Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1027: Iron plate

No one speaks, but everyone looks at the door of the hall but looks different. The people of the Crescent Moon Empire are full of excitement and excitement. The return of Qinshuang and another breakthrough made the Jiuyue Empire more stable, especially in the low morale of the entire warrior continent. The strong return of Qinshuang is undoubtedly a shot in the arm.

Originally, the entire warrior continent left Wu Zongdian, Luo Fuzong and the string moon empire, which has already made people frightened and frightened. Later, Luo Fuzong’s Guardian Guardian’s squad was broken again, which made the people of the Crescent Moon Empire even more alarmed. Although in the past four years, the Yueyue Empire has a large array of thousands of miles of sand, and there is a rejuvenation in the inside, so that their repairs are restored quickly, but compared with the repair of the real world, Wu Zongdian, the Yueyue Empire is undoubtedly the lowest strength. One, especially when their death of the Emperor of the Moon came, the Jiuyue Empire was even more flustered. If it weren't for the Qin Qin double to give them the blood of the beast and the blood of the two coats, I am afraid I don't know what will happen.

not to mention……

Now the Jiuyue Empire can only be huddled in the Wanli Yellow Sands, and the people who can control the big arbitrarily are naturally Fengyan, who have set up a large array. No one dares to offend Fengyan, if it is expelled from Fengyan by Wanyan. With their strength, can they survive a few in the pursuit of the demon?

Therefore, the Crescent Moon Empire maintains a calm surface.

However, the piano double came back.

All contradictions and thoughts are gone. Even if there is, they have to live their own ideas and even force themselves to forget their thoughts.

Qin double did not say a few words back, just retreat in the hall, has been about to become a loose sand string empire, and immediately became a piece of iron!

Hu Yanyun and others stood there and looked at the warriors around the Jiuyue Empire. At this time, there are four Wusheng of the Yueyue Empire. They are Huang Riwu Sheng Shen Qiu, Blood Day Wu Sheng Xueyi, Sirius Sun Shengtian and Yaori Wusheng Li Yan.

The reason why Shen Qiu, Xue Yi and Li Yan can break through to Wu Sheng in such a short period of time is to benefit from the opening of the demon door. They constantly get the blood of the demon family, swallowing refining and refining, and repairing it for a thousand miles. In particular, Qin double gave each of them three drops of Feng Zu's blood, but in the past few years, the complete refining of this blood, they can make them break through the Wu Sheng realm.

There are more than one hundred martial arts, more than five hundred emperors, more than three thousand Wu Wang.

However, these strengths are not taken seriously in the eyes of Chang Yun and others. To be honest, if there is no piano, they all have the idea of ​​taking control of the empire. But when they thought of the five black dragons released by the piano, they let them dispel the thought. Instead, they would worry about how the piano would treat them. After all, the monks and the warriors have hatred for thousands of years.

At the end of this month, the wound has healed. Standing behind Wanzhongshan, Wanzhongshan has an endless voice to the moon:

"Endless, you have been in contact with the Emperor, how does the Emperor look at the monk?"

"Master, you can rest assured!"

Wanzhongshan nodded, but there was still a trace of uneasiness in his look. Calling for the extension of the cloud to Yang Yintian's voice:

"Yang Zongzhu, you have contacted Luo Fuzong and the Moon Emperor, will the Emperor not be against us?"

"No, if it will be bad for us, it will not save us."

"I hope so! But we have to be prepared."

"How to prepare? We are in this big battle, the Yueyue Empire wants to deal with us, we don't have to use the military to shoot, just start the big battle, we have no resistance."

"I didn't want to enter the big line at the beginning."

Yang Yingtian could not help but smile: "Don't enter? Don't enter you and die in the hands of the demon."

"Yang Zongzhu, we are not guilty at this time. I think so, if the emperor wants to be unfavorable to us, we will first take the shot and take the emperor. Just take the thunder and lightning. The emperor of the moon, the empire of the string moon has scruples, that is, the big array does not dare to start. We have more bargaining chips, maybe we can control the crescent moon empire."

"With the speed of lightning, I won the moon emperor?" Yang Yingtian looked at the extension and said: "You will not forget the five black dragons?"

"Of course I have not forgotten it, but you should also observe that when the five black dragons came out, they were thousands of feet long, but later, they were only a dozen feet long. What are the five black dragons estimated to be? It's easy. If you can subdue the emperor, then the five black dragons are ours."

"It's too risky!" Yang Yingtian refused. "It's still a long-term plan."

Calling to extend the face of the cloud has changed, and began to communicate with other Mahayana monks.

At this time, Qinshuang entered the town demon tower. The purpose of her entry into the town demon tower was to experience the speed of cultivation after the breakthrough to the Mahayana period.

It was only a quarter of an hour of cultivation, and the piano double ended the cultivation and sighed softly. The speed is a lot slower, although the speed of cultivation is still twice as fast as outside, but before the distraction period, it is twenty times!

"It’s no wonder that when I first went to repair the real world, there were so few monks in the Mahayana period, and those who used the extension of the cloud to stay in the Mahayana period for hundreds of years, but still did not reach the peak, can only slowly with the water Ground grinding."

"Although I can achieve twice the speed now, it is still too slow..."

"But why are the monks in the spiritual world going up quickly?"

Qin double fell into meditation, but then she wanted to understand that those in the spiritual world naturally have the cultivation resources that the military does not have on the mainland.

That is the spiritual world!

Even if it is a heavenly treasure, can the heavenly treasures nourished by Xian Yuanli in the spiritual world and the heavenly treasures nourished by the aura on the mainland of the warrior can be a level?

Even if it is the same festival of medicinal herbs, can it be rectified in the spiritual world and refining on the mainland of the warrior?

The materials are different. The herbs in the spiritual world are nourished by Xianyuan. The herbs on the mainland of the military are nourished by the aura. This is essentially different.

Qin double came out from the town demon tower, came to the front hall from the apse, opened the door of the hall, and heard the sound of the mountain shouting:

"Congratulations to the Moon King Breakthrough!"

Qin binoculars swept through the crowd, her eyes swept through the ink, Du Fu and hair like snow, eyes twitching, did not think that this four years of adventures, even briefly went to the spiritual world, but only broke through to Wu The third floor of the Holy Trinity and the first stage of the Dadao Mahayana. But all three people have already broken through to the first layer of distraction. The eyes fell on Xu Feibai's body. Xu Feibai's cultivation reached the seventh floor of the Huashen period. It seems that Luo Fuzong did not work **** Xu Feibai's body. Retracted the eyes:

"Second brother, Jingyun, and Wu Sheng and the Mahayana period come in, endless, you come in."


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