Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1046: Assault

"Yes, but not much."

Qin nodded twice, since the dark world has not been completely extinct in the encounter with the fairy world, it seems that the dark world is really strong, even similar to the strength of the fairy world, he did not encounter powerful dark creatures, can only say that Your own luck.

"Where do I meet you, but there are powerful dark creatures?"

"The place where I live is the dark edge, there are creatures that are stronger than me, but not many, there are no more powerful creatures. The concentration of the gods in the darkness is also different. The richer the place, the stronger the creature. many."


The piano is somewhat reassuring. If she enters a dark place, it is a strong creature gathering place, she will directly give up the idea of ​​building a base there.


Her heart suddenly moved, and there was an endless stream of voice in her consciousness. After listening to the message from the endless month, Qin’s mouth tilted slightly, and there was a hint of sarcasm. Then I communicated with the moon in consciousness for a while. After the end, I looked at the mermaid road:

"Do you want to practice in darkness?"

"Yeah!" The mermaid nodded and said: "If the master's **** is more than me, I naturally don't need to practice quietly, but now the master's repair is not as good as me, I can live with the owner for a while, then It is best to go back to the dark practice."

“I lived with me for a short time? What do you mean?”

"I have signed a contract with my master now, so everything I have is master. My gods can also be shared with the owner."


"Well, that is, I can continue to give my knowledge to the master, let the master improve in the shortest time, until the two of us are repaired, in fact, since we signed the contract This transfer has already begun."

Qin double immediately closed his eyes and began to perceive. Sure enough, she felt that her power of knowledge grew very fast, and this speed was predatory. That is to say, after the mermaid signed the contract, it was passively sharing the power of the gods. Kind of speed, Qin double want to reach the peak of the Mahayana period, will be in a very short period of time, so it is necessary to speed up the soul, transform the Yin God into the speed of the Yangshen.

In the heart of the piano, I was overjoyed and thought a little bit: "Is that if my cultivation is beyond you, I must share it with you?"

"No!" The mermaid shook his head. "But if the owner is willing, he can still share it."

Qin Qin understands, because he and the mermaid signed a slave contract, he is the master, the mermaid is a slave. So I am passive to share with the owner, but the owner is active. If the owner wants, the slave can share the master's power of insight and the understanding of the heavens. If the master does not want, the slave cannot share with the master.

Qin double nodded with satisfaction: "You will be with me for the time being."

The shape of the mermaid began to shrink. From the shoulders of the piano, he swam his arms to the wrist and wrapped around the right wrist of the piano pair, like a black jade bracelet.

Qin double stood in front of the window, the Yinshen was unsheathed and flew to the sky. In the bright moonlight, on the high clouds, began to swallow the moon and wash itself.

When the dawn came, the yin of the piano doubled back. Qin double squinted his eyes, his eyes flickered, turned and came to the door, pushed the door out.

On the same day, Qin double announced that he was ready to leave the Jiuyue Empire, went to Wu Zongdian, met Wu Dongying, and talked about the association of the Terran.

After playing for a day, Qinqin listened to and arranged the development of the Yueyue Empire. On the second day, he left the innocent desert alone.

The piano took a step forward in the Wanli Yellow Sands, and the body shape was vertical, and it started to rise. It’s just that her speed is not fast, but actually it’s a bit better.

When she left the innocent desert for half a quarter of an hour, six figures flew out of the innocent desert. As soon as the six figures left the innocent desert, they flew up and flew in the direction of Wu Zongdian.

In the past, there was no time for a quarter of an hour. Three figures came out of the innocent desert, then flew up and flew in the direction of Wu Zongdian.

Qin double walked in front of the clouds, the clouds slowly flowed from her side, her eyes looked down, full of ruins. The culture of the Terran has been completely destroyed. It has just passed through the battle between the comprehension and the demon. At this time, there is no space left. The Terran and the Demon are not left here. There is no trace of living things, as if it is a dead world.

Behind her, six figures are coming quickly. The ears of the piano double moved, and a sneer appeared in the corner of the mouth. Still do not rush to the cloud.


A series of powerful Taoism came to the piano double, and the eyes of Qin double released anger. The six people behind me just approached themselves and didn't say hello. They suddenly attacked themselves. This is definitely trying to kill themselves as quickly as possible.

The shape of the piano doubles and then turns, the skirt swings out a beautiful circle, facing the attack of the opposite six people, gently lifting the right fist, slamming a punch toward the drowning Taoism .


The mammoth Taoism was shattered by a pair of pianos, and there was a trace of cracks in the space.

The six people on the opposite side looked at the piano double, and the results were completely unexpected. When they want to come, the piano is strong again, and at most it is the top of the world. The six of them jointly shot, even if they can't kill the piano, they will hurt the piano. Even if it is a minor injury, as long as we continue to besiege the piano double, it will turn the slight injury of the piano double into a serious injury, and eventually kill the piano.


They did not think that the piano doubles just slammed a punch, and they combined them to destroy the invisible.

The piano double stepped out in the air, and the figure was already in front of six people, his face full of chills:

"The main character of Huyan Island, the owner of the island, the owner of Ouyang Island, I saved you, but you will envy the enemy, and it is really for the selfishness to open the door of the demon, to bring the scum of the evil to the human race!"

"How do you know..." Hu Yanyun and Xiang Baiji suddenly changed color.

The other four people looked shocked at the extension of the cloud and Xiang Baiji. They did not think that the door of the demon turned out to be the main island of Mishima. When I thought about the opening of the demon door, the three islands each died. The monks, and all the elites, made the four of them feel overwhelmed, mixed with shock, anger, sadness and other emotions.

Qin Shuang's eyes suddenly became sharp. Although she suspected that the opening of the demon door was the intention of the three islands, but it was not certain, now that the matter has been determined, the heart can not help but kill. And seeing the reaction of six people, opening the door of the demon, only the island of the island knows that other people do not know.

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