Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 699: Topaz



I don't know how long it has been...


A cold breeze appeared again, and the shape of the piano pair suddenly swayed and flew against the wind.


The shape of the piano double rushed into a valley, stopped his footsteps and locked his brow tightly.

The valley is very small, only less than five miles long and two miles wide. At this time, there is a whirlwind in the small valley. The whirlwind keeps hovering, and a cold wind oozes out from the whirlwind. Out of the valley. At this time, the piano double stood in the mouth of the valley, and the cold wind blew the cloak of the piano and hunted.

"what is this?"

The piano double stared at the whirlwind in the valley, and the whirlwind disappeared. After a while, there was a whirlwind, and the piano looked at the ground in the valley. The gaze was a movement. She saw many herbs growing on the ground.

Very precious herbs!

And it grows very vigorously, and each herb has reached the highest grade.

Do not!

Has surpassed the best!

The piano doubled the lotus step and walked three steps forward. He squatted down and reached out and gently licked an herb. I sniffed deeply, and the face was shocked.

"This... there is actually a half-class!"

Others may not see the grades of these herbs, but the piano pair has the inheritance of the gods and the **** piano, and the ability to defend is not something the world can understand.

"How could this be?"

The piano double looked up and looked around, and the hair could not help but stand up.

She discovered at this time that the rock walls around the valley were not as smooth and smooth as the cliffs that have been seen before, or they were covered with moss or filled with vines. The surrounding rock walls do not have a bit of moss, nor a vine, golden, like topaz.

Moreover, these rock walls are like a scroll, showing the shape of a person sitting cross-legged, and the surrounding rock wall is composed of a topaz-like figure sitting cross-legged.

At this point, the whirlwind disappeared again. Qin Shuang’s gaze looked toward the place where the cyclone in the middle of the valley appeared. There are precious herbs growing on the ground in the valley, but only in the central part, about two meters long and half a meter wide, there is no herb growing.


The central land suddenly broke a hole, and a whirlwind was ejected from the mouth, and the whirlwind circling.


The piano double heart violently jumped, and she felt that there was a hint of earth in the wind. The gas of the earth is the essence of the earth, and it can breed all things.

Qin double looked at the herbs on the ground, and his heart was a flash of light.

No wonder the herbs in this valley will be so strong, it will reach the level of half a fairy, it is the reason of the earth's gas. Is the gas of the earth swallowed out of that mouth?

"Well? That shape is like a human figure!"

The eyes of Qin double fell on the two-meter-long, half-meter-wide place, where there were no herbs, showing the soil of the topaz, the shape is like a human.

"That mouth..."

Qin Shuang Huo stood up and looked at the mouth with shock. The mouth had a shape like a nose above it, and then it was an eye, but the eyes were closed.

"That... is it a person?"

Qinqin Mumu stood there, watching the mouth keep closing and opening. When it is closed, the whirlwind disappears, and when it opens, it vomits a whirlwind.

"It turned out to be its breathing, spurting out the earth!"

Qin double looked shocked at everything in front of him. There is no doubt that this is a great place for seed medicine. And this wonderful place is because the shape of the human form is constantly being formed by the gas of the earth.


The piano double looked up and looked at the humanoid topaz sitting on the four walls of the valley. Those topaz human figures did not breathe the earth's qi, which made the Qinshuang's heart inexplicably loose, spreading the power of the soul out, shrouded the walls, and the heart was a jump. Under the cover of the power of the soul, she can feel that the topaz human form is absorbing the gas of the earth.

"What is this?"

The piano doubled his teeth and walked toward the man in the center.

Qin double is very cautious, for fear of alarming the human figure, has been to the person figure.


The figure of the person opened his mouth and spewed a whirlwind. The whirlwind slid over the shape of the double pair of pianos. The piano and the feet sank, which made him feel awkward and stabilized. The whirlwind blew the clothes of the piano pair for hunting. ring.

After about a quarter of an hour, the human figure closed his mouth. The whirlwind disappeared.


Qin double spit out a sigh of relief...

Qin’s heart suddenly hung up and almost immediately fled. But she was still patient, and she was trained to ascend to the peak, combining three kinds of spiritual powers, staring at the human face.


The human-shaped nose twitched twice, and then the mouth opened again, but this time there was no whirlpool, but a dull voice.

"The smell of the human race!"

Then, the pair of eyes that had been closed were opened and looked at the piano pair.


The figure was sitting up, and the whole body was like a topaz.

"Human, who are you?"

Qin double watched the Huangyu people, whispered: "Qin double."

"Qin double?" The Huangyu man thought about it, then shook his head and said: "I have never heard of it."


The Huangyu people stood up, and the two-meter-high body brought pressure to the piano pair, and the look of Qin double became fierce.

"Since I haven't heard of it, then you will die."

When the words fell, the Huangyu people slammed into the Qinshuang, and they had already prepared the piano double fist to meet the fist of the Huangyu people.


The figure of the piano pair flew out and was directly hit by the Huangyu people in the mouth of the valley. Then I saw that the Topaz man squatted down, then leaped and slammed, and stepped on the piano that fell to the ground. The piano double hurriedly rolled over and escaped the feet of the topaz.


The ground was stepped out of a large pit by the Topaz.


Qin double flew up from the ground, licking the right arm of the hair, looking at the top of the Huangyu people. The Huangyu people just punched, completely the power of the body, they already have the strength of the seventh layer of Wusheng.


The top of the topaz suddenly slammed, and the earth sank again, and its figure suddenly rushed up to the piano in the air. The shape of the piano double crossed the shadow of a flying phoenix in the air. The Huangyu man smashed her afterimage and then fell to the ground.

"It won't fly!"

In the heart of the piano, the body shape flew high in the air.


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