Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1099: Expedition

Qin Lie thought of this, and other people thought of it.

Excited in their hearts, this is a signal that Qin double released them, she really let them build the country, instead of giving a short promise.

At this moment, the hearts of the people have gathered together like never before.

"Qin Lie!" Qin Shuang's look became serious: "If I sent people to the Daqin Empire and found anything corrupt and resisting the demon, such as corruption, there is no need for the Daqin Empire."

Qin Lie’s heart glimpsed and nodded solemnly. Although he and Qinqin are the best friends, it is precisely because they are the best, he knows more about Qinshuang.

Qin double is said to be done!

Other people are also in the heart, and the look is also serious with the piano. However, more of the hearts are still happy, and they are respectful to Qin.

Qin Shuang looked at Li Yan and Yang Ying Tiandao: "The demon day, Luofu Sun, you two led the Qinglong Legion and the Comprehension Army as the left army."

"Respect!" Li Yan and Yang Yingtian Qi Qi Shi Li.

"The romantic day of the Holy Blue Moon, Wu Zongri Sheng Jinlongxing, you two led the White Tigers and the Wuzong Army as the right army."

"Respect!" Lan Mingyue and Jin Longxing are in concert.

"Blood Day Holy Blood, Frost Day, Holy Cold, you two led the Xuanwu Army and the Frost Corps as the army."

"Respect!" Blood coat and cold and clear ceremony.

"Huang Risheng Shen Qiu! You led the Kirin Legion together with You as the Chinese Army."


"Iron Wall Day Shengfei!"

"In!" Yuan Fei stood up excitedly.

"Immediately set up the Tianji Camp, and select the masters and strategists above the master level. Follow the Chinese army."

"Respect!" Yuan Fei excitedly responded.

Qin double looked at Qinwudao: "Second brother!"

"In!" Qin Wu stood up and came to the center of the main hall.

"After leaving, the empire of the Crescent Moon is your responsibility, and the logistics of the army is your responsibility."

"Respect!" Qin Wu feels pressure on the mountain, this is to him to play the piano town, but he is not the first time to play the piano town, although the pressure is great, but not nervous.


"In!" Qin Jingyun stood up.

"You stay in the Crescent Moon Empire. There are two missions. The first mission is to continue to supervise and train the Fire and Phoenix Corps to practice. The second mission is to defend the Crescent Moon Empire."


Qin Qinyun, although his face is somewhat reluctant, but he also knows that in this hall, his cultivation is very low, and he is a little higher than his second brother, ranking second to last. Moreover, the strength of the Fire and Phoenix Corps is also the lowest among all the regiments, and of course the lowest age.

There are two million people in the Fire and Phoenix Corps. The youngest is only fifteen, and the oldest is no more than twenty-two. The repair of these two million people is basically the same. The repaired to the lowest is now in the samurai. The highest is only a martial artist, unlike other legions, even if it was just two years before the establishment of Daqin, Frost, Wuzong, Xiuzhen, etc. The legions have a bunch of martial arts kings, and the martial artists are everywhere.

However, the practice of the Fire and Phoenix Corps is an ancient practice, and the qualifications are strictly selected. This army is the future pillar of the Crescent Moon Empire. Once they are allowed to grow up, they can completely sweep other regiments. The Crescent Moon Empire has poured countless resources into this legion, and the expectations of this legion are very large.

The Fengfeng Legion was far from coming out to fight, so Qin Jingyun had to reluctantly agree.

"Duan Hong!"

"In!" Duan Hong stood up, and in the heart, finally called me.

Qinqin’s face smiled and said: “Congratulations to the division’s brothers to break through Wusheng.”

"Thank you for the moon emperor!"

Duan Hong Shili, other people in the hall also congratulated Duan Hong, Duan Hong returned to the ceremony one by one, and then looked at the Qin double, the hall was silent.

“Have you ever thought of a title?” Qin asked with a smile.

"At the beginning, they all called me to overbearing Duan Hong, and I called the Sun."

"Good!" Qin double smiled and nodded: "Heyday Sheng Duanhong listens."


"You stayed in the Moon Empire and established the Suzaku Legion. You are the Lord of the Suzaku Legion. Now every day, the Terran continues to come to the Crescent Moon Empire from all over the world. When we start to walk out of the innocent desert and start to expel the demon, there will be More Terrans come to the Crescent Moon Empire, so you don't have to worry about no one forming a legion. What you have to do is build the Legion at the fastest speed, train it carefully, and be able to be recruited at any time."

"Respect!" Duan Hong was overjoyed.

"Respond to each other, and after three days, start."

Three days later.

Eight legions, each with a total of 2 million people, a total of 16 million people walked out of the innocent desert and began the journey of the Guangfu warrior continent.

There are constantly scouts passing messages back and forth, and every message is sent to the people. Because those demons seem to never know that the Terran has gone out of the innocent desert, still killing in the middle.

Do you know the demon?

How is that possible?

There is only one reason for this, and the demon does not have the human race to do the same thing. In their hearts, the Terran is some slag.

How is the Daqin Empire?

Be killed!

How is the Frost Empire?

Be killed!

What is the realm of comprehension?

Be killed!

How is Wu Zongdian?

Be killed!

How is the Crescent Moon Empire?

If there is no large-scale sandstorm, it has already been destroyed!

The entire Terran has left a crescent moon empire that has been huddled in the Wansha Yellow Sands. Is it necessary for the demon to look at the Terran?

The Terran dared to come out of the innocent desert. This is a grave.

This kind of thought is very popular among demons under the deliberate guidance of Feng Ming and Feng Yan. After Qin Double took the army and pushed the eastern half of the territory, Feng Ming spoke, and the tone was full of disdain, but it inspired all the demons.

"On the mainland of today's warriors, the highest-ranking and strongest monk is not a phoenix, but it is not a Yuehuang Qin double, but my Fengming.

The strongest race is also our demon, the devil is second, and the human race is the weakest. So, don't pay attention to the Terran, what they are willing to do, wait for the demons we destroy, and then clean up their slag. ”

At the same time, Mozu Fengyan also published a similar statement, except that in her words, the first master is naturally his Fengyan, the Mozu is also the strongest race, the demon is second, the human race is slag.

In this way, under the leadership of Fengming and Fengyan, the two demons are ignoring the actions of the Terran in the east and still fighting in the Central Plains.

At this time in the east, there are not many demons at all. Most of the demons have been called away by Fengming and Fengyan. They are only some of the demons and small forces. They are not satisfied with Fengming and Fengyan, while Fengming and Fengyan Wherein we are concerned with the strength of them.


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