Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 882: Come again

In the heart of the movement, Qin double infiltrated the soul into the Dan demon, leaving a mark on the soul of the Dan demon. The look on the face is a hi, and I feel that there is a connection with the Dan demon, as long as I pinch myself. Broken this inner Dan, the Danish inside will listen to his orders.

Only the Dan Demon is a one-time consumable, which makes the Qin double's heart somewhat regrettable. Looking at the Dan demon in his hand, he shook his head slightly. This congenital Dan demon did not help the Qin double. Compared with the repair of Qin double, it was too weak. The reason why Qin double refining the congenital Dan Yao is just to familiarize himself with the method of refining the Dan Demon.

There are two ways to use the Dan Demon. One is to crush the inner Dan and release the inside of the monster. The monster will be turned into a monster and have the power to live. The duration is between ten and ten quarters, depending on the quality of the Dan.

Another method is to throw the demon to the enemy, and then directly detonate the demon, its power can be more first-order, that is to say, the congenital Dan devil blew itself, can burst out of the power of thick soil.

However, with the repair of the silver stage of the piano pair today, even if you encounter a thick-temperate monk, you can easily kill it, and you will not be able to use it. Qin double took this Dan Yao into Zhong Dantian, and then began to refine the second Dan.

However, if the piano double successfully refines the bronze demon in the bronze period, once it detonates, it has the power of the silver period, which is of great help to the piano pair, not to mention the silver demon. Therefore, Qinshuang still treats all the innate contemporaries into Dan Demon, and is constantly skilled in the process of refining the Dan Demon.

Qin double came to this world, and he couldn't make it out of his own. The cultivation of the refining body was only the first peak of the silver period. It was not the most powerful even in Xiongcheng, let alone In the golden period, it is like a dog. In the middle of the silver period?

Qin double is in this world, very insecure, she urgently needs a powerful attack, and Dan Yao just solved this problem. Although it costs a lot of Yuanshi, it is equivalent to using Yuanshi to smash the enemy. However, one person has only one life, and his life is lost. There are more Yuanshi stones left for others.

A month later.


The door of the alchemy room was opened from the inside, and the piano came out of the alchemy room with a tired face. A black hair appeared to be a mess, and both eyes had obvious dark circles. The original dresses became loose.

Refining the Danden is really too much of a pain, refining every Dan demon must concentrate on the spirit, and concentrate on the spirit for a long time, it will make people feel dull, and boring will make people feel tired, this month is not only It is to let the piano double feel tired, that is, the body is also thinner than ten pounds.

Fortunately, she has the power of the mind, otherwise I am afraid it will take longer, and it may not be successful. However, even with the power of the mind, the piano double is cautious and full of tension. Especially when it comes to the refining of the bronze period, the heart is even more nervous. Once a little mistake is made, the Dan demon will explode. A bronze demon explosion will definitely razor the single house.

Qin Double has branded these Dan Yaos with the power of the mind and put them into Zhong Dantian. Standing in the sun at this time, feeling warm and warm, the sleepy mind hit the heart. I was too lazy to go out to eat, took out a dish, and went into the bedroom, and fell asleep.

This sleep was one day and one night, woke up from the bed, took a shower, changed a dry clothes, left the inn, and went to the station of Tongtiancheng to the tyrants. She remembered that Tan Xiao and his wife were all making knives. These two people are likely to go to the tyrants and want to join the tyrants. They want to go there and try their luck to see if they can find Tan Xiao and his wife.

Tongtiancheng North City.

Overlord knife peak.

Under the tyrants, like Tianjianmen, Bazhimen also established a city in the city. Qin double walked into the city gate, and then strolled around the street while inquiring about the whereabouts of Tan Xiao and his wife. But even the city of Bazhimen is very huge. The Qin double has been inquiring for three days and has not heard the whereabouts of Tan Xiao and his wife.

However, Qin did not give up, she promised Tan Qianli to take care of Tan Xiao couple, they must do their best. She is going to look for three more days here. If she can't find it, she will go to Tianzhimen and Liuyunmen.

"Qin double?"

On the fifth day, Qin Shuangzheng was inquired from an inn, and he heard a cry of surprise behind him. He turned his head and looked good.

"Tan brother, Rong Jie!"

It was the Tan Xiao couple who called the Qinshuang. When the two of them turned around, the two of them confirmed that they were Qinqin. Both of them had a surprise color on their faces and ran towards the piano. Jiang Hanrong ran to the front of the piano double, grabbed the arm of the piano, and said:

"Qin double, you are fine, great."

Tan Xiao also came to the front of the Qin double, and looked up and down the piano twice: "Qin double, you have reduced a lot."

"Tan laugh, is this?"

At this time, another person came over and looked at Qin Shuang’s eyes flashing a trace of stunning. The piano pair was beautiful and had aristocratic temperament. It was originally black, but later yellow, but now it is white and tender. Shows charm.

"Predecessors, this is my friend, Qin double, we came together from Xiongcheng." Tan Xiao hurriedly introduced: "Qin Shuang, this is the Baige predecessor, the silver five-layer repair."

The sound of listening to the piano is also from the side of the bear city, Bai Ge looking to the piano double eyes will be a lot of awkward, his face smiled:

"Since it is a friend of Tan Xiao, then let's go together."

“Together?” Qin’s face showed suspicious color and looked at Tan Xiao’s couple. Jiang Hanrong whispered: "Qin double, Baige seniors they found a relic, promised to take us to see, today, I met the Qin Shimei, we will go together."

"You are called Qinshuang, are you?" At this time, Baige faintly opened.

"Qin double has seen the predecessors." Qin double does not humble and pray.

"Exploring the remains is dangerous, but it is more rewarding. When I am with me, I will only pay for it, no danger. Hehe..."

Qin double is still frowning slightly, thinking about whether he promised to go, then listen to Tan Xiaodao:

“Thank you for the whites!”

"Ha ha……"

Bai Ge smiled twice and walked forward. Jiang Hanrong gently pulls the sleeves of the piano and steps up, while lowering the voice:

"Qin Shimei, this is a rare opportunity. This ruins exploration is a combination of several silver predecessors, can take us, this is our chance, don't miss it."



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