Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1760: Half year period

"Father!" The official attitude is also very determined: "You said, the avenue of the road will soon end, even if I go back with you, in such a short period of time, the road can not improve much.

The avenue of the road may not be able to meet once in a lifetime. This is a rare opportunity to temper itself. I will follow the boss and will only improve faster than returning to the company. You also said that this time I went to the League of Nations to let me compete for the position of the younger leader and experience the avenue of the road. I think it is an advantage over other competitors. If you let me go back to practice and give up the battle of experience, it is to give up the rare advantage. ”

Guan Wei’s face showed a hesitant color. When the official air saw it, his heart was a joy and continued:

"Father, I know what you are worried about, you worry that I will die. But even if there is no avenue, it may not be safe. You often say that cultivation is to go against the sky. There is great horror and big life. Opportunity. I don't want to miss this opportunity, even if it is dead."

"If you follow me back to the league, you can also experience the avenue of the road."

"I want to follow the boss."

Guan Wei looked at the opposite official position and asked seriously:

"You decided?"

"Yeah!" Officer Kong nodded firmly.

"That's good!" Guan Wei's look is also a sud, turned his head and looked at the Qin double road: "Qin double, I will give you the empty space, you do not have to protect him, how to use him, how to use.

Dead, his life is not good, I will never blame you. ”

Qin Qin can not help but sigh, people who can become Xianjun, are decisive people, or are said to be hard-hearted. Of course, the Qinshuang will not take care of the official space. Since it is a battle for the avenue, there must be a sense of death. Even if it is a piano, it is not a dare to say that it can live through the avenue.

However, Qin double will not be ill-treated. Guan Kong can refuse his father, staying behind to follow himself, not to mention this person's feelings, this is the trust, it is worthy of the Qin double sincere treatment. Immediately nodded to Guanwei:

"Predecessors, in this avenue of the avenue, everyone is fighting for it, can they compete for it, survive, it is the fate of the individual, that is, Qin double wants to take care of it, and can't take care of it.

not to mention……

Official air may not be willing to let me take care of it! ”

Guan Wei nodded and said: "Okay, then we are here to separate, I should go back."

Qin double, Guan Kong and Bao Yi stood on the ground and looked up into the air. Guan Wei’s flying boat is moving away and gradually disappears. Qin double turned his head and looked at the official empty road:

"The official air, the avenue of the road will soon end, what is going on?"

"Boss, you don't know?" asked the officially surprised.

"I know what else to ask you?"

"This is the case. The predecessors of Tang sent the message to the domain owner of our domain. The domain owner received it. And after half a year ago, the first batch of reinforcements will reach the ink star, and then a large number of monks. The army will come one after another."

"This way!"

The look of the piano was not a glimpse, and then there was a sense of urgency on his face. Once the reinforcements arrived, it was the beginning of a real counterattack. At that time, the situation was too complicated. It would be impossible to massacre the demon monks and monsters like this.

That is to say, Qinqin has less than half a year to upgrade the rankings of the demon teenagers, and the second is the second place to determine their own places. Otherwise, it is hard to say anything. Once the reinforcements arrive, there will be too many accidents.

And you should also improve your strength. Whether it is after the arrival of the reinforcements, there will be a large number of masters, or they will need to have strong strength in the future. Nowadays, my own cultivation is still lower, or that his true strength is not enough.

"It's time to cultivate and purify!"

In the heart of the piano, the darkness of the cultivation, the cultivation of the glory and supernatural powers, on the one hand, can kill the demon monks and monsters in large numbers, improve their own points and rankings, but also can compete for the air for the Mercury's human race, but also a powerful supernatural power.

Three things in one fell swoop.

However, it is still necessary to sweep away the monsters and demon monks in the remaining three peaks. Qin binoculars looked at Baoyi and Guankong:

"Do you see the three peaks?"

"Yeah!" Guankong and Baoyi nodded.

"We are three people and one mountain, and all the demon monks and monsters there are emptied."

Bao Yi and Guan Kong’s eyes are bright. The two men are not afraid at all, and the excitement in their eyes is excitement. Nowadays, both Guankong and Baoyi are the tenth-level peaks of Luo Tianshang. This cultivation is not powerful. It is going to sweep a mountain monk and a monster, and it is almost dead.

However, these two people did not have the slightest fear. Baoyi is at her own speed. She thinks that she can't even sweep the demon monks and monsters. Even if she encounters nine days of Xuanxian, she can escape for a while and will not be killed or caught immediately. As long as she can escape for a while, she can run to the mountain peak of Qinshuang. What are you afraid of?

As for the official air, it was thought that his father gave him a bunch of symbols. What is the grade of a Fu League ally to his son, you can imagine it.

"Whoever swept a mountain first, I went to help the other two."

"it is good!"

Two people secretly snorted and whispered, and said in the heart: "Do you still ask? You must have swept it first!"


Qinqin drank a sigh of relief, and Guankong and Baoyi each flew toward a mountain they had chosen. Qin double touched the exquisite sword behind him, this is not a critical time, can not be used!

Consciousness sinks into the heart of the heart and calls: "Little Confucianism."


"start work!"

"Mom, no!"

"what happened?"

Qin Qin was shocked and hurriedly looked at Confucianism carefully. He saw that the Confucianism was dim and even gray.


Xiaoru struggled out of Confucianism and lay on the Confucian book.

"Mom, I haven't recovered yet!"

"How long does it take?"

"Seven days!"

"Then I will take you into the town demon tower."

"No!" Xiaoru shook his head: "The space of the town demon tower is still too small, and there is too little arrogance in it, so it is better to absorb it outside."


Qin double bar licked his mouth, he now has two acquired treasures, a top grade, a middle product, but they can not be used.

This is awkward!

Without Xiaoru, Qin double is really not sure to face too many nine-day Xuan Xian, and only one of her water thunder beads can be used, the rest are recovering, and there is only one fire sword in the hand. The reason why I was able to sweep the twenty-nine peaks before was that Xiaoru’s credit. Sweeping the thirtieth peak, that is the credit of Xiaoru and Linglong sword.


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