Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1545: Yuan Long’s shock

The piano nodded and no longer worried. A nine-day Xuan Xian, as long as you carefully hide yourself, there should be no problem. After all, now in the Chongshan City are monsters, and there is no demon monk.

The piano double enters the hidden array and begins to merge the Tao. The medicinal garden is very large, and Xu Kaiyun is a monk who is born, even if it is not Xiandan, but also has an understanding of the herbs. They know that the quality of the herbs is important, so they are carefully picked in a strain of herbs and stored in a storage ring.

In this way, the speed is much slower. Until Tang Li came back, the three of them had not yet been picked. Tang Li saw that the formation method had been cracked by Qin Double. All three people were picking herbs, and they also had some intentions in their hearts, but they still came to the front of Qin Double:

"Qin double, not very good!" Tang Li is a little sad.

"what happened?"

"There are too many monsters wandering around the gate, and we want to go out, it's not easy."

"Nothing, we use too much fragrance to mix out." Qin double thought about it.

Tang Li’s eyes lit up: “This is an idea.”

“When Tang Han’s injury is healed, let’s go.” Speaking of it, I took a look at Tang Han, who was picking herbs in the medicine garden, and estimated the effect of the Vientiane fruit: “It is estimated that it will be cured tomorrow morning. You also go picking. Some herbs."

"it is good!"

Tang Li was also polite, and he went back into the medicine garden and began to pick herbs.

The second day.


Qin Shuang and others left the Wanjie Danpu, and the medicine garden behind it has been picked clean. The flower was too fragrant and the body was thickened. Five people were hiding on the back of the flowery fragrance, and they converge on the air. They were covered with golden hair that was too fragrant.

I bypassed this street and entered the street where Yuan Long was. During the period, there were also beasts who found the flowers too fragrant, and they also called to Hua Taixiang to greet them, but Hua Taixiang did not pay attention to them.

"It seems that we can get out!" Tang Li knows the voice.

"There should be no problem." Qin doubled in his heart.

"Don't we kill more monsters?" Chu vigorously screamed into the secret channel: "Only killing the monsters can destroy the avenues, isn't it? We are so hiding, how is it going? ?"


The piano looks a little stiff, and this simple and rude person can't explain it. Kill the monster here?

Once the monsters of the whole city are attracted, it is not killing the monsters, but being killed by the monsters.


At this time, a scream came from the front, and although the flower was too sweet, it stopped. Five people from the piano double looked from the gap of Jin Mao to the opposite side, and they saw a dozen wolves, very tall wolves. One of the wolves is extraordinarily tall, with a golden hair in the middle of the head. At this time, I am yelling at the flower.

"Miss sister, isn't your house too fragrant?"

"Is it a wolf?" Qin double thought: "Is it not a dog? How do I feel like a dog?"

"Wang!" Hua Taixiang snorted.

Hearing this "Wang", Qin double confirmed that Huaxiang is definitely a dog.






The five people on the back of Hua Taixiang are all stunned. This wolf is separated from the dog by a dozen meters.

"Too fragrant, are you calling 啥?"

Hua Taixiang also immediately voiced into the secret channel: "It wants me to be a younger brother."

Qin double immediately understood that the wolf with a golden hair on the opposite head should be the wolf king. When I saw the flower-like incense like a wolf, I wanted the prestige of the wolf king, and the flowers were too sweet for the younger brother. Hua Taixiang is naturally dissatisfied, so it is so noisy.

The piano looks at the wolf king in both directions, and the body is enchanting. No wonder the dare to collect flowers for the younger brother, turned out to be a wolf king in the early days of the nine-day Xuanxian.


At this time, the Wolf King seemed to be impatient, and the dozens of wolves that commanded his men flew toward Hua Taixiang.

"let's go!"

The double body of the piano rushed from the back of Hua Taixiang. At this time, it could not be hidden. As long as it was hit, it must be exposed.

"Try not to use the Tao, to avoid attracting other monsters, quick fix."

The figure of the piano double rushed out, and the water thunder beads in his hand had been turned into a sword, facing down a demon wolf that rushed to the front.


The demon wolf was split into two halves by a sword. Then he was in the air, his thighs stretched straight, and a whirlwind kicked, and he kicked a demon wolf's head, straight thighs, and a graceful figure, which was pleasing to the eye.


Tang Li and Xu Kaiyun also opened the head of the demon wolf. The Chu vigorously with his hands and gloves, he was directly confronted with a demon wolf, and a fist hit the head of the demon wolf.


The head of the demon wolf was blasted, and the brain and blood fell.

Tang Han took out a semi-circular hidden weapon and pressed his finger on it.


I saw a string of moon-shaped hidden weapons from the semi-circular hidden weapon, killing a wolf. At this time, Hua Taixiang has already rushed to the Wolf King.

On a small building on this street, Yuan Long and others stood by the window and looked toward the piano and others on the street. Originally they were preparing to sneak into the Wanjie Danpu, but they suddenly heard the fighting sounds on the streets outside. At this time, watching the battle scene outside, everyone’s face showed an incredible look.

on the street.

A demon wolf and a demon dog are fighting, and five others are killing the remaining wolves.

Not bad!

It’s just killing!

At this time, five people have blocked the two ends of the street, and they are killing the wolves. These people have no one to release the Dao, but these people's strength is against the sky. One of them has no melee children, but his hidden weapon is shocking.

"How can this be?"

"These people don't release the Tao, but they kill the wolf by their strength. Why are their bodies so strong? And their manners are very leisurely, without any fear at all, as if they are walking in their gardens. They don't release the road. Is the law a purely refined person?"

Yuan Long slightly narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at five people. These five faces are very clean, and there are no blood stains on the mouth of the beast. The clothes on the body are also very clean, and the body is very clean.

This means that they often clean the body with cleansing, or have just cleaned the body with cleansing.

Is it...

Yuan Long suddenly felt a move.

Are these five people who are in the Wanjie Danpu?

At that time, the Mozu monk was not eaten by the monster, but was killed by these five people?


It must be!

These five people must have broken the array of Wanjie Danpu and picked the herbs inside, so they will release the cleansing and cleansing the body without any scruples. Because they have herbs, they are not afraid to consume the power.


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