Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1738: Mei Liuxiang

Thunder's Wrath!


Thousands of thunders hang down, countless monsters and demon monks mourn, the broken limbs flutter, the smell of the smell in the air is more and more intense.


The thunder in the sky is still continually descending, and the teenager behind the piano double looks at the magnificent scene around him.

He seems to be in a world of thunder, and countless demon monks and monsters die in the world of Thunder.

Half an hour!

The wrath of the Thunder continued for a quarter of an hour, the dark clouds in the air dissipated, and the heavens and the earth restored the silence. The entire space is still full of violent Ray Yuan.

On the earth, there are only three people standing.

Blood, piano and juvenile!

"You are useless!" Qin said faintly.

The **** eyes suddenly burst into fierceness. His mouth opened quickly and he smashed into the roots of his ears. He turned into a big mouthful of blood, and his mouth showed sharp teeth, biting at the piano that was close at hand. past.


The bamboo sword in the hands of the piano pierced the heart of the blood.

The **** big pot of the blood was three inches away from the piano, and suddenly it stopped. The body is smashed like a water bladder, and the bleeding arrow is sprayed from the heart like a spring.


The front of the piano double held up a mask to block the blood arrow.


The blood was poured on the ground, and the piano doubled up the sword. The figure flew around, and every time he flew, the body of the monster and the demon monk on the ground were taken into the town demon tower by the piano.

Before the Qin double, there was no stop to collect the gods of the demon monk, but even so, there were nearly half of the six thousand yuan gods, which was accidentally dismissed by the Thunder.

The boy stared blankly at the figure of the piano, until the piano doubled up the body of the demon monk and the monster on the ground, and fell in front of him. He reacted from the gods. Playing the piano double one hand:

"Mei Liuxiang has seen a friend!"

In the eyes of the piano, she thought of the color of thinking. She felt that the name was familiar. Then she thought about it and looked at Mei Liuxiang:

"You are the son of Mei Jiufeng?"

"You know my mother? Are you?"

"Qin double!"

"You are the piano pair?" Mei Liuxiang's face showed a surprised color.

Qin doubled and said: "If you have mentioned me, then I am the piano pair that your mother has mentioned."

Mei Liuxiang looked at the double eyes of the piano and became complicated. He was very convinced of the piano pair and always wanted to surpass the piano pair on the list of the demon boy. However, I saw Qin double today, but I knew the difference between myself and Qin.

"Your mother is okay?"

"Fortunately!" Meiliuxiangmu nodded.

"You are not with your mother?"

"No, I am going to kill the demon."

In the heart of the piano, I remembered that when I had a high time, I expected myself to fight with Mei Liuxiang, and I couldn’t help but sweep Meiliuxiang.

"Da Luo Jinxian's tenth peak!"

"Remember that when Mei Jiufeng said that Mei Liuxiang was only a fairy, he grew so fast? Is it a special constitution?"

However, the piano did not ask. Instead, he asked about the news of Xu Kaiyun and others. Mei Liuxiang also told the Qins in detail about the news he knew. Qin Qin could not help but say:

"It seems that they are all doing well."

Then I looked at Mei Liuxiang: "Go, let's kill the Yao."

"No!" Mei Liuxiang shook his head and said: "I went to other places to kill, follow you, I can not earn points. Leave!"

Mei Liuxiang's figure flew back and disappeared.

The piano looks a glimpse, and then smiles.

"It seems that Mei Jiufeng's son is arrogant. I am afraid that I will try my best to win one of the two places. Look at the score of this kid."

Qin Shen’s knowledge is explored into the left hand bracelet. I saw the first place in the demon boy list, still Yuguan Ting. The second place is still Ray Star.

"These two people are really strong!" Qin double could not help but feel: "But I have swept the twenty-nine peaks now, should the rankings go further?"

Qinqin looked down on the list and smiled on his face.

斩 demon list: Qin double: the 285th, points 2563124.

斩 少年 teenager list: Qin double: 28th, points 2563124.

"Sweeping the twenty-nine peaks, have not yet entered the top ten. Other people are also very hard!"

Qin Shuang’s eyes flashed with a strong fighting spirit. Her heart is very clear. These monks on the demon list are not all working for the two places. After all, there are only two places. Most of the monks know themselves. hopeless.

However, they are still working hard to demon, what is it for?

One is for the future of the Terran, and the other is for the points on the list.

Nowadays, most of the human races on the ink star are from the supply of the ink star alliance. If you want to get the resources provided by the ink star alliance, there is only one way, that is, the points, and the points are used for exchange.

Of course, in the shops, you can also use Xianjing to buy, but the price is very high, far less expensive than using points.

not to mention……

Many precious resources can't be bought with Xianjing, only with points. Of course, in some black markets, you can also buy them with Xianjing, but that is more expensive.

There is one more thing that Qin double does not know. That is, the original Star Alliance received the news from the domain owner, saying that after one year, the first batch of reinforcements will arrive. When the Mercury Alliance announced the news, the entire Mercury race was boiling.

The people of Mercury had no hope before, and the hearts of them were desperate. Under this kind of sentiment, it is the 10% of the fighting spirit that can't play 50%. Almost everyone's heart is a mixed feeling, and even worse, feeling that there is no hope, in this desperate mood, become mad. Killing, winning, violent, even killing without reason, just to vent their desperate feelings, the whole Mercury is a chaotic one, the Star Alliance has been difficult to control the mood of the Terran, can not form a unified camp, resist the Yao .

This is also an important reason why the Yaozu quickly advances and annihilates the Terran.


It's different now!

The Terran reinforcements are coming. The news is like a shot of a strong-hearted agent. At once, the desperation in the hearts of the family's monks is crushed. The emotions of hope are filled in the heart, and the fighting spirits are all in the body.

Over the past year, the repressed sorrow and desperate emotions have been vented for 12 years. Several of the Terrans quickly gathered in the Mercury Alliance, and the Alliance was quickly gaining support, and the orders were quickly implemented.

In this kind of sentiment, the Terran monks are madly killing the Yaozu, in exchange for points, and then exchange points for cultivation resources, improve cultivation, and then kill the Yaozu, forming a virtuous circle.


I am very grateful to study hard and study hard, and reward the maple autumn!



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