning.

Here is the Thunder World, let the piano double let go of the courageous fellows, and will not enter the magic. The power of the fairy magic blended, so that the strength of the piano double climbed to the peak of Xianjun. This made her strength equal to Zhu Qi, and then the thunder storm, constantly smashing the four elephants, actually suppressed Zhu Qi.



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