Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2307: Siege

The color coat was silent for a moment, slightly lowering her head, and when she looked up again, her eyes turned red.

"I don't call Caihe, my real name is He Caiyi. Do you remember that you have a good brother who is like-minded, He Zhentian?"

"You are the daughter of Zhentian brother?" Xu Mo was out of state for the first time.

"Yeah!" Cai Xia looked at Xu Mo, and no longer hide his own killing in his eyes: "Is it right for you to call Uncle Xu?"

The look on Xu Mo's face is extremely wonderful. Qin Double has never seen Xu Mo so miserable. The feeling of Xu Mo to Qin double is always in the grasp of everything in the world. However, at this time, she can not only see, but also feel the mood of Xu Mo is extremely chaotic.

"Hotwear... No, colorful clothes, after your father's accident, I went to see you, I promised your father, I want to raise you an adult, but I went to your house, but I didn't find you..."

"Find me? Kill me?"

"How come I? My brother and I are brothers!"

"Well, I am your father-in-law."

"I..." Xu Mo's face was full of embarrassment.

"I only ask you, is my father killed you?"

"Yes, but..."

"But what? You killed my father for the righteousness of the human race, right?"

"No!" Xu Mo was a little confused: "I was in a secret situation with your father. In the secret, your father was attacked by magic. I was not alone. I was asked by my father to kill him. At that time, he still had a hint of intelligence, and he didn't want to be a demon. At the same time, he asked me to take you back to Xu and recognize him as a righteous woman. I couldn't bear your father's enchantment and promised his request."

"Giggle... So, is my father asking you to kill?"

Xu Mo said: "Yes!"

"Giggle..." He Caiyi laughed crazy: "I only ask you, you two enter the secret, why is my father only enchanted, and you are not enchanted?"


Xu Mo’s heart could not help but rise up, how can he answer? Can you say that your luck is better than He Zhentian?

"You haven't entered the magic, how can my father get into the magic? At that time, your repair is not as good as my father? I remember you said to me, you have got a soil pearl in that secret, that Should it be my father's got it? It is you who use the means to make my father enchanted and kill him in public. Your Xu family is using this kind of skillful means to occupy the status of the first family in the spiritual world. Don't think that I don't Know the embarrassment of your family."

"I do not have!"

"Of course you won't admit it! I won't care if you admit that you don't admit it. Just know that you and my father went to the ruins, you live well, and my father was killed by you because it was enchanted. It is enough. Kill the father's hatred, don't share the sky.

You never imagined that the news that you killed my father spread so fast, I got the news before you came to my house. The servant of my family took me out to hide.

Poor I was only nine years old and lost my father. And my father died because of enchantment, and corrupted his reputation.

Ten years later, I found an opportunity to approach you. Finally, I finally married you. With the opportunity to live with you, there is also the opportunity to kill you.

I have to kill not only you but also the Xu family.

However, I did not think that I am too much to repair with you, even if you are asleep, you are not sure to kill you.

I am suffering, I am desperate!

Later, I gave birth to falling snow, let me change my mind, or kill you, but Xu family should leave it to the snow.

However, one year later, my cultivation has not only failed to catch up with you, but has further expanded with you. There is no chance to kill you at all.

At this time, the prisoner and the Weiyang suddenly appeared in the Xu family, and I was born with a plan. Can't kill you, I can kill your beloved prisoner and Weiyang, let your mindset appear a magical obstacle, so that you can never walk that step, never break through the fairy king. If you can get out of the way, it’s best, just giggling..."


"Don't call me a coat, my name is Ho Choi! Since I can't kill you, then I will die in your hands. I want to know, if you kill your child's mother with your own hands, will it aggravate your demons? Hahaha..."

The color lotus coat suddenly rushed to Xu Mo, completely undefended, and attacked Xu Mo crazy. However, Xu Mo is somewhat disoriented. He does not know how to face it. He can only passively defend and keep talking:

"Hooking, you should stop and listen to me!"

The color coat is silent, and the shot is more crazy.

"Colored clothes!" The prisoner suddenly said: "The endings of me and Weiyang are all caused by you, so you should die. However, Xu Mo is also damned. So, I will help you kill Xu Mo and then kill. you."

"Sir prison..." Xu Mo drunk.


The prisoner rushed toward Xu Mo and Cai Xia, who was fighting, and his body suddenly turned into a black smoke and rushed into the body of the color coat.

"We are joining hands!" The voice of the prisoner sounded in the body of the color coat.

"Puff puff……"

A skull appeared on the neck of the color coat, exactly the same as the prisoner. At the same time, two arms were born, and the color coat became a double-headed four-armed man. The prisoner used the body of the colorful coat, and the power of the explosion instantly surpassed the soul and slammed it toward Xu Mo.

"What are you waiting for?" The prisoner drank.

Wei Yang sighed and looked at Xu Modao: "Xu Mo, you are killing Ho Caiyi now, I will not blame you."

"I..." Xu Mo's big sleeves fluttered, blocking the attack of the prisoner and He Caiyi, and looked bitterly: "I can't, she is the mother of the snow."

"Oh..." Caihe clothes sneered: "Is it just the mother of the child? You have not admitted that I am your wife?"

"Weiyang, are you still thinking about this person?" The prisoner said: "Xu Mo is a big radish. I was in your heart and I was false. If not, will we both fall behind this? You Are you in your head?"


The body shape of Weiyang flowed, and a resentful gas dispersed in the space. The flowing figure became a white light and rushed into the body of the color coat. There is no trace of evasion in the color coat, and it is allowed to enter.

"Puff puff……"

A skull appeared on the neck of the color coat, and it was exactly the same as Weiyang. At the same time, two arms were born. The color coat became a three-headed and six-armed arm and madly attacked Xu Mo.

Qin Shuang and An Shicong face each other, the reason for the two of them have been heard clearly, but they do not know the true and false. For a moment, the two people did not know where to go?


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