Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Time magic




In response to Feng Tian, ​​Li Wu and the curtain were chasing the piano pair in an instant. Fortunately, these three great monks wanted to get the secret of Qin double, and did not want to kill her directly. They each extended a big hand and grabbed it to the piano.

The piano is not afraid of fear, but the war is high. She is no longer a Valkyrie, but a Wu Sheng. Don't look at the level between Wusheng and Wushen, but this is definitely a watershed. When the Qinshen is at the peak of Wushen, the fire phoenix body is opened, and the three spiritual powers are combined, and the shock is turned on, which is the same as the peak of the eight layers of Wusheng.


It is just the equivalent. It is not the true peak of the Eighth layer of Wusheng. There are many Taoist laws that belong to the real Wusheng. They cannot be made at all, or they cannot break out of the power of Wusheng.

This kind of power can only be a simple force, pure power, Qin double can completely erupt the peak of the Eighth layer of Wusheng, that is the power to communicate with the Heaven and Earth Avenue, belonging to the Heavenly Power of the Wusheng level.

But it is different now!

Qin double has broken through to Wu Sheng, although it is only the first layer of Wu Sheng, but it has passed the huge gap, releasing the Tiandao power of Wu Sheng level.

At this time, she has not deliberately merged three spiritual powers, because the three spiritual powers have been merged. Although there are only seven layers, her power has directly reached the peak of the Eighth layer of Wusheng. Body, that is the peak of Wusheng Jiucheng, the only regret is that some of the shock can not keep up with her progress, even if the operation is shocking, her strength can only reach the beginning of the Wusheng tenth floor.

However, this is because the piano double will be tempered to cultivate a layer of shock, if you cultivate a layer of shock, it is absolutely not the same.

Qin double took a deep breath and rushed over.


Qinqin is confident again, and he does not think that he can independently fight against Fengtian, and the three demon and the nine layers of the scorpion and the curtain are also the peak of the nine layers of the demon.

The double-fired phoenix body is opened, and the shock is running in the tide of the body. Stars linger in the heart, a little starlight gathered on her body, a full moon fell on the head, forming a star and moon armor.

Stars wear the moon!

At the same time, the flying phoenix dance began, flashing the attack of Feng Tian and Li Wu, and the body shape rushed toward the weakest curtain among the three great monks, and the dragon sword stabbed out toward the curtain.


Wanxing gathers and the sword is like a dragon.

That hundreds of millions of stars have gathered together into a vast sword.

Do not!

That is not a sword!

It is a world of stars, a world, a universe, and a sword-shaped world gathered by hundreds of millions of stars, bombarding the past toward the curtain.

Starlight gather!

There was extreme horror in the eyes of the curtain, burning his own spiritual power in madness, and bursting out his power.


The roar of the ruined land, the purple desert showed a huge gap, the endless desert flew around and flew around, and countless Mozu monks were smashed into powder. When the purple desert calms down, it forms a huge ring. Like a crater, there is a huge dragon in the middle of the crater. The body is boasting blood, and another figure is facing that huge. The faucet flies, but it is the Qin double, the sword in the hand brings together a star.

"you dare!"

Liwu was furious and his body shape quickly approached the piano pair. He met the double star of the piano pair and ran into the past. At the same time, he had a blue long gun in his hand, and the momentum in the body suddenly exploded.

At this moment, the piano double feels that the strength of the other side is soaring, absolutely surpassing the ten layers of the demon, and it is not the ordinary ten layers of the demon, it is the tenth layer of the demon.

The shadow of the sky, like a gun mountain built by countless guns, slammed into the stars.


Gunsan and the starlight collide together, the gun mountain collapses, and the starlight collapses.


In the moment of the collapse of the Gun Mountain, a blue rifle blew out from the collapsed gun mountain.

Not bad!

It is diarrhea!

At that moment, the piano double seemed to feel that everything around it was slowing down, even though his movements and thoughts were slowing down, only the rifle's rifle became very fast, like a meteor.

"This is..." Qin Qin was shocked: "This is... time magic!"

Qinqin frantically burned his own spiritual power, struggling to get rid of the other side's shot, and even made the space magical space to make it out.

It is because there is a step in the air, using space magic to fight against the magic of time, but the time of my sorrow to the piano double too many accidents, after all, the reaction is slow.


The azure rifle penetrated the right chest of the piano pair, and the crazy spiritual power exploded in the body of the piano, frantically destroying the body of the piano. The piano double receded, and the scorpion was chasing after him. The piano double could not get rid of the rifle inserted into his body. From the long gun, the violent spiritual power came from far and wide, continuously destroying the body of the piano.


There was a vast ocean between Qinshuang and Liwu, and a golden bridge appeared above Wang Yang.

Sharp Golden Road Law: Sea Gold Bridge.

When the Jinqiao appeared, it separated the Qinshuang and the Liwu. Qinqin finally got rid of the rifle, took a Vientiane from the backhand, and ate it three times. At this time, the surrounding area has become a vast ocean, and a golden bridge traverses across the ocean. That Jinqiao immediately pulled the raft into the golden bridge.

“What is this area?”

I was shocked. He felt that on the golden bridge, it seemed to be caught in a meat grinder. Numerous visible and invisible gold wires were cut toward him.

However, he is not the dragon patriarch with the secret technique. The long gun is shaking straight, his body is emptied, and the rifle is connected to the front line. The time magical power runs out, the gold wire cut around is immediately slow, and his long gun is like The meteor usually flies away from the piano standing on the bridge.

The piano double arms stretched to the sides, and suddenly it was lifted.


Then I saw the golden ocean below the Golden Bridge, and the waves rose. Countless waves gathered into one golden rifle, which was densely packed and slammed from the direction of the scorpion. Although under the time of Liwu's time, the golden rifle became slow, but there were too many rifles in front of the piano, even if it was still, it was like a gun wall, blocking the scorpion.


Liwu constantly broke the gun wall, but more gun walls appeared in front of Liwu.

Feng Tian looked at the Qin double on the Golden Bridge in shock.

"How could she be so strong? She hasn’t just broken through to Wu Sheng? How can the Terran be so strong?"


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