Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1055: Wan Yao Tian Magic


Qinqin once again wore a big array, and went straight to those high-level demon sacred and martial arts who escaped. Those high-order demon sacred and demon sacs saw the doubles, and they dared to chase them out, and their hands were empty. Stayed in shape and surrounded it toward the double. Qinqin rushed past a demon sacred closest to himself. The demon scepter held a big gun in his hand and stabbed him toward the piano. The gun stabbed, and the space near the gun tip appeared small. Space cracks.


Qin double has been slender and white, and the small hand was shot on the gun. The big gun was shot by the double shot. After that, the little demon was reacted, and a white little fist exploded his head.

When Qinqin blew a high-order demon saint in an extreme time, these demon saints and demon saints finally reacted, one by one shouting:

"Pull away!"

"This person is too strong!"

"Grass, is she a demon, or are we a demon? How is her strength so strong?"


The demon sacred and the demon sacred side opened the distance between the piano and the double, while pour their own magical madness toward the piano. Qin double does not hide at all, aiming at a Mozu will be chasing after him. As for the other demon sacred and the magical sacred attack, it will be easily bombarded by her fists.

The demon chased by her is crying!

So many demon saints and devils, why are you not catching me?

The sky was a mess, but the ground was silent.

At this point, the demons stopped to attack the big array, looking up at the air one by one, with a big open mouth.

When did the Terran be so powerful?

Not all of us Yaozu (Devil) chasing a group of people to fight?

When did it become a human race to single out our group of demons (Devils)?

Not only the demon of the front line is dumbfounded, but the human warriors in the array also look dumbfounded.

"Does the children have been so powerful?" Lan Mingyue couldn't help but grab his head.

"When she was missing four years ago, it was not so powerful. It is even more powerful now." Qin Lie’s eyes flashed incredulously: "But... it’s too powerful! Actually... even a single person picks up a group of high-order demon saints and Devil! What is the double child now?"

Jin Longxing did not know when he had not competed with the two swords. He also came over and looked up at the doubles. He heard Qin Lie’s words and squinted his eyes:

"Her martial arts repairs should not be so powerful. You see that she has not used martial arts once and now, relying entirely on the power of the offensive. She is powerful in her body, and her body power should have surpassed the realm of Wu Sheng."

Qin Lie and others heard a glimpse of their eyes and looked at Jinlongxing. They know that the dragon's body is very powerful. Nowadays, Jin Longxing’s cultivation is already the first layer of Wu Sheng, but his ontological power has reached the peak of Wu Sheng, and it is because of his body strength and strength that he and the demon holy devil fight. At the time, it does not fall.

In this way, Jinlongxing, who is also a refining body, should not be wrong.

In fact, at this time, there are some helplessness in the heart of the piano. In the air, there is no advantage in the strength of the feet. The speed formed by the power of the body cannot be reflected at all, and her martial arts and legal cultivation are not enough. For a quarter of an hour, there were other disturbances of the demon and the demon, and they did not catch up with the devil.

"This is not the way!"

The eyes of Qin double fell on the ground, and on the ground stood a dense, monk who looked up and looked up. These demon monks are not the demon and the devil, and their strength is relatively low.

The double eyes of the piano pair are chasing the figure of the demon saint and swooping down to the bottom.


At the same time, the back sword was pulled out and the mind was moved.



The handle of the dragon sword screamed, accompanied by a dragon scorpion, turned into a giant sword. He was held by the piano and swept out with pure power.

"Puff puff……"

Qin doubled his legs and flew on the ground. Both hands held the ten-foot dragon sword and swept back and forth. No one who was touched by the dragon sword could survive.

The piano pair is like a farmer with a sickle, and those demons are like crops. They are harvested relentlessly by the piano and fall down in pieces.

Running on the ground, the power of the piano double was completely released, and no one could run her, even those high-level demon saints in the air could not fly her.

"The devil is big!"

"The demon is big!"

The phoenix dance and the three-headed demon shouted at the same time.

The demons quickly moved, and the Demon and the Demon were quickly formed, surrounded by the double. In the high-order demon sacred and the devil's sacred, the piano is surrounded by the double.

Although the spirit of the piano doubles enveloped nearly 30 million demons, the two swords killed thousands of demons, and they were slaughtered by the dragon swords of the Qinshuang, but now there are still more than 50 million demons. Then, it was superimposed by the squad and the scorpion, even if it had the strength of the nine-day sacred fairy, it was swayed by the attack of the demon.

At this time, the Qin double can not attack, and the big sword can only resist attacks from all sides. She wanted to rush into the big squad, but as soon as she moved, the big bang quickly changed and she always surrounded the piano. And they are all long-range attacks, and Qin double has always maintained this distance that they can respond in time. Qin double could not help but sigh.

"This is the weakness of the refiner! It is impossible to mobilize the power of the heavens and the earth. Once this pure power is pulled away, only the passive beating is left."

At this time, standing out on the ground, Godsend is standing there, hands raised up, the blood on the ground is constantly attracted to the ground, his body is like a blood lake, the blood is flying fast by him absorb.


Because Qinqin was besieged by Wanjue and Tianmo, it was no longer able to kill the demon as before, so that the blood on the ground would be quickly absorbed by God.

"Almost a little!"

Godsend brows slightly, his eyes gazing toward the big bang, and there is a cruel sneer in the corner of his mouth, and then the two big hands suddenly slammed into the big array of the piano.


On the ground, two **** hands that were more than a hundred feet suddenly appeared, and they were inserted in a large array, and then the two **** hands were pointing toward each side.


The large array of pianos was shredded by the two **** hands!

The violins and demons that are fighting in the sky are all a glimpse, and they stop. Qin double looked at the two **** hands, and the look became dignified. She remembered the situation of the gods who had been defeated by the Gorefiend. And only the Gorefiend can easily see the weakness of her layout, and easily break the big array. Because her voice is taught by the blood, and Gorefiend is the master of the blood.

"God, is that you?"


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