Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 816: Big island


The already injured face is lost, and the figure is rolling toward the back.


The tail of Yan Yan suddenly spurted out the blood, but in an instant, the figure of Yan Yan disappeared into the eyes of Qin Double.

"The big blood method*!"

The piano was shocked by the heart, and the gods rushed out wildly to capture the figure of Yan Yan, and they saw that the figure of Yan Yan disappeared instantly in the knowledge of Qin Double.


Qin Qin double standing in the air, spit out a long breath, the air under the feet, the eyes flashed.


There is a sigh in the eyes of the piano. The strength of Yan Yan is definitely stronger than that of Feng Guang. It is just that the cultivation of the realm has exceeded the Feng Guang and reached the peak of the eight layers of the demon. Qin double even has a feeling that if he does not comprehend the fire lotus, he is not an opponent of Yan Yan.

"The dragon is really strong!"

Qin doubled his head and looked down. He saw that the island he had broken through had been smashed by the battles of the two of them and disappeared.

The figure flew toward an island that was captured by his own god. It was a small island, and the piano fell on a reef, swallowed the drug and began to adjust the interest rate. Although it was a short time to fight with Yan Yan, it was huge. In particular, that type of fire empties the void, consuming 80% of her spiritual power.

After two hours, Qin double stood up from the reef, and her cultivation has returned to its peak. Looking carefully at the traces of the wood in the sea, the trace of the original wood gas still has no reaction.

“Don't I guess wrong? Isn't that Yan Yan looking for the source of wood?”

Qin double thought for a moment, then put the source of the woods on the side, decided to return to the mainland.

A void!

Close to the horizon!


Qin double has taken three steps in a row, and his body shape is already thousands of miles away. The figure was suddenly stunned, and the consciousness looked at the original source of the sea.

I saw that the trace of the wood gas swayed in the sea and swayed in one direction.

"The source of wood gas!"

The piano instantly thinks of the original wood gas, and only the appearance of the original wood gas, can make this silk source of wood gas to react.

Qin double immediately swept away in the direction of the source of wood gas. She did not dare to use the world, fearing that this step would go out, but lost the direction of the original wood. Just keep on shrinking the inch.

The spirit of Qin double is consumed quickly, but what excites her is that the direction of the wood that is in the sea is becoming more and more firm.

The piano double made all the effort, and the ground was taken continuously.


The shape of the piano double was in the air and looked into the distance. In the distance is a coastline, a very large island, or a miniature continent. And knowing the hint of the wood in the sea is pointing there.

Qinqin did not immediately fly to the big island, but sat on the top of the cloud, swallowed the drug and began to resume the adjustment.

After an hour, Qin double stood up from the cloud and flew toward the big island. She didn't use the shrinkage to make it into the inch, but she didn't use it to the end of the world. She just flew to the big island at a normal speed.

Even at ordinary speeds, after a quarter of an hour, Qin double came to the sky above the Big Island. The knowledge spreads out. Wherever the gods know, he did not find the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu, but found a lot of monsters.

"This is a big island that has not been reclaimed!"

The piano double heart is slightly relieved, and once again, it is determined that the direction of the slanting wood gas in the sea is flying. When she flew over the big island, she found that the trace of the wood in the sea was in the opposite direction, and the big island was tilted.

"On the big island!"

Qin Qin double heart, this shows that the Dragons did not get the original group of wood, otherwise it was already swallowed and refining by the dragon ancestors in the Dragon Palace.

The piano double turned and stepped, and her figure disappeared in the air.

next moment!

Her figure has already appeared in the sky above the center of the Big Island, and her body shape has been preserved. The knowledge has spread over and over, and the past has been carefully scanned from one side of the Big Island to the other.

The double scan of the piano was very careful, and it took half a hour. The piano double-handedly scanned the big island carefully and did not find the original wood gas, but it felt the strong wood on the big island.

Qin double closed his eyes and began to carefully recall the big island he had scanned. After about a quarter of an hour, the shape of the piano double disappeared over the big island.

next moment.

Her figure appeared on a ground on the Big Island, with a large pit in front of her feet, with a thick green wood inside. The double precision of the piano does not perceive the original wood gas, but the amber of the wood here is unusually rich.

Qin double closed his eyes and carefully recalled the process of scanning the big island before. In this memory, only the place was the most intense.

"Should it be here?"

In the consciousness, I watched the hint of the wood in the sea, pointing to it.

Qin double explored the gods in this pothole, his face changed, and quickly shook back the gods who came in. She found that the Aoki gas here could be able to enlighten her knowledge.

The double look of the piano hesitated, and eventually he gnawed his teeth and jumped into the pothole. This source of wood can repair her town demon tower, no matter what, she can not give up.

As soon as he entered the pothole, the piano double felt an inexplicable thing, began to penetrate into her body, and began to enlighten her knowledge, power and body. In the heart of the piano is a glimpse, if this goes on, she will become a piece of wood.

The piano double released the defensive shield and found that the inexplicable thing could still penetrate into her shield and penetrate into her body. The heart of the piano double jumped.

This is not the spirit of Aoki, but a rule of Aoki. It is this law that can completely ignore her defense, penetrate into her body, and transform her.


Qin double found that his defensive shield is not without any effect, or can hinder the speed of a little bit of nirvana. She released the defensive shield layer by layer. Of course, when she released the seventy-two defensive shields, she found that she finally resisted the invasion of the green wood rule. However, she still needs to release the defensive shield constantly, because the defensive shield against the outside is constantly being nichoatized and broken by the law of green wood.

This pothole does not know how deep it is. The double side of the piano falls to the bottom and looks down. It fell for about three quarters of an hour, and her eyes were shocked.

She stabilized her body in the air, and at this time, she had already exited the pothole. Underneath her is a huge underground world, boundless.


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