Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2298: Opportunity

The town demon tower began to grow rapidly. The power of the endless law is forced to strangle the town demon tower, but it does not cause the slightest harm to the town demon tower, and the town demon tower breaks through the restraint of the law and grows rapidly.


A loud noise, this loud noise is like a skyrocketing, the law of smashing is shining, and there is a trace of cracks in the surrounding space.

This mountain is too high, too much higher than other peaks. Therefore, since the piano double boarded the mountain, the monks of other peaks could not see the double. When Qinqin was healed in the town demon tower, the outside world was just a moment in the past. They were discussing what the big chances of Qinqin got, and they heard the roar of the skybreaking. They could not see the smash of the law. I couldn't see the town demon tower, but I was able to see a dense crack in the sky above the mountain.


One by one the monk was shocked, his face was full of tension and anxiety, and there was a trace of fear.

“Is there a final check on the peak?”

"Can the piano double pass?"

"If you can't pass, then we..."


The peaks of the mountains are silent, floating in an atmosphere of anxiety and fear.

On top of the highest mountain, Qin double put away the town demon tower, standing in the peak. Look around and be alert. But found that there is no danger. And the smashed stone man disappeared without a trace.


She saw nine lotus stands in the middle of the mountain and walked toward the lotus. The nine lotus terraces became a circle, and the piano circled around the nine lotus platforms. Finally, they set foot on a lotus platform and sat down on the knees.


On the huge sand-casting altar, Xu Mo first shattered the Jinmang, and the Jinmang became a metal rule, disappearing without a trace. Xu Mo silently, the heart is more certain that this is a place of trial, because the strength of the Jinmang is a little higher than him, is the beginning of a fairy king, this should be based on personal strength, manifested The Golden Mans.


Xu Mo no longer hesitated, and when he was swept, he boarded a lotus platform and sat down on his knees.


Liantai ignited a circle of light curtains, shrouded Xu Mo in the inside, Xu Moxin must be, know that this light curtain is protecting him. Then he felt the strong metallic **** power from the lotus platform and poured into his body. He was overjoyed and began to absorb the rich metality of refining and chemical power.


In succession, there was a half-step fairy king who smashed the Jinmang and rushed toward the lotus.


Zhang Daoji rushed to the altar. Before he could see the situation clearly, a golden man appeared in front of him and attacked him. Zhang Daoji immediately fought with the Jinmang.

As the family leader Ren Gaolin, the Sha family Changsha Ding, the Qing family Changqing City laughed and shattered the Jinmang, and rushed to the lotus platform.


Shading and Qingcheng laughed out of the lotus platform, and Ren Gaolin sat firmly on the lotus platform. It’s just an instant, Ren Gao’s understanding, and laughing at the depressed Shading and Qingcheng:

"This lotus platform has only the power of metal color. You two don't have Jin Linggen, hahaha..."

Shading is a civil property, but he does not know where the civil property area should be. It is really too much for this trial area. The Qingcheng laugh is a property of water and fire. Naturally, it is impossible to get a chance here. Two people looked at each other and looked at them. They rushed down to the sand-casting altar and flew toward the front. They have to try their luck and see if they can touch them.

After about two quarters of an hour, there was no battle on the altar, but there were only six people sitting on the nine lotus platforms. The rest did not have a metallic root. One of the six had Zhang Daoji, and the rest had left. The sand is built on the altar and goes to the front.

Mountain area.

Qinqin was bounced out of the lotus platform and stared at the nine lotus platforms.

"Old town, what is going on?"

"I don't know, maybe you didn't meet the requirements of the lotus."

"What is the request of the lotus platform? What is the chance?"

"I don't know!" The old town thought for a while: "You can think about it, what are you missing? Maybe it is why Lotus Station does not accept you."

"What am I missing?" Qin double fell into thinking: "This opportunity must be for the monks, the monks practice the same, if it is different, then only the roots."

Qin double eyebrows pick one!

"I lack the spiritual root of soil!"

"This is easy!" said the old man: "The spirit in your heart can be imitated to imitate all kinds of spiritual roots, you try!"

"it is good!"

The piano doubles the mind and moves, and the spirit evolves to imitate the earth roots. The piano doubles and swept, and once again flew over the lotus platform.


Liantai raised a light curtain and covered the piano in it.

"It is!"

In the heart of the piano, I was happy, and then I felt that the strong soil property of the mysterious force sprang from the lotus platform and poured into my body.

"I don't have Tu Linggen, where are these soil properties?"


The light curtain around the lotus platform began to sway and sway, and the piano doubled in the heart.

"I am going to be popped up!"


Qin double minded a move, began to guide the rich soil properties of Xuan Zhili to the heart of the heart. The light curtain of the lotus platform has stabilized again, and the rich soil property Xuan Zhili has poured into the Tao.


After the rich soil property Xuan Zhili entered the Taoist heart, like a rootless drifting, wandering in the heart of the Tao, and then flowing out of the Taoist heart.


The lotus platform began to vibrate again, and the light curtain began to be unstable.

"Old town, I don't have real earth roots, can't keep these mysterious powers!" Qin doubled anxiously.

The town inside the town demon tower, grabbed above the gray stone suspended in the middle of the town demon tower, has grown up to an adult fist size of the soil, was caught in the hands of the old town, erect a finger in the middle In one stroke, the piece of interest was divided into two halves, and half of the soil was thrown into the heart.


The strong soil property in the heart of the Tao Xuanzhi seems to have found the place of return, and swarmed toward the soil. The town and the piano double sighed at the same time, and the remaining half of the town’s veteran was placed on the gray stone. Qin double inner vision, rich soil properties Xuan Zhihui gathered on the soil, layer by layer. It’s just that moment, I’ve already lost sight of it, and it’s completely covered by the rich soil properties.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

A lotus platform on the left side of the piano doubled and disappeared, and the strong soil property in the second lotus platform on the left side was in the mountain, and it came to the lotus platform in the underground of the piano, and poured in from the lotus platform. The body of the piano double. In the heart of Qin Double, the powerful soil attribute of the soil around the soil has been full of enthusiasm and began to liquefy.


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