Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1580: Immortal

There are only 500,000 monsters, and there are only 4,000 monks and monks. The number of people who can fight is less than two thousand. This gap is the result.

This is a miracle, and the hero who gave birth to this miracle is the piano pair sitting on the high tower at this time, hands and piano.

Each large array is a double arrangement of pianos. Each step is a double program of the piano. This is the result of the double lead.

The most important thing is that under such a beast, there has not been a Terran casualty so far. Do you dare to think before the animal tide occurs?

Who dares to think?

Although there are 200,000 monsters outside the big array, there is also a monster in the late nine-day Xuan Xian, but the confidence of the Terran monks is much firmer, and they see the hope of survival.

Above the tower.

Xu Kaiyun silently looked at the big battle, the worries between the eyebrows gradually became rich, and finally could not help but whispered:

"Boss, this big array of attacks is not much energy."

“Yeah!” Qin double whispered: “I can still make three attacks, and the rest can only be passively defended.”


At the moment when two people spoke, the big array was released by a round of attacks. Xu Kaiyun continued:

"How long can the defense last?"

"It depends on how much pressure the big battles are under."

After the piano double finished, the mind was moved, and there were five stacks of plaques appearing in Xu Kaiyun, Hua Taixiang, Chu Dali, Tang Li and Tang Han.

"When the last attack energy of the big array is consumed, you use these symbols to attack those monsters, each responsible for one direction."

"it is good!"

Five people caught the fairy charm floating in front of themselves. Xu Kaiyun looked down and looked at it.

"Boss, you have so many masters of the class!"

Qin double smiled and said: "So don't worry about those monsters, we have to target only one monster, that is the four-armed scorpion, hoping to consume some of its strength, otherwise we are still dangerous."

Tang Li’s eyes focused on the four-armed scorpion, and after a few breaths, the look became serious:

"Now it only consumes 30% of its strength, we are still not its opponent. Qin double, if things can't be done, I will stop the four-armed shackles, just ask you to escape with Xiaohan, can save Xiaohan a life, Tang The family always remembers love."

Qin Shuang’s gaze glanced at Tang Han, and his heart was dark. It seems that this Tang Han is really important in the Tang family.

When I saw that the piano did not agree, Tang Li bent down to the piano double: "Please."

There is a confident smile on the face of Qinqin: "If you can't walk that step, a nine-day mysterious monster will not let me escape."

Tang Li suddenly raised his head and looked at the piano double incredulously. Qin Shuang's repair is very clear to her, the sixth layer of the Da Luo Jinxian peak, the real strength can definitely fight with the early days of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

However, I want to resist a late nine-day Xuanxian...

How can this be?

Suddenly, he remembered that in Wan Qiushan, when the piano was on both sides of the big demon, he once released the power of the immortal, and was considered by the great demon to be a reincarnation. His heart could not help but get excited and asked:

"Qin double, can you release the power of Xianjun?"

Xu Kaiyun and others looked awkward and looked at the piano pair. Only the flower is too fragrant, because she knows that Qin double is not a great reincarnation, nor can she release the genius of the immortal. There is no secret of cultivation, just because the piano has some Xianjun waterline, and this In addition to the piano double has been branded a Xianjun waterline, now only 26 miles of Xianjun waterline.

This is why Qinqin has never used the Xianjun waterline. The remaining twenty-seven 缕仙君水线, each 缕 is the card of the double pair. It can be said that this is twenty-seven more lives. When not in use, the piano pair will never be used. Therefore, she used a large array to block and kill the monsters, attacking the four arms with the sound power, and expecting to kill the four arms without using the Xianjun waterline.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "So you don't have to worry."

This time, several people have a long sigh of relief. At the same time, they also understand that since Qin double has been reluctant to use the power of Xianjun, I am afraid that the conditions for playing the dual-use of Xianjun are also very harsh, or have a negative impact on themselves. Perhaps it is the treasure that Qinqin got, and the remaining Xianjun waterline is not much.

However, in any case, even if the piano pair can release the power of Xianjun, they will be safe.


At this time, the last big attack was released. The big squad turned to full defense. Xu Kaiyun's five people faced five directions, and they fought out far away from the Fu, and sacrificed a large array and fell to the monster group.


The immortality constantly released the power, and one of the monsters fell, and the five people of Xu Kaiyun kept offering a piece of Zhang Xianfu, killing a monster.


Two quarters of an hour later, the fairy charm of the five people in Xu Kaiyun has been consumed. Xu Kaiyun turned to the piano double track:

"Boss, give some fairy charms."

"No need!" Qin said faintly.

At this point, the original monster that attacked the big battle had only 100,000. In the two quarters of the time, it was killed by the fairy character by more than 20,000, while the beast that besieged the four-armed beast was beaten by four arms. Nearly 30,000 died, so Qin double controlled nearly 30,000 monsters to add in. In this way, there are only about 50,000 left in the offensive beast.

About 50,000 or so monsters attacked a large array, although the pressure is still large, but there is no such thing as the storm. However, Xu Kaiyun, who came out as a Xu family, also had some understanding of the circuit, and could not help but say:

"Piano double, even if it is 50,000 monsters, this big array can not stop the constant attack. You still give us some fairy charms, let us eliminate some monsters."

The piano doubled a white eye: "Do you think my fairy is blown by the wind?"


Xu Kaiyun asked a little uneasily, his heart is really a little uneasy, with his understanding of the road, let the 50,000 monsters attack this big array, this big array will last for two quarters of an hour, it will collapse.

"Boss, you can't support it for two quarters..."

"I know!" Qin's fingers kept stroking on the strings, and his face said indifferently: "But the number of attacking large-scale monsters will be less and less."


The wrath has been lost, and it is hard to give birth to a glimpse of the four-armed scorpion. It is also a sniper, killing more than 1,500 monsters. At this time, his strength has already consumed 40%.


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