Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1049: Above the holy mountain


Will the demon give people time? ”

Qin double no longer speaks, in fact, the realm of cultivation has not been able to play the role of the mainstay. If Wu Zongdian is once again destroyed by the demon, only the strength of the empire is not as good as that of Wu Zongdian, and since the demon can break the large array of Wu Zongdian, the Wanli Huangsha Dazheng can really stop the demon. ?

If the Crescent Moon Empire is destroyed again, the entire Terran is a loose sand and becomes a livestock that is being hunted by the demon.

"Qin double, we are far from the demon in comprehensive strength. If we want to save Wu Zongdian, we must find a solution from the top level. If we can, in the shortest possible time, in front of the demon and the two, kill A large number of demon saints and demon saints, the demon and the two families are bound to collapse. In this respect, Wu Zongdian does not have this strength, but we can both."

Qin doubled and nodded: "But you are not suitable for appearance, and this is not the key battle to decide the outcome. Even if you and I come out, the danger of this Wu Zongdian will be lifted, and the crisis of the Terran will not be changed. Therefore, you cannot Come out."

Qin double said with meditation: "You are leaving now and returning to Fengming City. At this time, most of the power of the Yaozu is gathering in Wuzong Temple. You can take Fengming City as the center in the shortest time. Conquering the forces of the demon occupies the territory at this time, now you are definitely the first master in the Yaozu, even those ancestors who remain in the demon world, may not be your opponent, unless those ancestors unite. Therefore, you will soon have a decisive position in the Yaozu and have a very loud voice.

I will let Feng Yan also leave here and go to the territory occupied by the Mozu on the mainland of the warriors and integrate a strength. Then the two things you have to do are to constantly provoke the dispute between the two demons, and finally let the demons and two families explode in a large-scale ethnic war. This gives the people a chance to breathe. ”

"Good!" Feng Ming nodded: "I think there must be a lot of contradiction between the two demons. Once the Terran is destroyed, it is the moment when the two demons fight. This is the number of the two demons. Just because now The Terran has not yet been destroyed. Therefore, the outbreak of a full-scale war between the two demons is certain, but it is only a matter of time. What we have to do is to advance the time.

They have the mind to start a war, and it is much easier for us to sit up. And if you can really defeat the demon and the two races here, it will inevitably inspire the contradiction between the two demons. When I and Feng Yan are slightly boosted, the contradiction will be infinitely magnified, and the opportunity will be rubbed. Once the friction breaks out, The all-out war between the demons is unstoppable.

Just, you are sure that you will be able to beat the demon and the two when you stay here alone? ”

"If I can't do it alone, you can't do it alone. Of course, if there are ten people like you, of course I will choose to stay all and attack the demons directly. Unfortunately, we don't. So even this time I You can't save Wu Zongdian, and you can't expose you, because you and Feng Yan are the most important factors in this war to save the Terran."

"I understand, I will leave immediately."

" Take care!"

" Take care!"

Feng Yan left the flying boat and flew in the direction of Fengming City. In the twinkling of an eye, it disappeared.

Qin Qin double mind to move, Feng Yan will appear in front of Qin double from the town demon tower. Qin double sensed the cultivation of Feng Yan, and his face showed a happy color. Feng Yan’s time in the town’s demon tower was long and long, and he was practicing in the environment of rich Xianyuan for more than 20 years. At this time, the cultivation of Yan has reached the sixth floor of Wusheng, and it is also the sixth floor of Wusheng, a great master of the martial arts. Even in the demon world, as long as it is careful enough, it can be vertical and horizontal.

"Feng Yan, can you make a battle now?"

“Can!” Feng Yan nodded. “But it’s just a low-level battle.”

“How low is it?”

"A pinup."

"Not so high." Qin double surprises: "As long as the top spirits are on the line. You will immediately be the town demon tower, give me the best possible refining of the top."

"it is good!"

Feng Yan returned to the town demon tower, Qin double put away the flying boat. Hiding in a thick cloud, following the back of the demon army.

Qin double did not dare to rely too close, and did not dare to use God to explore. After all, there are many demons in the demon that are higher than her. She does not want to be discovered by the demon now. The most important thing is that she wants to see if the demon is using a method to break the big battle of Wu Zongdian.


All kinds of powerful demons cover the sky and fly in the direction of Wu Zongdian.

on the ground.

The color of the ground has been invisible, completely covered by the body of the demon, and rushing in the direction of Wu Zongdian.

"Good guy!" Converging the breath, the far-tracking Qin double heart could not help but be shocked: "Do you have nearly 100 million demons? Even if there is no clue, it is violent, and it has been bombarded for several months, four. The big array of sisters will collapse?

I don't know how big the four sisters set up, but the Wanli Huangsha big array can't stand the three-month bombardment. I don’t know how many martial arts masters of the demon, and what level? ”

Qinqin looked up and looked at the front, and he was able to see the holy mountain in his eyes. After a thought, Feng Yan appeared again in front of Qin double, seeing the piano double path:

"The array is enough."

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "You will leave here immediately, go to the territory occupied by the Mozu on the mainland of the warriors, integrate a force, and then join hands with Fengming to provoke the demon and the two races. The ultimate goal is to have the two ethnic groups erupt. war."

"Understand!" Feng Yan nodded.

"be careful!"


" Take care!"

" Take care!"

Feng Yan turned and left, and the shape of the piano double also flew toward the sky, passing through the hurricane layer and entering the thunder layer. It’s just that the thunder layer of this world has not caused a little damage to the piano pair, and even the micro-maze can’t be done for the piano. After entering the thunder layer, Qin double flew away in the direction of Wu Zongdian.

Soon, Qin double came to the thunder layer above Wu Zongdian, looking down to the bottom. The demon is still gathering and gathering in Wu Zongdian. The Wuzong Palace opened up, and the large array of people were full of human martial arts. They could not see the face of the demon and the human race, but they could perceive the atmosphere of both sides.

The demon and the two arrogances are rising, and from time to time they make a scream of earth shaking. The Terran is very silent, the atmosphere is dignified, and even a kind of despair is spreading.

The shape of the piano pair slowly descended, fell from the thunder layer, passed through the hurricane layer, and then operated the basaltic book, the water vapor of the space converge toward the piano, and then formed a thick cloud, the body of the piano In the shape of the package, the piano double converges and falls to the bottom.


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