Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1061: Flying up


The day after the penalty, the two more giant Thunder giants swooped down to two people.


Tianshen and Qinshuang violently drink at the same time, Tianrui slaps and smashes the Thunder Giants, and fifteen water mines smashes another Thunder Giant.

The piano looked at the opposite side, and the heart rose in disappointment. Your own awe-inspiring power is still a bit lower. If the realm of Confucianism and Taoism can be as general as the strength of the body, I am afraid that this golden book will be able to shoot the sky.

Nowadays, I can only expect Godsend to regain control of the body. Although my own arrogance can not destroy the sky, but it can involve the sky and reinforce the time.

Qin double played Long Fengming, resisting the other's voice, and the other hand held the gold book of Confucianism, and the golden book of Confucianism was released.


The sound of the Gorefiend constantly pushes into the piano, and the double eyes of the piano show an anxious color. She knows that this is not because her dragon and phoenix is ​​not as good as the blood of the Gorefiend, but her own sound power is not as good as the Gorefiend, but also because this Haoran piano that she cultivated is not as good as the blood.


From the back of Tianrui, a **** tentacle was born, spurting toward the piano.


In the sea of ​​the doubles, the phoenix fire **** swayed the finger, and a handle of the feather feather sword came out of the body, and spurred toward the **** tentacle. Cut off a **** tentacle.


The white tiger of the Qin double swayed the finger scorpion, and a handle of the Jinpeng sword came out of the body, constructing a pair of armor on the body of the piano.

Qin Xuan’s Xuanwu Yuanshen, who moved the finger, controlled fifteen water thunder beads and continually shattered the Thunder Giants.

The fierce battle between the two sides made the surrounding tribes stunned.

Qin Jiao, who was standing in the air, suddenly stepped forward, and gave birth to a colorful symbol of light, shrouded her body shape, and then the colorful symbols disappeared, and the body shape of Qin Jiao disappeared.

next moment.

Qin Jiao's figure appeared beside Tian's body, grabbed a tentacle, and there was a round of light on the palm of his hand. He cut off the interceptor, and the foot was smashed, and the colorful symbols appeared. The next moment, Qin Jiao's figure has appeared ten miles away. Holding the **** tentacles in his hand, just want to watch it carefully, he saw the **** tentacles of the section, and suddenly turned into a **** light and slipped away from her hands, and instantly returned to the body of Tianrui.

"Interesting!" The color of interest in Qin Jiao’s eyes increased.

The demon and the two people looked at Qin Jiao’s eyes full of jealousy. On the day, it was a big anger, and suddenly turned the blood piano, one handed the piano.

Qin Jiao's face changed slightly, with one hand rising upwards, and an expectant eggshell appeared around her body, shrouded her inside, and the whole eggshell floated.


The cracking sound of a piece of glass, the eggshell framed by the fringe burst into pieces, and the colorful streamer overflowed. Qin Jiao's figure flew back, and the corners of his mouth flowed out of blood, but her eyes turned into gaze, like crazy.

"Good and powerful quotation! His body has a strong and strong pattern. With his thorough research, I will be able to find the avenues."

In the fierce battle, Qinshuang and Tianyin suddenly looked up, and the three tribes did not look up and saw the robbery clouds in the sky are dissipating.

The day has passed!

The hearts of the three tribes were shocked and inexplicable. So the punishment of the day, so that the two pairs of Qin and Tianrui were so easy to pass, and still fiercely struggled under the penalty.


There was a halo in the sky, and then the aura opened like an eye, and a light hole appeared. A beam of light came from the hole and shrouded the body.

Tian's body shape slowly flew toward the light hole in the sky, looking at the piano double below, hehe smiled:

"Qin double, I am waiting for you in the fairy world. Ha ha haha..."

"Double children, kill me!" The face of Tian Tianru suddenly turned into a godsend.


Qin's feet are in the air, and the figure is like a sharp arrow. On that day, I also tried to control the body and did not rise upwards.

"It is absolutely impossible to let the godsend soar. Once this is so sincere, the blood devil must be cultivated as a big move, and the godsend situation is even more dangerous."

The piano double bites his teeth and reaches out, grabbing the sky against the size of the excitement. And Tian looked back at the piano double, raised one hand and took a picture to the piano.

"you dare!"

Godsend broke out all of his potential and instantly regained control of the body. The palm of the hand was a meal. At the same time, the hands of Qin double grasped the palm of the gods, and the two hands were tight in the air. Hold it together. Qin double encourages the body's awe-inspiring spirit, along with his own hands, madly instills into the god-given body, while running the jack-up, struggling to fall the god-given body to the bottom.

"let me go!"

The god-given face turned into a rebellious face, picking up another fist and smashing toward the piano. But in an instant it turned into a god-given face, and the half-fingered fist stopped in midair.

Above the sky.

A huge circular sky with a crystal clear light, from the eyes of the day, the crystal light speed, the gods and the piano double enveloped inside.

In the air.

Tianci and Qin double are in the air, the piano is facing up on both sides, and the gods face down, and the two hands are tightly held together. From the right arm of the piano double, the golden light visible to the naked eye flows through the body of God.

on the ground.

At this time, the three tribes all fell on the ground, and their eyes gathered in the air in the middle of the sky, and they were slowly moving upwards toward the sky.

Godsend and Qin double.

Godsend and Heaven are constantly competing for the control of the body, but under the constant infusion of the golden glory of the Qinshuang, the Tianti is affected by a little more or less, and the time for Tianci to occupy the body is getting longer and longer.


The piano snorted and she felt that as the distance from the sky was getting closer, the day's rejection of her was getting bigger and bigger. She knows that this is because her cultivation is a condition that the realm is not enough to rise. Heaven does not allow herself to fly with Godsend, and to separate herself from God.

It is the body of the Qin and the nine days of Xuan Xian. For the rejection of the heavens, it is also very weak. Otherwise, Qinqin will break open the void with a fist and fly to the spiritual world with the power of the body.

Her inner government was squeezed by the heavens, and a trace of blood bleed from the corners of her mouth.

"God, hold on, you will be able to defeat the Gorefiend."

"Double children!" Godsend can feel the rejection of the heavens and the doubles of the piano. He saw the continuous flow of blood from the mouth of the piano.

"Double children, let me go, I won't lose. I will suppress the Gorefiend! Kill him."

"I believe in you, let me help you for a while!"


Two pairs of blood were ejected from the nostrils of the piano, but the awe-inspiring gas in the double body of the piano was more mellowly poured into the body of the gods.


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