Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1288: Expansive

The **** face of the giant face swallowed the past with the god-given god, and the god-given god’s face showed painful color. The hands and fingers pointed like swords, and even crossed, and the sharp swords crossed the blood cloud. The huge face, the giant face was drawn with a scar, but the **** giant face was restored in an instant, and it was oppressed by the god-given god.


The white **** of the white jade exudes the glory of the glory, and the power of the pure gods sways outwards, resisting the engulfment of the blood.


A crystal-like river flows toward the gods of Qinshuang. It is a god-given soul. The soul has become a long river, and the gods are surrounded by the middle. The god-given **** is in the middle of the long river of the soul, and refers to the sword. In his right chest position, a small sword releases the light.

That is the godsend sword soul.


A sword was spurred out of the godsend's fingers, but could not stop the huge blood face from approaching her.


The seals that were smashed could not help but tremble. Thousands of seal fragments began to converge and gathered into eleven light balls, exuding eleven breaths.

"That is……"

The godsend changed, the imminent blood face was also a meal, looking at the eleven light balls, and then shocked:

"It turned out to be the power of the source!"

At this time, Tianci also felt huge energy from the eleven light balls.


Eleven light **** came to the celestial celestial sensation, and the **** face changed greatly, and a big hand was turned out, and the eleven light **** were caught.


The eleven light **** were worn by the big hand, passing through the gods of the long river of the soul, and rushed into the gods of the gods.


Ten gods appeared on the gods of the gods, and the eleven spots formed a circle of halo, which circled outwards and formed a light, protecting the gods of heaven.


The Gorefiend roared, opened his mouth, and swallowed the aperture with a godsend. In the body of the Gorefiend, the **** sea surged, slamming against the mask, but unable to shake the mask.

"Hey!" The voice of the Gorefiend sounded up: "Since you can't destroy you, seal it. I wanted you to seal me. Now I seal you. Hahaha..."

A **** symbol is generated from the sea of ​​blood, and a **** **** is built around the god-given god, and the gods are sealed inside.

The god-given **** sits cross-legged in the center of the blood, and absorbs a message from the eleven **** of light. The scene of the scene flashes in front of his eyes.

In a battle, every monk in the war has a powerful shudder. The monks are behind, and they are sent to a stone by a more powerful monk, and their names are engraved on the stone. The name of the stone tablet is called Gongde monument.

One after another fallen monk origins were sent to the merits. When these monks were fallen, the source was almost exhausted. Each monk also had only a trace of origin. The more powerful person put the meritorious monument in one. On the altar, absorb the power of heaven, and hope that one day, these sources can absorb the power of heaven to regenerate.

One day.

The sky is falling apart, and the dragon and the phoenix are fighting in the sky.

The whole world was smashed, an endless continent was broken into countless pieces, and the altar was smashed. The meritorious monument fell into space and finally fell on a piece of land. The piece of land has been Falling down, I don’t know how many millions of years have fallen, and finally stopped. After hundreds of thousands of years, I formed a continent. On the big road, there began to be a breeding of life, named the mainland of the warriors.

Year after year, I don’t know how many billions have passed.

The escape of the Gorefiend, through a space, many powerful people chased him through a space, and finally the blood escaped into the merits.

The Gorefiend entered the meritorious deeds, and the spirits of the fallen spirits in the merits of the monuments perceive the evil of the Gorefiend, and they want to obliterate the Gorefiend. But the Gorefiend was so tenacious, and countless heroic sources could not erase the Gorefiend. One by one, the source of the spirit began to build a layer of seals, and the **** demon was completely sealed in the middle of the merits.

One year and one year passed.

Although Gongdebei sealed the Gorefiend, but because of the blood, the merits of the monument actually gave birth to a creature, and finally broke the monument.

"that's me!"

Godsend, but also understand, it is precisely because of his birth, absorbed a lot of sources, so that the seal of the Gorefiend is reduced, and he is injured again and again, is the source of repairing him, constantly consuming the source, let the seal Fewer and fewer.

This is not the origin of heaven and earth, but the source of the attributes cultivated by the monks, but these monks were too powerful to seal this Gorefiend. It is precisely because of the power of these monks, but also because the Gorefiend has not recovered, so that the Gorefiend can not afford these sources.


Now the situation is reversed. In the past, the monks were the seal of the Gorefiend, but now the Gorefiend seals them.

Moreover, Tianci also learned from these sources that the monks who were sent to the merits in the monument by the powerful monks were many, many are numerous, and there are many attributes to cultivate, and these eleven groups are the monks of eleven attributes. The original source is a fusion of the time and space of the golden wood water and fire.

Godsend looked up and looked out of the mask, turning into a **** space.

"What should I do? This way, the mask will be slowly worn away by this blood seal sooner or later. At that time, I had only one dead end."


Eleven sources!

Great! ”

Godsend suddenly thought of a practice that was once obtained in a monument on the mainland of the warrior, called the vastness.

This vastness is only a practice performed by a monk. It has not been cultivated. It requires ten kinds of spiritual roots to be able to cultivate. Or according to the vast saying, by practicing this method of practice, one can derive eleven kinds of roots. At the beginning, God gave it to trial, but it was a failure, and it was no longer a matter of one thing.


now what?

Godsend looked at the eleven light groups within his own god.

"Maybe... this is my last chance!"

The godsend sat in the mask, closed his eyes, and began to cultivate the vastness.

From the eleven light groups, there is a hint of power, and the soul of the river begins to approach his god...


Qin double sat on the green cow all the way back. On this road, there were also monks who wanted to rob, but they were defeated by the piano one by one, or killed. In this process, the movement of the piano double heart changed the direction, and all the way into the demon territory in the eastern corner, through a battle, to integrate their own comprehension.


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