Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2315: Exorcism

The body of the piano double, a trace of **** devil gas lingering for a while, convergence for a while, two eyes clear for a while, blood red for a while.

"Do you believe me?" Qin double stared at Xu Mo.

"You said, I can tell!" Xu Mo said calmly.

"I am here, I just want to continue the Thunder here to sharpen myself and expel the demons. I will not enter the devil."

"But, getting into the devil will make you strong."

"I don't want that kind of power, it's not my choice."

"I believe what you are saying now, but when you have nowhere to go, only the road to enlightenment will make you live, it will make you strong, will you not forget the original heart?"

"There is no way to go? It is not enough to grind and precipitate.

What's more, there is no way in the world, but it is only because it has gone far. As long as you are willing to go and keep going, there will always be a way out. ”

Silenced around, including the Yaozu and the Mozu, including Ren Gaolin and other half-step fairy kings, they all heard the determination from the words of Qin double, and Qin double also gave them enlightenment.

As long as you are willing to go, keep going, there will always be a way out!

They are now in a state of confusion, and they will not be able to break through the realm of Xian Wang and fly to the fairy world. Now I hear the words of the piano, but like Hong Zhong Da Lu, wake them up.

"Good!" Xu Mo finally nodded: "I will leave a team of monks here to handle some monks who want to enter this Thunder area to find you. Waiting for you to return."

If you come out with a hint of magic, you will be killed. Even if they can't kill you, I will kill you with my own hands. Will not give you any chance. ”

Qinqin slowly bowed to Xu Mo and said: "I understand."

Xu Mo opened his side and let him go. Ren Gaolin and others blinked, and Xu Mo suddenly said:

"I said that if the piano double comes out with a hint of magic, I will swear it. Please also give me a thin face."

"Qin double!"

Already on the edge of the Thunder, the body shape turned and turned to look at the sea.

"The Thunder there is not something you can afford, you will die." Haikuotian's face showed an anxious color.

"Thank you, Dean!" Qin doubles a tribute: "Xiao Yuezong also asks you to take care of me for a while."

"Little girl!" Zhang Daoji said with a voice: "If you don't want to go in, my brother will take you away."

"Thank you brother, I really want to sharpen my heart here and expel the demons." Qin double sighed in the heart, and the gods knew the sound.

Zhang Daoji was silent, and the piano double turned and stepped into the thunder.

"Take care!" came the voice of Zhang Daoji behind him.

"Qin double, I am waiting for you to come back."

There is a great grief in the heart of Haikuotian. Finally, the academic school of Tianziyuan has a real Tianjiao, but it has fallen so far. Why is God so unfair?

"I believe in you! You must be able to expel the demons!" Xu Mo snorted.

The double figure of the piano paused, then turned his back to the crowd, raised his hand and shook his shoulders, striding toward the mountain.


The horrible and desperate Thunder was bombarded from the sky, and the piano double-handedly held an umbrella made of water and thunder beads, step by step along the hillside and headed for the top of the mountain.

"Let's go!"

Xu Mo took the lead and turned away. Ren Gao Lin and others looked at the back of the piano pair that gradually disappeared into the Thunder. He shook his head slightly and raised a trace of regret in his heart. This regret comes from the pity of Qinshuang and the one in the heart. The reason for the fruit on the piano double. These half-step fairy kings, although not afraid of the thunder in front of them, but also not in the face of Xu Mo, go in and grab the double fruit of the piano. And once this was done, it was playing Xu Mo's face, and the interests in front of him were not worthy of turning their faces, and they turned and left.

As for the Yaozu and the Mozu, they have instinct and fear of the Thunder instinctively. Even if they are half-stepped, they are not willing to enter such a Thunder, and they will turn and leave. Only the monks and other monks in the tribes are still sad.

Those half-step kings have begun to understand the rules. Therefore, the fruit is important to them, but it is also a icing on the cake. But for those who do not understand the law, the peaks of Xianjun are crucial. Perhaps this one can make the law level that they have not been able to comprehend for a long time loose, and then break through to the half-step fairy king.

Therefore, they are not willing, they want to go in and grab the piano double, to win the fruit.


A sword screamed from the body of Xu Mo, a force of the law of the wind came out, gathered in the foreign exchange of the Thunder, constructed a long sword, appeared, hangs in the air, exudes the power of terror.

The shape of Xu Mo and others disappeared. They went looking for other opportunities. This secret is too big. They are now searching less than one-tenth.

The piano walks forward step by step, and the blood of the blood in the body competes with Qinqin for control.


Qin double sighed and stopped at the middle of the mountain. Her current physical condition is very bad and her body is continuously injured. So she took the umbrella of the water and thunder beads into the Thunder Mountain Range. The Thunder has a powerful effect on the blood of the Gorefiend, but it also causes strong damage to the body of the Piano. Qin double really does not know whether she can withstand the thunder bombardment with her current physical condition.

If you can't stand it, and you don't wait for the double-driver to drive the blood of the blood, the piano double has already died.


Now I have to take risks!

Because the blood of the blood is madly robbing the body of control, because it knows that only by taking back the control of the body, can you leave here, otherwise it will be expelled by the double use of the thunder here.


In the blood vessels of the piano, there is a struggling roar. Every drop of blood is a **** face, engulfing the essence of the piano double, expanding the blood of the blood. Qin double has already felt that he is gradually taking the initiative again by the blood of the blood.


The umbrella in the hand was transformed into fifteen water thunder beads, which were constructed into a bracelet and wrapped around the wrist of the piano.


The Thunder bombarded the body of the piano double, like a spring, bursting from the top of the head, flowing throughout the body, drowning the body of the piano.


The piano spit out a sigh of relief, and a dense and small thunderstorm ejected from her mouth.

The Thunder here can still withstand, if it is not the piano double body is now in the eyes of the eye, here the thunder, the piano double will not be regarded as one thing.


There is a scream of screams in the body of the piano, and the **** fear and anger. The piano sits on the knees and guides the Thunder into his body, into the blood, and begins to expel the blood of the blood.


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