Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1695: Night exploration

Qin double walked to the front of the door, reached out and opened the door, and then the body and mind floated, it was hidden into the night, converging all the breath, eyes glanced around.

There is no one in the valley, and each door is closed. In the heart of the piano, the monks in this valley were so disciplined. At night, they went back to practice.


Qin double thought, and the knowledge spread spread. Anyway, no one here can perceive her knowledge. She wants to find Jianing. Since it was Carrian who brought her in, the breakthrough began with Jianning.

The knowledge of Qinshuang was swept through a house, and I saw that the monks were not practicing, but sleeping.

Qin double thought about it, and my heart would be clear. These monks can't eat enough, and naturally they have no spare time to cultivate. When a monk can't absorb the power of the heavens and the earth, and then eat enough, there is no difference between him and the mortal. He naturally sleeps.

Qinshuang’s knowledge quickly found Jianing, and when he was in shape, he stood in front of a wooden house. There are also three rooms in this wooden house. Each room is very small. There is no room with double pianos, and it is only about five square meters. At this time, Jia Ning was sleeping well.

Qinqin doubled his mind and moved, and the force of the force was transmitted through, and the inside of the door was opened. Then he stepped into the door and closed the door with his backhand. He went straight to the room where Carrian was located, and used the force to open the door bolt again. Push the door and go inside.

There was no furniture in this room, Jiajing was lying on the ground and sleeping, Qinqin stood in front of Carrian, kicked him and kicked him.

In the following situation, the piano was not allowed to stay, so I saw that the eyes of Jia Ning had not opened yet, and then turned over and squatted in front of the piano pair, and repeatedly shouted, shouting in the mouth:

"Rain, the boss is forgiving!"

The sound of Jianing’s stern voice echoed in the silent night sky, and suddenly all the people in the valley were awakened. Sit one by one and sit up with fear in your eyes.

"What happened?"

"Someone made a mistake! Is it punished?"

"Go out and see!"

In a wooden house in the valley, a monk walked out from inside and walked toward the wooden house in Carrian.

At this time, Carin also screamed at the piano in a listener:

"Boss, the villain has brought back a fairyland today, the boss, the villain has merits, no mistakes!"

In the eyes of the piano, Li Mang flashed, and she heard different meanings from Jian Ning. There is no doubt that the day of the fairy that he said in his mouth is Qin double.

But what does it mean to have merit?

Jianing has not heard the response, can not help but look up, and then look is a stay.

"why you?"

"Why can't it be me?" Qin double smiled coldly and said: "What do you mean by bringing me back to work?"

"Ah?" Jianing stunned!


The pressure of Qinshuang oppressed Jianing and sighed coldly:

"Say! Who is your boss here? Why brought me back, is it meritorious?"

"Our boss..." Carrian’s gaze suddenly jumped and said: "You don't have a chance to know."

Qin double suddenly stepped forward to the front, leaving a residual image in the original place, a sword pierced the heart of the afterimage. The shape of the piano pair appeared behind Carrian, facing the door, looking to the opposite side.

At the door was the old man who was in the double room of the piano, holding a sword in his hand, and a pale face with a stern look.

At this time, many people in the valley have already come around, one by one looking into the wooden house, and the brother who registered for the piano double appeared at the door.

The people who saw this scene in front of them had incredible colors on their faces. The meaning of their eyes was clear, that is, the piano pair dared to start here?

Those who have not seen the doubles of the piano, one by one, can not help others to listen to the origins of the piano double.

"Who is this girl?"

"do not know!"

"That is new."

"Newcomers, we have to know the rules."

"But watching her look is very strong, the boss is not, I don't know if I can surrender to her?"

In a sentence, it was clearly heard by Qin Qin, and her heart was turning. It seems that this valley has not only been a monk who has been above her own fairy, but why is this old man who is seen by himself now the tenth floor of the fairy? At the peak, I have never seen a monk above the Tianxian period?

Zhang Ge walked a few steps forward, standing beside the old man, looking at the piano double, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Qin double? You are bold enough!"

"Her courage is of course big!" The old man sneered aloud: "Because she thinks her cultivation is the highest here, she is unscrupulous."

"Highest? How high?" Zhang Ge’s eyes showed a trace of tension.

"I can't see her cultivation, of course, higher than me." The old man licked his mouth and revealed the white teeth of the white: "But in this territory of the Yaozu, at most, it is a Luo Tianxian."

The eyes of the piano are slightly stunned. When the other party says Luo Tianshang, there is no fear in the eyes. Instead, there is a trace of sarcasm. It seems that the other party has the ability to challenge more and more, and does not put Luo Tianshang in his eyes.

"So, the boss who is not here, should be higher."

At this time, Jianing discovered that Qin double stood behind him, scared to even climb to the old man's back, and looked at the piano double without fear.

Qin double did not care about Jianing, and the old man did not pay attention to it, looking directly at the Qin Double Road:

"You called Qin Double?"

Qin double looked at each other faintly, did not answer the other party's question, but asked:

"Give me a reason not to kill you!"


The people around him were shocked. This girl was too ignorant of the heights of the sky. She even dared to say this to the two masters in the valley.

Give a reason not to kill?

Great tone!

"Kill me? Hehe..."

"Less!" Qin did not politely interrupt his words: "Tell me, you are deceiving the purpose of monks above the Tianxian period."

The voice of the piano double fell, and everyone looked at the eyes of the piano as if they were looking at a double. Obviously know that there is not only a monk who has been here for more than a fairy, but now there is no more, and the old man also clearly shows that even if the piano is Luo Tianshang, he is not afraid of the demeanor, Qin double dare to stand here to rant .

This is really really...

Almost everyone was stunned after a sigh of relief.

"a ha ha ha……"

"My old Wu lived more than a hundred years old. She has never seen such a stupid woman. She dared to talk to her."

"Besides the boss, I saw the first time I dared to talk to the second home."

"Who doesn't know that the two masters are unparalleled, that is, Luo Tianshang can also tear it off!"

"This piano is dead!"


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