Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1015: Hard to move forward

The big Luo Jinxian looked at the endless passage: "You three are in front."

The three people naturally did not dare to oppose it. Gao Fei had to take the lead in the front, but he was blocked by the piano:

"I am going to the front, after all, I am a smelter!"

If the words fall, the piano will take the first step and walk in the front. She does not fully carry forward the style, but knows that she is the weakest here. If she does not show that she is still useful, she may be killed by the big Luo Jinxian.

not to mention……

She is moving forward according to the guidelines of the bones in the boots, which requires her to become a guide.

The big Luo Jinxian behind him nodded with satisfaction and followed the Gaofei brother and sister.

Soon after, I found a lot of martyrdom. Qin did not ask the big Luo Jinxian behind him, and chose the martyrdom according to the heat of the bone. Many people originally, after the diversion of the martyrdom, the number of people began to gradually become scarce.

After walking for about an hour, when Qinqin stepped into a martyr, he felt that his body sank and she found that gravity was aggravated. At this time, the gravity is also difficult to walk in the fairy season. However, for these four people, it is not a problem. The latter three people are all repaired above the Tianxian period. Even if they are Qinshuang, relying on the identity of the refiner, they will not put this gravity in their eyes.

"Gao Xiong, why is the gravity here so big? And getting heavier and heavier?" Qin said, as he walked, whispered softly.

At this time, there are dozens of people in this martyrdom, and they all read the piano like a pair of old hats. Gao Fei whispered:

"This small world should be a post-mortem of the unicorn, and the unicorn belongs to the soil. The small world formed by gravity is naturally very large. Here is the center of this small world. As you go to the center, the gravity will be bigger."

In the heart of the piano, I walked forward more cautiously. After nearly two hours of time, everyone finally got out of this martyrdom. At the exit, it was a huge cave. This cave is like a big hall. Everyone enters the cave, and the body is sinking. The gravity here. It has increased, even if the fairy is here, don't want to fly.

Among the forty or fifty people, Qin double they are not at the forefront. Qin double suddenly found that the person in front stopped, could not help but lived in the footsteps, and saw in the center of the cave, sitting on the knees.

Qin double's face is a change, she and Zhang Daoji all the way, but I have seen this kind of shackles several times, looking like it is already awkward, should die, but it is not dead at all, and powerful and fearsome .

The eyes of everyone looked at a tall man, the only one of these dozens of people. The fairy prince followed his finger to a monk:

"you go look."

The monk's look changed, but he did not dare to speak. He took a deep breath and held a wheel-shaped fairy in his hand and carefully walked toward the donkey.

Waiting to go to the front of the cockroach, seeing that cockroach still did not respond, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, looking back at the fairy jun:


The fairy figure was floating in the air, and he stood in front of the sly body, and the rest of the people flew toward the cockroach. Gao Fei’s brother and sister just wanted to move, but they were caught by Qin’s double hands. The big Luo Jinxian had already surpassed the Qin double, but suddenly stopped and looked back at Qin Double Road:

"Why don't you go?"

Qin double whispered: "The people here are all seniors of the younger generation. The younger generations have passed, and they can't get anything. It is better to stand here and have a look."

Her voice has not completely fallen, and she heard the screams. The big Luo Jinxian turned his head and saw that Xianjun had been attacked by the scorpion and grabbed the heart. At the same time, the other hand was madly killing. Under the monk, the body of the immortal had been shattered by the cockroach, and the flesh and blood were sucked onto him by the sucker.

At this time, Qin double changed his mind. It is reasonable to say that the best way to escape now is to escape from the original road. But the bones in the boots are getting hotter toward the side of a ramp. That is the second ramp on the left side of the cave. Are you escaping from the original road or rushing into the ramp?

Just for a moment, Qin double made a decision. She released the hand of Gao Fei's brother and sister and rushed to the second ramp on the left as quickly as possible.

Gao Fei's brother and sister had just been blocked by Qin double, and they didn't get close to the cockroach. When they saw Qin Shuang rushed to the second martyr, the two men instinctively rushed over. And the big Luo Jinxian also involuntarily followed the Qin double.


Qin double rushed into the ramp, and kept running at the fastest speed toward the front. He ran for a quarter of an hour, and could not hear the screams. The piano doubleed and panted. Looking back, I saw not only the Gaofei brothers and sisters and the big Luo Jinxian behind him, but also five people behind him. When they saw the piano double stopped, everyone looked back and saw that there was no such thing. Followed by, one by one, a long sigh of relief. At that time, the big Luo Jinxian also calmed down slightly and looked at the Qin Double Road:

“Why did you run into here?”

The eyes of everyone gathered on the body of the piano, and the piano raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead:

"In a panic... I ran..."

The face of the big Luo Jinxian was black, clenched his fist, then released, and stared coldly at the double track:

"You are ahead!"

"It's a senior!"

Qin double took out a medicinal medicine and then walked toward the front. The eight people behind have also taken the medicinal herbs and followed them. There was another nine-day Xuanxian among the five people. They looked at the piano pair and looked at the big Luojinxiandao:

"This Taoist friend, is that gimmick not too high?"

Perceived the power of the nine-day Xuan Xian, the big Luo Jinxian Gong said: "Back to the predecessor, she is a refiner."


The nine-day Xuan Xian’s eyes flashed and he stopped talking.

The piano walked forward cautiously, continually entering a raft, and the gravity has been continuously increased. After walking for a day, Qinqin felt that his body was sinking again, and the gravity here had reached the point where Da Luo Jinxian could not fly.


Four people sat on the ground at once, and the muscles of the body began to crack, and the blood was sprayed out. Among them, there were Gaofei brothers and sisters. Both of them are Luo Tianxian, who can't stand the gravity here. Qin double could not help but lived in the footsteps and looked back at the big Luo Jinxian. That big Luo Jinxian cold channel:

"keep going!"

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