Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 835: Purple desert



The air rang out of the phoenix's anger, and a chicken claw greeted the dragon's claws. The claws were as sharp as a sword, and they were red as fire.

In the heart of the piano, Feng Tian followed all the way, and he did not find it. At the same time, her heart suddenly jumped suddenly, the eardrum swelled, and the policeman continued.

I saw a big demon looking up at her on the street in the city of the demon gate.


Qin did not hesitate to sacrifice the jade in his hand.


Behind the Qinshuang, Fengtian's claws and the dragon's claws of the curtain collide, and the gates of the entire demon gate city are turned into powder, and the countless demons around are smashed into pieces. The figure of the curtain flew out, and the nose and nose bleed.

However, Feng Tian’s face was not half-sweet, but full of panic. She looked back, and Feng Feng was full of anger and urgency. In her eyes, I saw the dragon patriarch, the scorpion, a dragon claw running through the sky, and the claws that are constantly spurting blood are clawed.


The jade card in the hands of the piano broke a trace.


A phoenix sounded, and I saw Feng Tian's figure suddenly appear in front of the Qin double, surrounded by strong power, a chicken claw swept toward the dragon claws.

At this time, the piano double is a step!

Step on the air!


The dragon claws and the phoenix claws collided together, and the buildings on both sides of the street collapsed. Countless demon smashed, the space was blood red, and the earth was stained with blood.

Liwu’s dragon claws were bombarded and returned, and the figure was one of them. The phoenix figure in the air becomes illusory, and that is an exhaustion of the attack contained in the jade card.

The shape of the piano double appeared in the city of the demon gate, behind the scorpion. Take a step in the air.

Shrink the ground into inches.

The figure has already come to the front of the demon.

Li Wu turned to the piano and chased the past, dragging a dragon shadow behind him.

"Hey, you dare!"

Feng Tian, ​​outside the Demon Gate City, saw that the piano double consumed an attack in the jade card, blocking the attack of Li Wu, and he just breathed a sigh of relief, but he saw that Wu Wu chased it out, and could not help but rush to the Liwu. Chasing.

"Feng Tian, ​​you forgot me!"

A dragon shape shocked toward Fengtian, which was the curtain that was just flying by Fengtian.

Qinqin was in front, followed by Liwu, Fengtian and Curtain, and the four monks were connected. In front of the demon's door, there is no such demon to block the piano double, at this time they are far away from hiding. Every demon's heart knows that the situation is farther away as far as possible. This is the battle between the dragon patriarch and the phoenix patriarch, which is a kind of power that can be emanating and can also kill them. Where will there be a big demon at the door to charge the Lingshi cost of the piano double door?


The shape of the piano double has passed through the door of the demon, and I am in a hurry. In this case, he naturally did not dare to attack. He was afraid to collapse the door of the demon. Once that, he offended all the demon people. Even the dragons could not bear the anger of the whole demon world.


My body shape also passed through the door of the demon, only to see that the back of the piano has become a small black spot, disappeared instantly.

Close to the horizon!

"Awesome space magic!" 敖我脸脸: "But, today you are dead!"

The scorpion was made into a dragon shape, and it sensed the spatial fluctuations and chased it in the direction of the disappearance of the piano. Behind her, Feng Tian's figure passed through the door of the demon, and then it turned out to be the original shape, and the wings swarmed and chased the past.


The figure of the curtain passed through the door of the demon, and the eyes flickered.

"Feng Tian, ​​you will be killed in the mainland of the war today!"

The curtain was turned into a dragon shape, followed by Feng Tian.


The piano double squirted a blood, and she was sneaked into a punch by the curtain. Although it was prepared, the response was timely. But after all, the gap was repaired, not only the left arm was broken, but the internal government was injured, but did not dare to have a little stop, constantly making a fuss to escape.

However, she can feel that Liwu is chasing after him. It is worthy of being a dragon patriarch, and the piano is not far from the distance, and every time he steps out of the world, his knowledge and spiritual power are crazy. Consumption.

Qin double took out a Vientiane fruit, ate it in three mouths, and took out the three-grained Chiron Dan and the Weak Water Dan, and continued to take the world.

She chose to flee in the direction of the sea, she could not go to Fengming City, and the ruthless and curtains under the anger would destroy Fengming City.

She is even less able to go to the Luofuzong and the Yueyue Empire, which will bring disaster to the Luofuzong and the Yuexi Empire.

She only fled in the direction of the sea, hoping to have the opportunity to get rid of the ignorance of the scorpion, and change the identity of the piano pair, then you can use Confucianism and vocal skills to fight with me. She can perceive that there are Fengtian and curtains behind Liwu. Once she changed back to the status of Qin double, there is no chance that she will kill one of the scorpions and the curtain.


The space is like a ripple, the shape of the piano double jumps from the space, the salty sea breeze blows in, the piano double has rushed into the sea, and rushed toward the depths of the sea. Behind her is Li Wu, Feng Tian and the curtain pulled out a line, as if the sky was split and crossed the sky.


The figure of Qinshuang crossed over the big island. This big island piano double passed by, not far from the mainland of the warrior, and once lived on the big island. This big island is closer to the magic path than the demon door, so it has already been occupied by the demon, killing all the people.


Just as the body of the piano doubled across the center of the big island, a purple light burst from the big island, just to cover the piano.

Only in the moment when the purple light shrouded the double body of the piano, the piano double felt that his gods could not spread out, and was forbidden to know the sea, and the body began to fall down like a stone.

Qin Qin was shocked and looked down.

In the center of the big island, the ground began to crack and there was a crack, and the purple light was sprayed out of the crack. And the crack is constantly expanding, and a huge purple silkworm cocoon floats out of the crack and floats in the air above the crack.


The huge purple silkworm cocoon trembled constantly, and every time it trembled, the purple light spread around. Where the purple light passed, the thick and tall trees were turned into powder, the island was made of gravel, the rocks on the island were made of gravel, and the mud on the island was made of gravel.

Everything turned into gravel.

Purple gravel.

It is like a purple desert.

Only those demons did not turn into purple deserts, but one by one was in a state of extreme fluster.


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