Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 706: breakthrough



The medicinal herbs with Danfoss are ten times stronger than the medicinal herbs without Danfu. And the Dan medicine with Dan Yun is ten times stronger than the Dan medicine with Danwu.

This is not the reason why she is very excited. The real reason is that she feels that even if she does not use half-fair herbs, she can use ordinary herbs to refine the herbs with Danfom.

Qin Double took out a herbal refining of Sanzhi Chilong Dan from the storage ring and began to refine it. After three quarters of an hour, open the furnace and take Dan. This time she just took a small portion of the herbs, but refining six three-grained red dragons. But on the six medicinal herbs, there is a layer of tan.

"Sure enough, my alchemy realm has improved, and I can refine the medicinal herbs that have the Danwu, but I can't refine the medicinal herbs that have Danyun."

Putting these medicinal herbs together, Qinqin perceives his own meditation and sighs slightly. The phoenix fire law has not yet reached the critical point of breakthrough, but the sharp gold and Xuan Shui law roads have reached the critical point.

"Let's break through."

Qin Double once again left the town demon tower, sitting cross-legged in the desert, set up a gathering of spirits with Lingshi, swallowing the Danwu-level medicinal herbs, and holding the town demon tower with both hands to extract the rich aura. The breakthrough is not laborious, and it only breaks through the Ruijin and Xuan Shui laws. It only took a long time to complete the breakthrough.

The Ruijin method was broken through the twelfth floor of Yuan Ying, and the martial arts repair broke through the seventh floor of the Valkyrie.

The Xuan Shui method was completed on the twelfth floor of Yuan Ying, and the martial arts repair broke through the ninth floor of the Valkyrie.

The Fenghuo Law is still the fifth layer of the Shenshen period, and the martial arts repair is still the ninth floor of the Valkyrie.

The power of the soul is still the middle of the tenth layer of Wusheng. The body repair is not a little bit of improvement, it is still the third peak of Wusheng. However, Haoran’s liquid in Haoran’s heart has five buckets.

After the layout of the Fengyan Grand Array, there are still eight days, Qin Double once again entered the town demon tower. This time I entered the town demon tower, she wanted to cultivate in all aspects and made another breakthrough in all aspects of her. She must improve her cultivation as soon as possible to cope with the upcoming war.

Ten days have passed since the outside world, and the town has been in the tower for nearly three decades. Qin Shuang finally reached the critical point of breakthrough by repairing one of his own bodies. From the inside of the town demon tower, I saw Feng Yan sitting on the side of the knee.

"Qin double!"

"When I break through, let me talk."

When the piano double swings, it begins to use the Lingshi to set up a gathering of the spirits, then swallows the medicinal herbs with the Danwu, and holds the rich spiritual power in the town demon tower to begin the breakthrough of the Ruijin method.

Know the sea.

The Yuan Ying Bai Hu was quietly squatting there. It also knew that when it was finally transformed, what it lacks now is only the heavenly pattern on the tiger's tail. As long as these heavenly patterns are complemented, it reaches the thirteenth floor of Yuan Ying. The next step is to turn the gods. The last step before this change is crucial.

One heavenly pattern is thought out by the double view of the piano. Each heavenly pattern exudes sharp power, as if there is a tiger in every heavenly pattern, which exudes the power of forced people.

A heavenly pattern is branded on the tiger's tail. The white tiger shakes his tail in excitement, and then he is motionless, with expectations and eagerness in his eyes. He looks at the sky and another heavenly pattern gradually emerges...


When the last sharp gold heavenly pattern fell on the tiger's tail, the whole tiger body moved, and all the heavenly patterns on the white tiger seemed to be alive, flowing, and emitting a sharp light. The white tiger jumped up and rolled in the sea of ​​knowledge.


The aura between heaven and earth converges toward the piano. In the innocent desert, a huge vortex is formed. Overwhelming, below the vortex, the huge funnel hangs down to the piano, and the aura comes into the body of the piano.

The crescent moon empire.

About ten miles from the innocent desert, dozens of warriors are flying in the clouds.

Suddenly, they stopped their bodies and looked out over the innocent desert. They saw the Lingyun Sihe, forming a huge spiral of clouds.

"This is... the emperor broke through?"

"definitely is!"

"Fast, let's go quickly and understand some heavens."

These people are the enemies of the Qiuyue Empire and the Emperor Wu, the migration of the Jiuyue Empire is divided into several parts. The first part is that these people, after packing up their own things, flew directly to the innocent desert. The second part is that more than a thousand Wuwang rushed from the land with a team. This team has more than 50 million people, and the worst is the stage of qi induction. These people are escorting huge resources from the land to the innocent desert.

There are many resources and the variety is very mixed. There are a variety of resources for cultivation, as well as a large amount of food and seeds. Be aware that the innocent desert is nothing now. They are going to build a holy place there, far from being as simple as imagined. It takes a lot of manpower and material resources.

Shen Qiu and others spent ten days in the innocent desert, while the second part of the people, although they were military, had to **** resources, but it took more than a month to reach the innocent desert.


Shen Qiu and others fell outside the innocent desert, and Shen Qiu took everyone directly into the innocent desert. The yellow sand of the face was long, and these dozens of people instantly found themselves appearing in the long sand and lost their companions. In the midst of fear, I saw the surrounding scenes swaying and found myself and others together.

In the middle of the desert, Feng Yan looked at them and took a look at them. They took back the hand that was handcuffed. On the other side, Shen Qiu took the Wushen and the Emperor Wu to fly in the direction of Lingyun Xuanwu.

"Blood Moon Wushen, just that is the power of the Wanli Huangsha big array?" Yu Yue Wu Shen hooked Chen Xin with a lingering question.

The corner of the blood-stained mouth slightly curved: "That is only the worst power, and the power of the Wanli Yellow Sands has not really started yet!"


The remaining two martial arts and the 28th Emperor of the Soviet Union took a breath of air, and then gaze brightly as Shen Qiu flew in the direction of the piano double breakthrough.

The innocent desert is vast and has not waited until they fly to the front of the piano. The cloud in the sky dissipates. This indicates that the piano has been broken and the people are disappointed.

At this time, Qinshuang has completed the breakthrough of the Ruijin Law, and supplemented the Polylings with Lingshi. Then began to let go of the atmosphere of Ruijin Budo. As soon as the atmosphere is released, the aura between heaven and earth will swarm again. The eyes of Shen Qiu and others are bright. They think of the breakthrough of the piano double in the square before. The piano pair is not a single attribute cultivation. These people are overjoyed and once again flew away in the direction of the piano pair.


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