Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 860:

Bells to the comrades to celebrate the New Year! I wish my comrades and friends a great luck in the year of the dog, Wangwangwang!


When I think of it, Qin Double feels that there is still a residual energy in the body of the Vientiane, and then I take a dan dying silver dan, and then use the power of the soul to run the world’s exercises in the body. The force to repair the copper body quenching body. Qinshuang felt that the pain suffered was much lighter. Dan Baiyin Dan was quickly absorbed by two exercises. The effect of this absorption is definitely not as simple as one plus one and two, which makes her repair a rapid improvement.

The eighth layer of the black iron period, the ninth layer of the black iron period.

The effect of Danish Silver Dan disappeared, and the power of the heavens and earth that washed her body began to gradually dissipate. Qin did not hesitate to take a Danwu Silver Dan.

The two exercises are combined and used together, and they begin to cultivate again. Every time she was promoted, she was able to practice more copper body quenching.

The tenth layer of the black iron period, the first layer of the bronze period, and the second layer of the bronze period.


Qinqin suddenly fell to the ground and was exhausted. The whole body is like being fished out of the water. The piano pair does not take the silver dan, because she feels that the effectiveness of the vitex in her body has been exhausted. I will not be able to take the silver dan in the future, otherwise it will not only improve, but the body will collapse.

After two quarters of an hour, the piano double sat up from the ground.


The two hands were forced to hold the air, and the air was pinched in the hands. The face of the piano pair showed a happy color. If it was classified according to the warrior's mainland, her body and strength now far exceed the peak of the tenth layer of Wusheng. However, in the Tuyuan mainland, it is only the second layer of the bronze period, with the power of twenty dragons.

Putting both Danfoss and Danish Silver Dan into a bottle, think about it, and put the best silver dan into twenty, leaving fifteen in a bottle. Bronze Dan left a hundred, and the rest were collected and put into his backpack. This stood up and walked toward the gate. Raise the dragon stone, open the door, and see the three people outside, staring at himself.

"come in!"

The piano doubled and then turned and walked inside. Tan Qianli three people hurriedly followed, and Tan Jianming, who was at the end, closed the door of the alchemy room.

Qin double pointed to the jade bottle placed on the ground to introduce them to them, which is Houtian Dan, which is congenital Dan, which is Baiyin Dan.

When Tan Qianli heard Bai Yindan, he reached out and grabbed the bottle of Baidandan. He opened the lid and took out a silver dan. His face was changed and he frowned slightly:

"Master Qin, this is Silver Dan?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"This... Silver Dan is white and silver, you are this medicine..."

Qin double looked at his own refining medicinal herbs. The silver dan, which he refines, is not white and silver, but some crystal clear white. Then laughed:

"This is the new type of silver dan that I have researched. It is much stronger than the old silver dan. You can know it when you try it."

Tan Qianli’s heart was hesitant. If he ate this silver dan, he not only did not break through, but had a problem...

He is a patriarch, and once there is a problem, the whole family will have problems.

Qinqin saw his hesitation and shook his head. "You can try to break through here. I am tired, go back to rest first."

When the words fell, the piano double left with a backpack.

Alchemy indoors.

Tan Jianming took out a silver Dandao: "The patriarch, I will try it first."

"I still come."

When Tan Qianli’s voice did not fall, he saw that Tan Jianming had already taken the medicinal herbs and sat down on the floor. Tan Qianli and the two uncles looked at Tan Jianming nervously.

After the tenth interest, I saw that Tan Jianming’s body was slightly twitched, and Tan Qianli’s heart was amazed. However, he later saw Tiandi Yuanli madly rushing toward Tan Jianming and began to wash Tan Jianming's body. The atmosphere of Tan Jianming continues to climb.


Tan Jianming's breath suddenly has a jump-like improvement, Tan Qianli's eyes are a glimpse, and his face is ecstatic.

"Jianming broke through!"

The second uncle nodded: "It seems that the silver dan, which is mastered by the master of the piano, is not the same. It is the silver dan that Zhangjia and Tujia bought from Daling City. I have not heard of such an effect. The patriarch, you can Take the medicinal herbs, so we have two silver periods in the Tan family, which can be upgraded to a first-class family."

Tan Qianli nodded excitedly, then took out a silver suit.

Qin double returned to his cross-institution, first took a shower, and then let the next person prepare the meal. These days, she relied on eating medicinal herbs to maintain her vitality. Now, in a short time, she is not suitable for eating medicinal herbs, and only by eating to maintain her body's functions.

After the meal, the piano double returned to the bedroom and fell asleep.

When she woke up from her sleep, it was already bright outside and rising three times. Qin double came to the outside to start washing, and the outside singer heard the footsteps of the piano inside, and hurriedly came in, Shi Lidao:

"Master of the piano, the patriarch is waiting for you outside."

"Well, I know!"

When the piano was double-washed, he came to the flower hall outside, and he saw Tan Qianli, Tan Jianming, and the two uncles and seven grandfathers sat there. When they saw the piano, they walked in and stood up and bowed to the piano. :

"I have seen the master of the piano."

"I have seen the patriarch, and the seniors."

After the piano doubles, please ask four people to sit down. With a smile, Tan Qianli and Tan Jianming said:

“Congratulations to the two breakthroughs.”

Tan Qianli and Tan Jianming’s face was full of excitement, stood up again and politely to the piano:

"Thank you for Master Qin."

"No!" The double-handed pendulum swings: "Tan family saves me a life, I always have to repay."

Qin double said nothing wrong. At that time, she fell into the world from the cracks in the space. The body suffered heavy damage and was already fainted. If at this time, it would be no surprise to run into the monster and eat her. Or if it is a sinister generation, killing her and taking the dragon sword away, there is nothing unusual. From this point on, Qin double really owes a life to Tan.

"The Tan chief, now both are in the silver period, can Tan family stand in Xiongcheng?"

Tan Qianli naturally understands the words of Qin Double. That is, if Zhang Jia and Tu Jia know that Qin Double is here, and come to Tan to grab people, can Tan Jia stand up?

Tan Qianli’s face said: “The masters of Qin, Zhangjia and Tujia each have two silver periods. Their old patriarchs are all three layers of silver, and the current patriarch is also the second stage of the silver period. I and Jianming. And they both have their own set of martial arts, and our most advanced martial arts is the top grade. Our Tan family is not an opponent of Zhangjia and Tujia. But, want Protecting the piano master from escaping should be no problem."


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