Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1681: Hunting in the mountains

one day.

Two days.

Qinqin opened his eyes and looked around. According to the description on the map of Yujian, two days should pass through this mountain range. How can it be surrounded by mountains?

"Too incense, how did you go?"

" seems to be lost."

Qin double shook his head and jumped from the back of Hua Taixiang, and patted his big head:

"What else can you do? Is your dog's nose not very spiritual?"

"That is for tracking, not for distinguishing directions."

"Don't dare to pout!"

Qin double smiled, and then Huaxiang was collected into the town demon tower, and the knowledge spread.


Not far away, across a low ridge, she found a small team of demon monks.

Not bad!

It is not a monster, but a demon. This is the most demon monk who has seen the piano after entering the ink star. There are a total of twelve demon monks in this squad, one fairy and eleven. The monk of the Mahayana period.

"So weak?"

However, Qin double thought about it, and his heart would be awkward. At this time, these territories should belong to the back garden of the Yaozu. The demon monks are naturally not afraid of being hunted. Instead, they are hunting the Terran monks, because they still stay in the demon. The human races in the ethnic territories have been repaired to a lower level and have been repaired as high. They have all escaped.

The eyes of the piano flashed with excitement, this is the demon monk, hunting their points, but ten times the monster.


The piano took a step forward, and the figure appeared on the ridge. After another step, the figure was already in front of the twelve demon monks, one charge, and the twelve demon monks died. .

Waved the twelve demon monks into the storage ring, and then spread the knowledge once again.


She has discovered a demon squad. The strength of this squad is stronger than that of the squad. It is a monk of the fairy tales with eleven immortals. There was nothing to surprise the piano. What surprised Qin was that her gods also captured five human monks.

The five Terran monks hid in a cave, headed by a young man in the immortal period, and the remaining four monks were in the fairy period.

Inside the cave.

"Mao Ge, the Yaozu is getting closer and closer, let's go out and fight it." A monk monk said to the immortal monk. A face is too nervous.

"How to fight? What to fight?" Mao brother said bitterly: "There is a fairy period outside, eleven people in the fairy period, have we tried it?"

"What do you do? Are we waiting to die here?"

"I hope we won't be discovered by them, otherwise we will have to flee separately and be safe."

"Skip apart..."

The four men’s fairy monks became pale, and the four of them escaped separately, and the chance of surviving was less than 10%.


In their field of vision, they saw a fiery red figure swept over, and the speed was so fast that they could not see clearly. They could only see a series of blurred afterimages, passing by the twelve demon monks. .

"Puff puff……"

Twelve heads flew up to the sky, sprayed a bleed column from twelve necks, squirted more than three meters high, and then sprinkled it down like a blooming blood flower.


Twelve demon headless bodies fell to the ground and showed their original shape. A fiery figure appeared in the eyes of five people in Mao Ge. With a wave of sleeves, the twelve demon monks were put into the storage ring, and then the body shape just moved, then they stopped their bodies and looked to the left. Look sideways.


From the left side, two demon monk squads were rushed out. One squad was led by a fairy tales during the Tianxian period. One squad was a Luo Tianshang who led the eleven immortal monks.

The five people in the cave suddenly became nervous, only to see the piano double killing twelve demon monks, they were also ecstatic, but in a flash, there were two more powerful demon squads. This caused their hearts to fall to the bottom of the valley. This ups and downs made their faces pale and papery.


The shape of the piano pair pulled out the blurred afterimage in the air, and rushed toward the team that was headed by Luo Tianshangxian. It was just a sprint, and twelve heads flew into the sky.


The team headed by the Tianxian period was shocked to stand there, and it was such a slap in the face that the figure of the piano pair had been scraped from their side like a strong wind.

"Puff puff……"

Twelve heads flew into the air, and the double body of the piano swept a circle, and the body of the demon monk was taken into the storage ring.

The five monks in the cave involuntarily held their breath at this time, their eyes wide open, staring out of the cave, holding the violin of the fire sword.

The three demon monk teams were actually sprinted by her three, and they were all killed!

Is that human being?

The double back of the piano is facing the cave, and the gods are immersed in the bracelet on the left wrist, and there is still only an increase in the score. Shake his head, took back the gods, turned and looked at the cave.

Mao Ge and others still looked at the piano doubles, and there was no reaction between them. It was not until the piano stepped toward them that they woke up from the shock, and they rushed out of the cave and prayed to the piano.

"See the seniors."

"How are you here?" asked the piano.

"We have been escaping here for almost a year." Mao said reverently: "Every day is hiding in Tibet. Our cultivation is too low. We are familiar with this mountain. There is still a chance to live here. Going out, I am afraid that it will soon be killed by the Yaozu."

"A lot of people like you, are you here?"

"I don't know!" Mao Ge shook his head. "But we have met other people. There should be many Terran monks in this mountain range, but it is not high. Yes, you are from outside. Is it?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"What is the situation outside? Are we Terrans starting to counterattack?"

"I don't know. I also searched for the Terran from the territory occupied by the Yaozu, but I haven't found it yet. It is inferred that the Terran should not have begun to counterattack."

The faces of Mao Ge and others all showed disappointment. Qin Qiao asked: "How is the demon monk here?"

"a lot of……"

Mao Ge just said two words, the piano double turned to Huoran, looking to the opposite side, the eyes showed a faint color.

Opposite her, about fifty meters away, stood seven monks in black cloaks, although their faces are covered in the cloak, but the piano double can clearly recognize that they are human.



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