Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 891: Disadvantage

Seeing the body of the double-flowing water dragon, Wuhai knows that he can't catch up with the piano in the sea, his body suddenly rushes, rushes out of the water, falls on the surface of the sea, eyes staring at the water on the sea. The change. Suddenly the toes smeared the water and the body swept away to the left.


The shape of the piano double broke through the water, and the face was changed. She saw the shape of the Wuhai, and the **** at the front end of the claw-shaped blade in the hand spurred itself like a sword. Come over. The weapon on the weapon exudes a scent of gas, which makes people feel vomiting.


Qin double slammed into the mouth and called, the opposite Wuhai movement was a slow, the piano double body swayed.


The sleeve of her left arm was scratched by the middle finger, and the shape of the double piano spurred toward the right side. The heart shouted for help. If it wasn’t for the singer, I’m afraid it’s already Injury, only in this world, his own destructive spirit has weakened a lot, just let Wuhai's movements slightly slow down.

Qin double is at a loss at this time. She used to be her card in the mainland of the warrior or the demon world. Even the Yaozu can not suppress her. But in this world, her proud body strength and strength have been suppressed everywhere, letting her experience being suppressed by powerful forces, the kind of grievances and threats.


At the moment when Qinqin escaped a thorn in Wuhai, a sword rang and a glimmer of light shone, but it was the kind of fast sword that Qinshuang was proud of.

When the blood drops flying, Wuhai felt his neck cold, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

The type of the fast sword of Qinqin is too fast, so that Wuhai can only instinctively flash, but still let the sword tip of the piano double cut his neck, and the figure can not help but fly back.

The heart of the piano is full of regrets. This type of fast sword is completely based on the power of the body, and the speed is mined to the extreme. However, in this world, his strength does not occupy the slightest advantage. Instead, he is completely in a weak position in the battle with Wuhai. Although I have already dig my own speed to the extreme, but because of my lack of strength, Wu Hai finally escaped this fatal blow, but was slightly injured.


Qin double left foot on the sea, the body shape will be bullied towards Wuhai, and the dragon sword in his hand rushed out. Was injured by Qin Shuangyi, although Wuhai’s heart has a hint of fear, but more is anger. He is a person who even has some jealousy in Lubin, but now he is hurt by the piano. Where is the face?

Now I saw that Qin double dared to take the initiative to attack her, and my heart was even more angry. The claw-shaped weapon in the hand slammed toward the dragon sword of the piano pair.

Where does Qinshuang dare to let his dragon sword collide with the other's weapons?

With the power gap between the two sides, as long as the weapons of the two sides collide, their dragon sword will be shot. When the piano stepped on the sea, he left the dry palace, stepped on the palace, and then stabbed it out. Wuhai's body shape turned slightly, and the claws of the weapons once again greeted the Qinshuang. The piano doubled into the palace and the dragon sword was stabbed again.

The shape of Wuhai once again turned slightly, and the weapons in the hand greeted the dragon sword. Qinshuang continued to walk around the Wuhai Sea, stepping on the palace, stepping on the palace, stepping on the palace, stepping away from the palace, stepping on the palace, Step on the palace.

The movement of the piano is quick and light, like a sea Swallow flying around the Wuhai, and the action of the Wuhai is just the opposite of the Qinshuang. His movements look very slow, and the weapons in his hands no longer actively attack, but only defend. Qin double around her attack, it seems like wearing a flying butterfly, can not see her figure on the sea, only to see a circle of blurred afterimage. And because the speed is too fast, the sea is gradually driven, forming a vortex. Wuhai stood in the middle of the whirlpool, but only needed a slight rotation, which sealed the angle of the attack of the Qin Shuanglong sword. The piano pair did not dare to let the dragon sword collide with the other's weapons. It seems that the piano is possessed, but it is very dangerous.

Qinshuang’s Jiugong swordsmanship is unusually mysterious. Although there is no aura in this world, the sea of ​​knowledge and the dantian are sealed, showing no one-hundredth of power, but Qin’s heart is also very admired by Wuhai. At this time, Wuhai has closed his eyes, and his mood is not arrogant.

Qin Shuang's Jiugong sword technique made him dazzled, so he used his hearing to judge the direction of the dragon sword. And every time the judgment is accurate, it can be said that the combat experience is very rich. He has confidence, don't look at the piano doubles now, but in order to keep moving around the Wuhai, Wuhai does not allow him to grasp his trajectory, and consumes much more energy and strength than Wuhai. The repair of Qin double is not as good as Wuhai, and it is bound to last. As long as the weapons in Wuhai’s hands touched the dragon sword of Qinqin once, it was a decisive change.

Qin double is also aware of this, she knows this way, she has no chance to win. When the gaze shrinks, the strength of the body is like a genius, and it gathers at the tip of the sword.

A little starlight.


The dragon sword and the claw-shaped weapon collided together and made a loud noise, which made the hearts of the people watching on the island alive. Tan Xiao and his wife looked blank.

Qin double, is this going to be lost?


The black and blue waters were struck by the huge force of two people, and they separated the two people. A huge wave rose between the two.

The black and blue splashes, the heart of the piano is sinking, and the power of her starlight is definitely not weaker than the tenth layer of the silver period, and even the past, but the feeling of uploading from the dragon sword is known. It didn't cause too much damage to Wuhai, and after this type of shot, the power of the piano double consumed one-fifth, both in strength and speed, and then in the next fight, it will be reduced. This is a deadly threat to the piano.


Qin's footsteps stepped on the sea and flew backwards. At the same time, he took up the dragon sword and took off the longbow and an arrow.


The sky rising from the sky was broken by the waist, and the wrath of Wuhai came from the waves. From the far end, the claw-shaped weapon in the hand was pointed at the double, and the finger of the weapon was pressed on an organ. .


The five fingers on the claw-shaped weapon were separated from the palm of the hand and stunned toward the piano. The speed was not weaker than the bow and arrow, and the piano double felt a hurricane, making her feel suffocated.



The piano double continually pulled out the arrow and spurred out. The five arrows almost made people feel the same shot at the same time, accurately hit the five fingers from the air, and the five sounds of metal crashes in the air. Fingers and arrows each collapse.



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