Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 897: Chasing

At the same time, the two-headed lion and the indifferent youth joined forces to pinch the bamboo man, leaving the bamboo man to fall. A sword mark and two claw marks have appeared on the body.

The piano double pulled out an arrow from the arrow pot, bent the bow and set the arrow, and locked it to the bamboo man.


The bamboo raft man once again collided with the indifferent youth, and flew back by the force of the impact. At the moment when the double-headed lion was attacked, the big foot was on the ground, and the figure was turned in the air, and the head was not deep in the passage. Go back to the ground. There is still blood flowing from his body.

"Want to run!"

The piano double snorted, and the finger on the bowstring was lightly loose, and the arrow spurred out. Then he heard a sigh. The young bamboo raft tried to dodge, but it was difficult to completely avoid the glory. With an arrow on the left shoulder, it disappeared at the corner of the passage.

"Treading step..."

The two-headed lion quickly chased the past and turned around the corner. The shape of the piano double was followed, and the look was a glimpse. Turned around the corner and found several martyrdoms. I was hesitating and saw it. The two-headed lion chased in a martyrdom, and Qin double did not hesitate to pursue the past.


Qinqin just rushed into the passage and heard a loud roar. The figure of the double-headed lion rolled over and slammed toward her. The piano double rushed to the side, and the double-headed lion rolled past her. Looking to the front, I saw the bamboo squat man slamming into the wall of the passage, and spurting blood.

The piano doubled in the footsteps, but did not go forward, but pulled out an arrow, put it on the bowstring, and locked it toward the bamboo man.

The bamboo raft man seems to be very hurt, or he gave up the struggle, and the look of fear in his eyes looked at the piano pair.


A string of chords, arrows like a meteor rushed toward the bamboo raft man.


A shield suddenly flew over and blocked in front of the bamboo raft man. The double arrow of the piano hit the shield. A figure smashed out of the passage. One hand grabbed the shield and grabbed one hand. The bamboo squat man, resisting on his shoulders, ran towards the depths of the passage.


The piano double snorted, and the double-headed lion ran over. The figure of the double pair jumped on the back of the double-headed lion and chased toward the depths of the passage. The brow wrinkled slightly.

"Someone can save the bamboo man, and on behalf of that person can also see the situation around here. This can not help her alert."


Her ears moved slightly. She heard the sound of smashing the air behind her back. When she looked back, she saw that the indifferent youth still closed her eyes, and her ears continued to sway, but the direction was pursued without any deviation. come.

The piano double turned and the eyes locked tightly to the front. In front of it is a tall and fat back, looking at the dress is a woman, the bamboo man is against the shoulder, the speed is extremely fast.

The double backhand took out an arrow and bent the bow.



The piano snorted, and in her vision, she saw the tall and obese woman, and the backhand guarded the shield behind her, letting her arrow hit the shield.

There are some Zou brows in the piano, and the shield is too big. Even if the piano is used to track the bow, it is difficult to shoot at each other. Suddenly, there was a hint of anxiety in the eyes of the piano, because she found that there were several martyrdoms in front, and the frequent occurrence of the martyrdom would bring great difficulties to the pursuit of the piano. ,

Qin double took out a silver Dan, she had to catch these two people, at least to catch one, she was very curious about their ability to see the situation around here, and wanted to understand why.

At this time, her look changed, and she heard footsteps from another ramp.

"Is the other party helping again?"

This thought just emerged, and I saw a figure coming out of a martyr. The piano double saw the figure, and the mood was slightly loose. The man she knew, it was the white-bearded dagger who came here with them. It was only at this time that the white-bearded dagger was somewhat embarrassed. The clothes on the body were broken and bloody. It seems to have experienced a hard fight. His face was full of fear and madness.


At this time, the tall and obese woman had already slammed into a martyr with a bamboo raft. Qin double did not have time to pay attention to the white-beard dagger old man, because the sudden appearance of the white-bearded dagger old man, she lost the opportunity to throw out the drug to prevent the tall and obese woman from rushing into the ramp, so hurriedly spurred the two-headed lion toward the ramp. Chasing.


A long sword with a cold light, smashed toward the piano. The piano is full of anger, the master of the sword is the old man of the white beard. The strong hurricane blew the cloak of the piano pair and raised it, hunting.


The two-headed lion raised a front paw and slammed it toward the sword. In the moment when the double-headed lion attacked, the figure of the double-headed lion flew up and fell to the side. The front lions of the two-headed lion and the sword of the old man were bombarded together, and both flew out.

The old man fell on the ground, then turned and jumped up, the sword in his hand danced in the air, the water could not splash. With a rush of color on his face.

In the heart of the piano, I realized in an instant that the old man in the white beard would not be able to see the surrounding situation at all. I am afraid that I can only rely on the tyrannical cultivation, and I can barely perceive the fluctuations around me. The attack that I just made to myself is subconscious. attack.

Qin double glanced at the martyrdom of the tall and obese woman, and sighed in her heart, knowing that she could not catch up.


The body of the indifferent youth fell on the side of the piano pair. Although his eyes were closed, he turned his face toward the direction of the white-bearded dagger.

"Qin double, who is that?"

"The predecessor of the white beard." Qin double condensed.

At this time, the piano double was blocked by the white-bearer, and lost the opportunity to chase the tall and obese woman. My heart was very unhappy. The obese woman and the bamboo man could not be affected here. She did not believe that they were with themselves. There are dragons and phoenixes in the same way, or you can understand other things. There must be other secrets. And this secret must be very important to explore here.

Once the piano double does not grasp this secret, and the obese women have mastered this secret, they are very unfavorable to the piano pair, it is not a question of exploration, but a danger of life.

Watching the white-bearded daggers continue to dance long swords, panic and fear.

"You are waiting here!"

The piano double thought a little, and the figure flew past.



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