Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1316: Secret exposure


Qin double found that the water mine bead armor power is rapidly decreasing. She is in a difficult time to choose. Continue to use the thunder force in the water mine to attack, which will speed up the reduction of armor. If you don't attack, it's just defense, it just persists for a long time, and the final result is still death.

"What to do? Fight!"

The double eyebrows of the piano doubled out a gap, like a erected eye, the town demon tower door opened, and the Xianjun waterline spurred out.


The Xianjun waterline spurt out, and after exploding one eye, it did not penetrate the world of the eye, but at this time the Xianjun waterline also exploded the brand of the piano double in this space. Going around and exploding one eye.



An angry roar, all eyes are closed, and the surrounding is dim, and the rich magic is swaying. The space suddenly swelled, and there was a crack under the piano. The piano looked down and through the crack, she saw a huge heart that was beating.


The blood spurted out of the heart, and the blood went straight to the piano. In the middle of the journey, it turned into a giant face and swallowed toward the piano.

Qin Qin was shocked. He just wanted to implement his last compelling plan and entered the town demon tower, but suddenly his body was full of blood.


The nose and nose spurted blood, and the mind was stunned. When he didn't have time to enter the town demon tower, he was swallowed by the **** face, then swooped down and entered the heart.

At this time, the piano doubles said that the mind went to the town demon tower, and even the mind was somewhat unstoppable. The blood of the Gorefiend in the blood is boiling, and at the same time as the call sign, let the piano double blood and blood, the call sign also affects the wisdom of the Qin double, even the distracting thoughts, can not concentrate.

Qin double has never experienced such a scene, even if the blood of the Gorefiend has eroded his entire right arm, there is no such call sign that affects his own mind.

At this time, Qinshuang was able to perceive the blood of the Gorefiend, but he seemed to be full of excitement and longing, as if he had encountered something he had longed for, and he desperately wanted to get it.

Later, the piano double felt a trace of blood so strong that the double tremor of the piano was sucked into his body, and then swallowed by the blood of the blood demon, so that the blood of the blood magic is fast and powerful, and the repair of the piano double is also rapid. Improvement.

"This is... This is the blood of the blood of the Gorefiend in the powerful heart. It is so eager for the blood in this heart. Is this heart the heart of a great demon? This will be..."

Qin double found that he couldn't think of it anymore, his thoughts could not be concentrated, and there were more and more misunderstandings, and the gradually bloodthirsty emotions occupied the mainstream.


Between the vagueness, Qin double seems to hear an angry roar, and then feels his body is imprisoned in the shackles, the blood of the heart sucked into the body, suddenly has a tendency to reverse, to be sucked back by the heart .

The blood of the Gorefiend in the body of the piano has boiled up. It is actually a fusion of the heart's blood at a very fast speed. Every time a fusion is made, the blood of the blood is strong.


In the vagueness, Qin double heard another roar, and there was a hint of horror in the roaring voice, and an angry voice was heard faintly:

"Bloody Devil, you are Gorefiend! Waiting for me to recover, you will surely make your soul annihilate!"


The piano double felt as if it had been kicked, and was kicked out by a strong force. The piano doubles as if the star is moving, and then appears in a space.

This is a closed space, only a few tens of meters in a circle, you can't see the outside, and you don't know where you are. At this time, Qin double has no choice to see where he is, because she found that her feelings of distracting thoughts are gone, but a bloodthirsty violent is occupying her own mind and want to seize her own body. leading.

It is precisely because this moment of distracting clumps disappeared, bloodthirsty violent want to occupy the dominant moment, so that Qin double recovered a clear line, thinking can be concentrated.

Qin double immediately clung to the Yuanshen and Yangshen, and at the same time, let the white tiger **** play the dragon and the phoenix, and introduce the awe-inspiring spirit in the heart of Haoran into the blood of his own body, expelling the blood of the blood, and the two sides quickly battle together.

However, after the blood of the blood of the blood, the blood of the blood, became powerful, and gradually began to suppress the doubles of the piano, and began to swallow the blood of the doubles, and the blood of the blood of the blood became a little bit. Powerful, the breath of the piano double climbs rapidly.

The ninth layer of the Tianxian period, the tenth floor of the Tianxian period, the tenth layer of the Tianxian period, the first layer of Luo Tianshang.

After the piano double was broken into Luo Tianshang, the strange thing was that there was no robbing, and her cultivation was still climbing.

Luo Tian Shang Xian second floor.

Luo Tian Shang Xian third floor.


Outside the secret.

The earth has restored calm, but this violent shock has already had an impact on this mysterious environment. The original smooth cliff suddenly showed a hole.

"Elders, look!" Luo Tianshang, a giant Dai, saw the crack, facing the nine-day Xuanxian giant Dai people:

"There was no crack in there!"

"Maybe it was just shaking the earth, but shattering it?" A big Luo Jinxian looked at the crack.

"No!" The nine-day Xuan Xian shook his head and said: "If it is just shattered, it will be a new crack, but you see the crack, very old."

The big Luo Jinxian eyes brightened: "Elders, is it a secret place? Is it the secret that emerged from the world?"

"Go in and see."

The nine-day Xuan Xian flew toward the crack. At this time, the giant monks in this place were almost here, even the monks of the immortal period rushed to come, and only those giants who took advantage of the Mahayana period. The family monk, because of the low-level cultivation, honestly stayed in the ethnic group.

In this way, tens of thousands of giant Dai people rushed into the crack.

“Sure enough, it’s a secret!”

"It seems that this mystery is still an undeveloped mystery, and our giants have made it."

"No, it seems that there are monks here, there are traces left here."


The nine-day Xuanxian giant Dai people went down the trail with the traces left by Qin.

"That is... transfer array!"

A group of giant Dai people fell in front of the transmission array, and the nine-day Xuan Xian looked around.

"It seems that someone has been here for a long time, and this transmission array is likely to bring them into the second layer of this secret."


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